With Iran shooting down one of our drones in international air space what would be an acceptable response to some on the board?
Anyone still under the delusion that Iran was not behind the attacks on the ships?
Barry gave them the missile that got our grievously expensive drone over international waters.It was a drone. Any response should not risk any lives. I'd say it would be fair to confiscate $123 million from the $400 million we owe them as restitution, but Barry gave them all of their money back plus "interest." Interestingly, the money Barry gave them through the Iran deal was used to develop the new Khordad air defense system that was used to shoot the drone down.
Barry gave them the missile that got our grievously expensive drone over international waters.
Isn't that special.
Hard to believe that asshats legacy lives on, and on, and on.it’s that magic wand
File a complaint with the UN Security council and request additional international sanctions to be placed on Iran. At a minimum, you'll get some clarity on who our real allies actually are. I'd also charge the U.N. for the cost of that drone as it was a fellow member state that destroyed it in declared international waters. We pay $27B (IIRC) per year to the UN, might as well get something for that money, even if its a Chihuahua attack dog at best.
They don't want the UN anywhere near thisFile a complaint with the UN Security council and request additional international sanctions to be placed on Iran. At a minimum, you'll get some clarity on who our real allies actually are. I'd also charge the U.N. for the cost of that drone as it was a fellow member state that destroyed it in declared international waters. We pay $27B (IIRC) per year to the UN, might as well get something for that money, even if its a Chihuahua attack dog at best.
Trump has really upped the sanctions and one theory is that Iran is reacting this way because of the sanctions, that they are working so well that many of Iran’s civilian population want those in power out. Iran’s population is really suffering from the sanctions already in place.
Theory is that those in power now only have 2 choices: Negotiate, or go to war to win and protect their power. Right now they do not want to negotiate.
They don't want the UN anywhere near this
Anyone still under the delusion that Iran was not behind the attacks on the ships?
The US. Because the UN will probably want to thoroughly investigate the situation.Who doesn't want the UN involved and why?
With Iran shooting down one of our drones in international air space what would be an acceptable response to some on the board?
Yes, I've lived through one Republican presidential administration transparently lying to get a war started, and legions of simpletons and cowards going along with it in the face of contrary evidence. I would like to see proof of causus belli before killing people.
Let me guess: You're ready to start killing people.
A short war? How short are you talking?
At least consider the following:
1. We’re still fighting goat-herders in Afghanistan 18 years later
2. We’re still in Iraq 16 years later, that was supposed to be short
3. Iran is four times the size of Iraq, has completely different terrain, has double the population, and they’re Persians (not Arabs — totally different ballgame)
4. Our own border is being invaded and overrun
5. We’re flying and distributing military-age foreign men throughout the US, and letting them lose in US cities. They don’t even have ID.
The US. Because the UN will probably want to thoroughly investigate the situation.
You spelled "the GCC" wrongIran is behind much of the turmoil in the Middle East.
I'd much rather we take by our $27 billion and build 4 walls, that start a war with Iran.Should be a short investigation. Both sides claim Iran shot the drone down. Its just a matter as to where the drone was when the shooting occurred. And if we don't want the UN involved, we should take back our $27 Billion and build 4 walls.
I'd much rather we take by our $27 billion and build 4 walls, that start a war with Iran.
You remember when a Republican president claimed that genocide was occurring in Libya as a pretext to beginning the use of military force in Libya to overthrow the government? I know you love your fully obstructed partisan views, but it isn't just Republicans that get us into shit shows.Yes, I've lived through one Republican presidential administration transparently lying to get a war started, and legions of simpletons and cowards going along with it in the face of contrary evidence. I would like to see proof of causus belli before killing people.
Let me guess: You're ready to start killing people.
You remember when a Republican president claimed that genocide was occurring in Libya as a pretext to beginning the use of military force in Libya to overthrow the government? I know you love your fully obstructed partisan views, but it isn't just Republicans that get us into shit shows.
That wasn't a Republican president?LOL trying hard, aren't you?
The UN is going to find out where that drone was and what happened to that tanker and it won't be what the people trying to start a war with Iran want.Completely agree. That's why we need to be using the UN for this stuff. Otherwise, we might as well pull out of the UN and spend those Billions elsewhere.
The UN is going to find out where that drone was and what happened to that tanker and it won't be what the people trying to start a war with Iran want.
Not the exact same level, because the last administration didn't have a Pompeo or Bolton. I was skeptical of the Syria and Libya shit though.Question: If this same event occurred under the prior administration, would you view the reports with the same level of skepticism as you are representing here?
With Iran shooting down one of our drones in international air space what would be an acceptable response to some on the board?
Trump needs to continue to do what he was doing yesterday, reel in the necons and hotheads in his administration who are trying to box him a corner on Iran. I would even consider firing them immediately, but of course, I wouldn't have allowed them in the administration to begin with.
We don't need any military response. We need to move towards stronger diplomatic relations with Iran, try to salvage the JCPA (before it is too late, which it is about to be), and stop the saber-rattling.
I know this isn't going to be popular with the "Trump does no wrong crowd" on here, but Trump only has himself to blame for the mess he is slowly getting himself (and our country) into with Iran. In his haste to be "different" from Obama on Iran, he has listened to the wrong people. I think he is now uncomfortable with what is occurring, but he also doesn't want to look "soft." The neocons have him playing their game right now.
OK Neville.
Yes, appeasing the Iranian regime with sanctions relief so they can fund advanced centrifuge R&D and production and purchase loads of military hardware sounds like a great plan. Obama sent idiots to negotiate with the czar of Iran's nuclear program and signed a shitty deal that gave Iran everything and the US nothing just so he could say he got a deal done. Don't take my word for it. Ben Rhodes spilled the beans.Trump needs to continue to do what he was doing yesterday, reel in the necons and hotheads in his administration who are trying to box him into a corner on Iran. I would even consider firing them immediately, but of course, I wouldn't have allowed them in the administration to begin with.
We don't need any military response. We need to move towards stronger diplomatic relations with Iran, try to salvage the JCPA (before it is too late, which it is about to be), and stop the saber-rattling.
I know this isn't going to be popular with the "Trump does no wrong crowd" on here, but Trump only has himself to blame for the mess he is slowly getting himself (and our country) into with Iran. In his haste to be "different" from Obama on Iran, he has listened to the wrong people. I think he is now uncomfortable with what is occurring, but he also doesn't want to look "soft." The neocons have him playing their game right now.
Not the exact same level, because the last administration didn't have a Pompeo or Bolton. I was skeptical of the Syria and Libya shit though.