I dont think I have ever compared Pakistan to US there is no comparison.Yes we have several or lots of problems including slavery,it is not like the slavery you had
150 yrs ago,but it is there and we are working on it,lots of ngo's are on it and govt has brought laws against it. But in a poor country where corruption is rampant
it is difficult to enforce all the laws but there has been some improvement specially in the brick making industry.
I dont know how the gun control laws would come out while keeping purity of the 2nd
amendments that is upto your law makers.
I come on this board because it supports my favorite football team and I am talking to people who are sons or grand sons of the people I went to school with.
When I see similarities between your politicians and ours it scares me because there
are only two countries where I had an extended stay yours and Pakistan.
If you go to shopping areas you come across people with ak47 all the time they are supposedly body guards to people who think they are important.We have had only one mass shooting in a school where 125 young kids died it was by talibans.
As far as amendment to the constitution is concerned for secession besides the house and senate each state has to ratify it. I personally feel secession would not
be an amendment that would be ratified by majority of states while some other amendments may have an easier course.