How President Trump could totally-sweep (i.e., 100%) the Electoral College.

Guys This is just a message board America being the strongest country all of us have opinions about democracy. If constitution is the word of god why are there amendments.What I said before there were amendments and there would be more.
Founding fathers were slave owners and almost hun dred years later slavery was abolished and there were more amendments.
States tried to secede and they were not allowed to do so.the civil war which the south lost.
There would be further amendments to amendments that you find so important now.
It may not happen in our life time but they would.
I am discussing this hopefully graduates of OSU so i feel that civility should be maintained in this discussion,if you lose your cool you have lost
If constitution is the word of god why are there amendments.
Again, the founders were smart enough to know there has to be a mechanism to edit the document. The amendment process, if followed, is also the 'consent of the governed' as it takes a wide swath of the states agree.

Founding fathers were slave owners and almost hun dred years later slavery was abolished and there were more amendments.
Your point has nothing to do with how brilliant of a document the constitution is.

States tried to secede and they were not allowed to do so.the civil war which the south lost.
Yep. And the fact that the states who wanted to keep the union intact won a war forcing the states who wanted to leave has no bearing on if that same sentiment would hold true today. In fact I'd argue that the civil war and how many people died in it would be a deterrent to any actual military style conflict against any states wanting to leave today.

There would be further amendments to amendments that you find so important now. It may not happen in our life time but they would.
Almost assuredly. So? Just because the constitution is amended doesn't invalidate the built in wisdom of the document.
Guys This is just a message board America being the strongest country all of us have opinions about democracy. If constitution is the word of god why are there amendments.What I said before there were amendments and there would be more.
Founding fathers were slave owners and almost hun dred years later slavery was abolished and there were more amendments.
States tried to secede and they were not allowed to do so.the civil war which the south lost.
There would be further amendments to amendments that you find so important now.
It may not happen in our life time but they would.
I am discussing this hopefully graduates of OSU so i feel that civility should be maintained in this discussion,if you lose your cool you have lost

Amendments to the US Constitution are intentionally not easy to come by.
The two areas of constitution where pressure to change would be second amendment and electrol college.
I dont think guns ownership would ever be abolished but stricter laws regarding who the gun is sold to would definitely come.
This displays a complete cultural and historical ignorance.
Well lets see. More over the US constitution has no basis for a state to secede. I believe there was a case on secession in scotus which was lost. So no brexit
This displays a complete cultural and historical ignorance.
I am aware of the social and historical reasons. But more people both democrat and republicans support stricter gun laws at present whether the politicians act on this is another case.
Guys This is just a message board America being the strongest country all of us have opinions about democracy. If constitution is the word of god why are there amendments.What I said before there were amendments and there would be more.
Founding fathers were slave owners and almost hun dred years later slavery was abolished and there were more amendments.
States tried to secede and they were not allowed to do so.the civil war which the south lost.
There would be further amendments to amendments that you find so important now.
It may not happen in our life time but they would.
I am discussing this hopefully graduates of OSU so i feel that civility should be maintained in this discussion,if you lose your cool you have lost

Pakistan still has slavery.

Well lets see. More over the US constitution has no basis for a state to secede. I believe there was a case on secession in scotus which was lost. So no brexit
Texas v. White did say that a state has no ability to unilaterally secede from the union as there is no process. That doesn't stop one from being crafted and then used to allow a state or states to leave with the general consent of the other states.

And again, as you pointed out, the constitution can be amended to include a process. Or, as many think, Texas v. White was a poor test case for secession and that opinion would be overturned today if a state were to declare itself no longer a member of the union.

Here is a good article on the merits of the decision.
I dont think I have ever compared Pakistan to US there is no comparison.Yes we have several or lots of problems including slavery,it is not like the slavery you had
150 yrs ago,but it is there and we are working on it,lots of ngo's are on it and govt has brought laws against it. But in a poor country where corruption is rampant
it is difficult to enforce all the laws but there has been some improvement specially in the brick making industry.
I dont know how the gun control laws would come out while keeping purity of the 2nd
amendments that is upto your law makers.
I come on this board because it supports my favorite football team and I am talking to people who are sons or grand sons of the people I went to school with.
When I see similarities between your politicians and ours it scares me because there
are only two countries where I had an extended stay yours and Pakistan.
If you go to shopping areas you come across people with ak47 all the time they are supposedly body guards to people who think they are important.We have had only one mass shooting in a school where 125 young kids died it was by talibans.
As far as amendment to the constitution is concerned for secession besides the house and senate each state has to ratify it. I personally feel secession would not
be an amendment that would be ratified by majority of states while some other amendments may have an easier course.
I dont think I have ever compared Pakistan to US there is no comparison.Yes we have several or lots of problems including slavery,it is not like the slavery you had
150 yrs ago,but it is there and we are working on it,lots of ngo's are on it and govt has brought laws against it. But in a poor country where corruption is rampant
it is difficult to enforce all the laws but there has been some improvement specially in the brick making industry.
I dont know how the gun control laws would come out while keeping purity of the 2nd
amendments that is upto your law makers.
I come on this board because it supports my favorite football team and I am talking to people who are sons or grand sons of the people I went to school with.
When I see similarities between your politicians and ours it scares me because there
are only two countries where I had an extended stay yours and Pakistan.
If you go to shopping areas you come across people with ak47 all the time they are supposedly body guards to people who think they are important.We have had only one mass shooting in a school where 125 young kids died it was by talibans.
As far as amendment to the constitution is concerned for secession besides the house and senate each state has to ratify it. I personally feel secession would not
be an amendment that would be ratified by majority of states while some other amendments may have an easier course.
Please explain this system of slavery that exists in Pakistan today. How does it differ from the system that existed in this country over 150 years ago?
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Please explain this system of slavery that exists in Pakistan today. How does it differ from the system that existed in this country over 150 years ago?
IT is very different. It has to do with money,big landlords or brick making kilns make these illiterate people sign or put there thumbs on it saying that they owe this exorbitant
amount and they cannot leave until they have paid it.The local authorities take the side of these rich people and the illiterate are stuck there sometimes for couple of generation.
They say there is some type of slavery in every country even in US(generally of
forced sex workers).
In poor countries it is more common.There are no people sold in the market place. IT is just a different kind,but it still is slavery,
The two areas of constitution where pressure to change would be second amendment and electrol college.
I dont think guns ownership would ever be abolished but stricter laws regarding who the gun is sold to would definitely come.
Just stop. You don't know shit. You are one stupid mother ****er
Ignorance/greed/corruption: That's the reason India is thriving while Paki still has slavery and has to resort to lobbing missiles next door and/or harboring fugitives like OBL to pay the bills
India has more slaves in numbers than in Pakistan just because their population is so large their percentage maybe lower.
Yes India is ahead of Pakistan in almost every area but few and I wouldn't go into detail.
Slavery in Pakistan(or so called slavery) does not exist in cities but in very rural surroundings.

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