How President Trump could totally-sweep (i.e., 100%) the Electoral College.


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015
If this has been discussed previously, let me know. I don't want to start a redundant thread.

You all know about this... Blue states have a scheme - to give all of their EC votes to the winner of the popular vote. About a dozen states have already approved of this con-game; states that total about 170 EC votes, but until more states buy in (adding up to >=270 votes) the scam doesn't go into effect.

For the sake of this scenario, I'm assuming the fraudulent plan is successful in recruiting enough states, totaling at least 270 potential EC votes.

Election night 2020, Trump takes enough votes in these blue states to get the popular vote. The treasonous plan then backfires into the faces of the radicals, and Trump does a clean sweep.

Not far-fetched. Am I not seeing something correctly?

1. The very fact that this plan doesn't go into effect until enough blue states buy in proves the radicals are scared to death of Trump winning again.

2. This whole thing may be ruled unconstitutional before election night.
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If this has been discussed previously, let me know. I don't want to start a redundant thread.

You all know about this... Blue states have a scheme - to give all of their EC votes to the winner of the popular vote. About a dozen states have already approved of this con-game; states that total about 170 EC votes, but until more states buy in (adding up to >=270 votes) the scam doesn't go into effect.

For the sake of this scenario, I'm assuming the fraudulent plan is successful in recruiting enough states, totaling at least 270 potential EC votes.

Election night 2020, Trump takes enough votes in these blue states to get the popular vote. The treasonous plan then backfires into the faces of the radicals, and Trump does a clean sweep.

Not far-fetched. Am I not seeing something correctly?

1. The very fact that this plan doesn't go into effect until enough blue states buy in proves the radicals are scared to death of Trump winning again.
Us doesn't have any electoral college system in their congress or senate
elections and are totally based on popular vote. I feel that should be the case for presidential elections also.There have only been three presidents who have lost popular vote and won because of electoral college in its history and two of them have been recent cases Bush vs Gore(which was decided by supreme court) and Trump vs Hillary. The third one was in the 19th century.
US elections should be based on popular vote. You dont have an electoral college system for your house and senate elections they are totally based on popular vote.
There have been only three instances in the US president election history where a
candidate lost the popular vote and won because of electoral college. Two instances have been recent Bush vs Gore ( where the supreme court decided) and Trump vs Hillary the third case was in the 19th century.
US elections should be based on popular vote. You dont have an electoral college system for your house and senate elections they are totally based on popular vote.
There have been only three instances in the US president election history where a
candidate lost the popular vote and won because of electoral college. Two instances have been recent Bush vs Gore ( where the supreme court decided) and Trump vs Hillary the third case was in the 19th century.

The Constitution of the United States > anybody's opinion.

Good news though... you still have time to lobby for a further amendment.
US elections should be based on popular vote. You dont have an electoral college system for your house and senate elections they are totally based on popular vote.
There have been only three instances in the US president election history where a
candidate lost the popular vote and won because of electoral college. Two instances have been recent Bush vs Gore ( where the supreme court decided) and Trump vs Hillary the third case was in the 19th century.

You are incredibly ignorant of US history and why the electoral system was devised. It is brilliant.
Why are some people defend certain points of the constitution so strongly considering there have been 27 amendments to the constitution. US constitution is not the word of god it has been and will be amended again.
I want to see this board when a republican wins the popular vote and loses the election.
By the way it has been 5 instances when willing the popular vote did not win the presidency off 56 elections that is only 8.9%
If this has been discussed previously, let me know. I don't want to start a redundant thread.

You all know about this... Blue states have a scheme - to give all of their EC votes to the winner of the popular vote. About a dozen states have already approved of this con-game; states that total about 170 EC votes, but until more states buy in (adding up to >=270 votes) the scam doesn't go into effect.

For the sake of this scenario, I'm assuming the fraudulent plan is successful in recruiting enough states, totaling at least 270 potential EC votes.

Election night 2020, Trump takes enough votes in these blue states to get the popular vote. The treasonous plan then backfires into the faces of the radicals, and Trump does a clean sweep.

Not far-fetched. Am I not seeing something correctly?

1. The very fact that this plan doesn't go into effect until enough blue states buy in proves the radicals are scared to death of Trump winning again.

2. This whole thing may be ruled unconstitutional before election night.
No doubt in my mind that at least some of those states would renege on the agreement in the event Trump wins the popular vote.
US elections should be based on popular vote. You dont have an electoral college system for your house and senate elections they are totally based on popular vote.
There have been only three instances in the US president election history where a
candidate lost the popular vote and won because of electoral college. Two instances have been recent Bush vs Gore ( where the supreme court decided) and Trump vs Hillary the third case was in the 19th century.

It’s obvious people who live in metro areas are mentally ill from the pollution and have ptsd from the constant crime and depravity. The real Americans in the middle of the country who live in harmony with people of all races should be the ones making the presidential decisions.
I would be ok with a popular vote under the following conditions:

1. US citizen for at least 5 years.
2. Proof of filing a US tax return for the last 5 years and no taxes owed. IRS could issue a certificate every single year, after you have filed and paid.
3. You have not been on or received any type of public assistance (state or fed), excluding social security, Medicare, military and government pensions, etc....for the last 5 years.
4. Anyone under intense psychiatric care and psychotropic drugs would not be eligible.

This would require some proper vetting as to who can vote and make sure those not eligible to vote today, would not make it thru the system.

If you are a dead beat and not paying taxes, or living at home at 40 with mom, you did not get to vote for others to give you more free shit. If you pay taxes and work, you should have a say in how tax dollars are spent.
I would be ok with a popular vote under the following conditions:

1. US citizen for at least 5 years.
2. Proof of filing a US tax return for the last 5 years and no taxes owed. IRS could issue a certificate every single year, after you have filed and paid.
3. You have not been on or received any type of public assistance (state or fed), excluding social security, Medicare, military and government pensions, etc....for the last 5 years.
4. Anyone under intense psychiatric care and psychotropic drugs would not be eligible.

This would require some proper vetting as to who can vote and make sure those not eligible to vote today, would not make it thru the system.

If you are a dead beat and not paying taxes, or living at home at 40 with mom, you did not get to vote for others to give you more free shit. If you pay taxes and work, you should have a say in how tax dollars are spent.
You left out being alive as a condition to vote.
Why are some people defend certain points of the constitution so strongly considering there have been 27 amendments to the constitution. US constitution is not the word of god it has been and will be amended again.
I want to see this board when a republican wins the popular vote and loses the election.
By the way it has been 5 instances when willing the popular vote did not win the presidency off 56 elections that is only 8.9%
Did you notice Pakistan is building a wall to keep Iranians and terrorists from ignoring their border?
I would be ok with a popular vote under the following conditions:

1. US citizen for at least 5 years.
2. Proof of filing a US tax return for the last 5 years and no taxes owed. IRS could issue a certificate every single year, after you have filed and paid.
3. You have not been on or received any type of public assistance (state or fed), excluding social security, Medicare, military and government pensions, etc....for the last 5 years.
4. Anyone under intense psychiatric care and psychotropic drugs would not be eligible.

This would require some proper vetting as to who can vote and make sure those not eligible to vote today, would not make it thru the system.

If you are a dead beat and not paying taxes, or living at home at 40 with mom, you did not get to vote for others to give you more free shit. If you pay taxes and work, you should have a say in how tax dollars are spent.
You didn't ask number two to the president sitting in the office right now.
Why should they be US citizen for atleast five years. Before you get your citizenship you are already there for five years as a green card holder.
Why are some people defend certain points of the constitution so strongly considering there have been 27 amendments to the constitution. US constitution is not the word of god it has been and will be amended again.
I want to see this board when a republican wins the popular vote and loses the election.
By the way it has been 5 instances when willing the popular vote did not win the presidency off 56 elections that is only 8.9%

Looking at a map of the counties won by Trump it looks to me like the electoral college system works exactly like it should.
US elections should be based on popular vote.

Totally disagree. In America we don't have any federal elections. We have state and local elections. This is exactly how it works in a republic of states.

If you dissolve the EC, then you in effect dissolve the republic. That's not going to happen. And IF (huge IF) it ever does - then you'll see states start secession movements to leave.
Why are some people defend certain points of the constitution so strongly considering there have been 27 amendments to the constitution. US constitution is not the word of god it has been and will be amended again.
I want to see this board when a republican wins the popular vote and loses the election.
By the way it has been 5 instances when willing the popular vote did not win the presidency off 56 elections that is only 8.9%
You are 100% wrong on this. If a republican wins the popular vote but loses in the EC with out some strange shenanigans like faithless electors then not a single one of us is going to decry the validity of the election or the outcome.
That’s what people have forgotten. States are supposed to be unique places to live. They should interact with each other as little countries. As the federal government has become bloated and arrogantly determined to try and dictate how people live it is eroding the charm of the system. Red and blue don’t like each other, but there is a push from libs to get everyone in line with their brand of crazy. Be a sanctuary state. Abort kids up to 15 years old. Have your state sponsored drug dens. Red states should increase penalties for each and let all the blue haired nose pierced riff raff fill your streets. That’s how it should work.

Trump shouldn’t have to beg states to protect them. Fvck them, do your own thing.
Totally disagree. In America we don't have any federal elections. We have state and local elections. This is exactly how it works in a republic of states.

If you dissolve the EC, then you in effect dissolve the republic. That's not going to happen. And IF (huge IF) it ever does - then you'll see states start secession movements to leave.
You really think any state would secede you know better how patriotic Americans are.
What are you trying to say here?
I personally dont think any state would secede because your identity is defined as Americans in the world not by your state.
Even Scotland did not secede from UK though they consider themselves different from
I personally dont think any state would secede because your identity is defined as Americans in the world not by your state.
Even Scotland did not secede from UK though they consider themselves different from

Why on earth would any American make a decision about secession and base it on what 2nd-180th place thinks?
I personally dont think any state would secede because your identity is defined as Americans in the world not by your state.
Even Scotland did not secede from UK though they consider themselves different from
You are incorrect in that assumption. The American identity isn't rooted in a country but in an idea. That idea is around freedom, individual rights, and the ability to self determine.

If our country stops protecting or providing those, then it is very 'American' to chose to leave. Those are the same reasons we revolted from England. Those same ideas would result in states leaving the union and forming their own new union.

There's nothing more American than that.
Sorry I dont understand your post.

You said our “identity in the world”. We are the best country in the world. Everyone else is ranked behind us(2nd place through 180th place)

Who cares what our identity in the world is or what others think?

I don’t think any of this is happening of course, but the opinions of other countries would play a very small part in the decision making process.
Why are some people defend certain points of the constitution so strongly considering there have been 27 amendments to the constitution. US constitution is not the word of god it has been and will be amended again.
I want to see this board when a republican wins the popular vote and loses the election.
By the way it has been 5 instances when willing the popular vote did not win the presidency off 56 elections that is only 8.9%

The Constitution basically is the next thing to the word of God in my book. It’s 100% why this country is the greatest in human history. You don’t mess with what works because you didn’t like the results of an Election in this country. That may be normal in someplace like Pakistan, I don’t know or care.

While I’m not a Republican - I’m a Contirutionalist - I would never be stupid enough to complain about winning a popular vote but losing the EC, because I’m not a moron. I understand the scoring system And I know that if the popular vote were the campaign strategy, the popular vote would’ve looked different for Trump. He dominated the EC vote because that’s what you do to win. Period.

Stay in your lane.
I personally dont think any state would secede because your identity is defined as Americans in the world not by your state.
Even Scotland did not secede from UK though they consider themselves different from
You want to know what America is?

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

Insert grievances here:

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies STATES, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies STATES are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States Nation, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown USA, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain United States, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

You wanted to know what America is? That's what America is. If our government fails us - we'll stand up a new one.
The Constitution basically is the next thing to the word of God in my book. It’s 100% why this country is the greatest in human history. You don’t mess with what works because you didn’t like the results of an Election in this country. That may be normal in someplace like Pakistan, I don’t know or care.

While I’m not a Republican - I’m a Contirutionalist - I would never be stupid enough to complain about winning a popular vote but losing the EC, because I’m not a moron. I understand the scoring system And I know that if the popular vote were the campaign strategy, the popular vote would’ve looked different for Trump. He dominated the EC vote because that’s what you do to win. Period.

Stay in your lane.
US elections should be based on popular vote. You dont have an electoral college system for your house and senate elections they are totally based on popular vote.
There have been only three instances in the US president election history where a
candidate lost the popular vote and won because of electoral college. Two instances have been recent Bush vs Gore ( where the supreme court decided) and Trump vs Hillary the third case was in the 19th century.
Wrong again, you stupid piece of trash. Why do you always lie when you try to present your side? Get the **** of out here!
I personally dont think any state would secede because your identity is defined as Americans in the world not by your state.
Even Scotland did not secede from UK though they consider themselves different from
Didn't your Pakistan have their own issues with secession and carving up the homeland?

And, I am first and foremost a Texan who happens to be an American.
Guys This is just a message board America being the strongest country all of us have opinions about democracy. If constitution is the word of god why are there amendments.What I said before there were amendments and there would be more.
Founding fathers were slave owners and almost hun dred years later slavery was abolished and there were more amendments.
States tried to secede and they were not allowed to do so.the civil war which the south lost.
There would be further amendments to amendments that you find so important now.
It may not happen in our life time but they would.
I am discussing this hopefully graduates of OSU so i feel that civility should be maintained in this discussion,if you lose your cool you have lost

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