How many illegals are registered to vote?



“The idea that non-citizens are voting in US elections in large numbers is a lie. Several studies have shown that the number of non-citizens who successfully vote is extremely small. For example, a 2017 analysis by the Brennan Center for Justice of 42 jurisdictions in the US found that non-citizens were 0.0001% of the votes cast.”

Get some new cuckspiracy theories, AC. You look like a damn fool regurgitating this stupidity.

carry on

“The idea that non-citizens are voting in US elections in large numbers is a lie. Several studies have shown that the number of non-citizens who successfully vote is extremely small. For example, a 2017 analysis by the Brennan Center for Justice of 42 jurisdictions in the US found that non-citizens were 0.0001% of the votes cast.”

Get some new cuckspiracy theories, AC. You look like a damn fool regurgitating this stupidity.

carry on
He has to go looking for new conspiracy theories, all of his last ones came true.

“The idea that non-citizens are voting in US elections in large numbers is a lie. Several studies have shown that the number of non-citizens who successfully vote is extremely small. For example, a 2017 analysis by the Brennan Center for Justice of 42 jurisdictions in the US found that non-citizens were 0.0001% of the votes cast.”

Get some new cuckspiracy theories, AC. You look like a damn fool regurgitating this stupidity.

carry on
Extremely small? Hmmmmmm
In case you haven't noticed many elections are determined by very small amounts. I would also point out for every illegal that does vote they are canceling the vote of an American citizen, which according to Democrats is voter suppression. There is absolutely no reason illegal aliens should be allowed to place one vote, much less a small number.
Extremely small? Hmmmmmm
In case you haven't noticed many elections are determined by very small amounts. I would also point out for every illegal that does vote they are canceling the vote of an American citizen, which according to Democrats is voter suppression. There is absolutely no reason illegal aliens should be allowed to place one vote, much less a small number.

“But when a federal judge reviewed the evidence of fraud Kobach relied on, she didn’t find much. Only 39 non-citizens successfully registered to vote in the state between 1999 and 2013, when the law went into effect. “The Court is unable to find empirical evidence that a substantial number of noncitizens successfully registered to vote under the attestation regime,” US District Judge Julie Robinson, a George W Bush appointee, wrote in a 2018 ruling striking down the law. “While there is evidence of a small number of noncitizen registrations in Kansas, it is largely explained by administrative error, confusion, or mistake.”

She also rejected an argument from Kobach that the limited numbers were just the tip of the iceberg. “There is no iceberg; only an icicle, largely created by confusion and administrative error,” she wrote in the ruling.”

carry on
“But when a federal judge reviewed the evidence of fraud Kobach relied on, she didn’t find much. Only 39 non-citizens successfully registered to vote in the state between 1999 and 2013, when the law went into effect. “The Court is unable to find empirical evidence that a substantial number of noncitizens successfully registered to vote under the attestation regime,” US District Judge Julie Robinson, a George W Bush appointee, wrote in a 2018 ruling striking down the law. “While there is evidence of a small number of noncitizen registrations in Kansas, it is largely explained by administrative error, confusion, or mistake.”

She also rejected an argument from Kobach that the limited numbers were just the tip of the iceberg. “There is no iceberg; only an icicle, largely created by confusion and administrative error,” she wrote in the ruling.”

carry on
Between 1999 and 2013? We all know you are the boards village idiot but even you know what year it is.
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“But when a federal judge reviewed the evidence of fraud Kobach relied on, she didn’t find much. Only 39 non-citizens successfully registered to vote in the state between 1999 and 2013, when the law went into effect. “The Court is unable to find empirical evidence that a substantial number of noncitizens successfully registered to vote under the attestation regime,” US District Judge Julie Robinson, a George W Bush appointee, wrote in a 2018 ruling striking down the law. “While there is evidence of a small number of noncitizen registrations in Kansas, it is largely explained by administrative error, confusion, or mistake.”

She also rejected an argument from Kobach that the limited numbers were just the tip of the iceberg. “There is no iceberg; only an icicle, largely created by confusion and administrative error,” she wrote in the ruling.”

carry on
This is such a liberal idea. We don't want to allow voter ID laws because we already made it illegal to vote as an illegal. The law to make it illegal is the barrier, but it's not enforceable because they don't know who the illegals are. It's right up there with gun law playbooks. I'll ban 15 round magazines because the law will protect me from the criminals who are breaking the law in the first place. Insanity anyone? :rolleyes:

The fact is NY is trying to make it so illegals can vote in local elections. Once they are on the voter registration, how could anyone tell if they were illegal or legal? The answer is they couldn't.

With elections being decided by just a few votes, a few illegals can tip the balance in ways you don't want. No one is being disenfranchised to vote. In fact, you could say less people will be disenfranchised than the number of illegals voting. Sounds like a win doesn't it. Unless you are liberal idiot. :rolleyes:

Now he will come back at me like AOC melting down with MTG.
He has to go looking for new conspiracy theories, all of his last ones came true.

How many dead people voted for Biden? Double votes? ooooooh those were cuckspiracy theories. My bad lol…

carry on
How many dead people voted for Biden? Double votes? ooooooh those were cuckspiracy theories. My bad lol…

carry on

You must not be reading all of the articles from msn.

carry on
If illegals are not voting in elections and laws forbid illegals voting in elections what's the problem with requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote? I had to prove my citizenship 3 months ago to renew my drivers license. Requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote when we have tens of millions of illegals only makes sense if you truly want secure elections. There is no reason to oppose the requirement unless you do not want secure elections.
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If illegals are not voting in elections and laws forbid illegals voting in elections what's the problem with requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote? I had to prove my citizenship 3 months ago to renew my drivers license. Requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote when we have tens of millions of illegals only makes sense if you truly want secure elections. There is no reason to oppose the requirement unless you do not want secure elections.

In 2011, Kansas lawmakers approved the Secure and Fair Elections (Safe) Act, which required all new voters to provide proof of citizenship, like a passport or birth certificate, when they register to vote. If they didn’t provide adequate proof, their registration was held in suspense until they did and rejected if they didn’t within 90 days.
The law went into effect on 1 January 2013. By March 2016, more than 30,000 people, more than 12% of new voters, had their voter registration either held in suspense or cancelled. Younger voters, aged 18-29, and unaffiliated voters were also more likely to be affected.

Kris Kobach, a close ally of Trump who was then Kansas’s top election official, was a staunch defender of the law and personally defended it in court. The measure was justified, he said, because Kansas needed to prevent voter fraud.

“But when a federal judge reviewed the evidence of fraud Kobach relied on, she didn’t find much. Only 39 non-citizens successfully registered to vote in the state between 1999 and 2013, when the law went into effect. “The Court is unable to find empirical evidence that a substantial number of noncitizens successfully registered to vote under the attestation regime,” US District Judge Julie Robinson, a George W Bush appointee, wrote in a 2018 ruling striking down the law. “While there is evidence of a small number of noncitizen registrations in Kansas, it is largely explained by administrative error, confusion, or mistake.”

She also rejected an argument from Kobach that the limited numbers were just the tip of the iceberg. “There is no iceberg; only an icicle, largely created by confusion and administrative error,” she wrote in the ruling.”

carry on
In 2011, Kansas lawmakers approved the Secure and Fair Elections (Safe) Act, which required all new voters to provide proof of citizenship, like a passport or birth certificate, when they register to vote. If they didn’t provide adequate proof, their registration was held in suspense until they did and rejected if they didn’t within 90 days.
The law went into effect on 1 January 2013. By March 2016, more than 30,000 people, more than 12% of new voters, had their voter registration either held in suspense or cancelled. Younger voters, aged 18-29, and unaffiliated voters were also more likely to be affected.

Kris Kobach, a close ally of Trump who was then Kansas’s top election official, was a staunch defender of the law and personally defended it in court. The measure was justified, he said, because Kansas needed to prevent voter fraud.

Again what's the problem with requiring proof of citizenship or photo ID to vote? I had to do it just to get a DL.
If only I could tell bullsh!t family anecdotes about how covid home remedies work, I’d be as smart as you…..

carry on
Home remedies? My daughter's doctor prescribed it as a last resort before she was hospitalized you idiot.
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In 2011, Kansas lawmakers approved the Secure and Fair Elections (Safe) Act, which required all new voters to provide proof of citizenship, like a passport or birth certificate, when they register to vote. If they didn’t provide adequate proof, their registration was held in suspense until they did and rejected if they didn’t within 90 days.
The law went into effect on 1 January 2013. By March 2016, more than 30,000 people, more than 12% of new voters, had their voter registration either held in suspense or cancelled. Younger voters, aged 18-29, and unaffiliated voters were also more likely to be affected.

Kris Kobach, a close ally of Trump who was then Kansas’s top election official, was a staunch defender of the law and personally defended it in court. The measure was justified, he said, because Kansas needed to prevent voter fraud.

So you agree with us. We thought you where bitching as usual.
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So you agree with us. We thought you where bitching as usual.
“But when a federal judge reviewed the evidence of fraud Kobach relied on, she didn’t find much. Only 39 non-citizens successfully registered to vote in the state between 1999 and 2013, when the law went into effect. “The Court is unable to find empirical evidence that a substantial number of noncitizens successfully registered to vote under the attestation regime,” US District Judge Julie Robinson, a George W Bush appointee, wrote in a 2018 ruling striking down the law. “While there is evidence of a small number of noncitizen registrations in Kansas, it is largely explained by administrative error, confusion, or mistake.”

She also rejected an argument from Kobach that the limited numbers were just the tip of the iceberg. “There is no iceberg; only an icicle, largely created by confusion and administrative error,” she wrote in the ruling.”

No…I don’t agree with you. I think you’re fvcking idiots hopelessly tied to the narrative that TrUmP WoN. You make the 2016 Hillary whining look like tiddlywinks…..and didn’t Trump whine then too because he lost the popular vote? Why yes…yes he did…enough so to create a worthless VotEr InTegriTy ComMiSsiOn that proved….

wait for it!!



…nothing, yet again.

Unfvck your heads from your asses.

carry on
Again what's the problem with requiring proof of citizenship or photo ID to vote? I had to do it just to get a DL.

Home remedies? My daughter's doctor prescribed it as a last resort before she was hospitalized you idiot.

Sure, Jan.

Everyone knows your anecdotal evidence is chock full of bullsh!t.

carry on
“But when a federal judge reviewed the evidence of fraud Kobach relied on, she didn’t find much. Only 39 non-citizens successfully registered to vote in the state between 1999 and 2013, when the law went into effect. “The Court is unable to find empirical evidence that a substantial number of noncitizens successfully registered to vote under the attestation regime,” US District Judge Julie Robinson, a George W Bush appointee, wrote in a 2018 ruling striking down the law. “While there is evidence of a small number of noncitizen registrations in Kansas, it is largely explained by administrative error, confusion, or mistake.”

She also rejected an argument from Kobach that the limited numbers were just the tip of the iceberg. “There is no iceberg; only an icicle, largely created by confusion and administrative error,” she wrote in the ruling.”

No…I don’t agree with you. I think you’re fvcking idiots hopelessly tied to the narrative that TrUmP WoN. You make the 2016 Hillary whining look like tiddlywinks…..and didn’t Trump whine then too because he lost the popular vote? Why yes…yes he did…enough so to create a worthless VotEr InTegriTy ComMiSsiOn that proved….

wait for it!!



…nothing, yet again.

Unfvck your heads from your asses.

carry on
There is that AOC I predicted.
Why do you morons play this Libtard game? They have you "answer" irrelevant questions that move the discussion to their agenda topics.
Why do you morons play this Libtard game? They have you "answer" irrelevant questions that move the discussion to their agenda topics.

Blame the OP for the agenda topic. A topic in which you fools have never stopped digging yourselves into holes lol

carry on
You mean like what you just did. That's his game. You playing libtard games?
Actually, the OP started the cucktard game, and I’m just playing the #winning moves. Once you cucks stop buying into the TrUmP WoN narrative bullsh!t, it’ll be a liBtArD game again…..

But you won’t…alt right media cuckspiracy theories have permarotted your feeble, impressionable minds.

carry on
Blame the OP for the agenda topic. A topic in which you fools have never stopped digging yourselves into holes lol

carry on
Hey Clinton, I worked any election here in Arizona after watching the 2020 "anomalies". For me I wanted to take the anecdotal knowledge into the hands-on realm.

The Polling location was riddled with security violations. The polling staff was all retired or working Democrat "Civil Servants" that just giggled when ever I filled out an "Issue Report". While I was working on my own time, all the "Civil Servants" were being paid by their regular jobs as well as the $14/hour. When ever I filled out an issue form, they quickly giggled, then huddled together, started sending text messages or making phone calls, then tore up the issue form more often than not claiming it was "not really an issue".
As the polling location "Marshall" in charge of physical security I filled out issue forms on some very very basic issues at the Islamic Center we were setup in- insecure polling location (couldn't lock the doors), insecure ballot paper storage (the Holy Grail for fraud), and the security cameras directly over the voting booths (violation of Right to Privacy).

You can "high horse" your arguments, but in my experience the Democrats "own the machinery" for elections and do what they want with it. They fart and giggle - just as you have done - when someone brings up the improprieties claiming "oh they're good people".
Actually, the OP started the cucktard game, and I’m just playing the #winning moves. Once you cucks stop buying into the TrUmP WoN narrative bullsh!t, it’ll be a liBtArD game again…..

But you won’t…alt right media cuckspiracy theories have permarotted your feeble, impressionable minds.

carry on
I know you don't understand, but you've been on the wrong side of every conspiracy theory that's been on the board since at least 2016. A decade of being wrong all the time. Does that start to effect your mental stability? From what you post you seem to confirm that.

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