How do they choose........

There is no choice; it's open borders! Gonna get real ugly.
The gov't doesn't even know where they sent all the illegal children. 5 million is just a number. They will grant amnesty to as many as show up whether it's 10 or 10 million.
Hear an ex-federal prosecutor say the other night that he wouldn't be surprised if the end game with the idiot president was for him to pardon all the lawbreaking scum on his way out the door. That would be an interesting end to his reign.
Originally posted by windriverrange:
Hear an ex-federal prosecutor say the other night that he wouldn't be surprised if the end game with the idiot president was for him to pardon all the lawbreaking scum on his way out the door. That would be an interesting end to his reign.

The only flaw in your logic is "on his way out the door". I'm not a conspiracy wing-nut, but it's plausible he has no intention of abdicating his throne. He has two years left, and there's no limit to the damage he can/will do.

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