Honestly regarding GW


2nd Team
Nov 13, 2013
Look at this train wreck and it get's worse every day. GW was Washington compared to Barry. At least swift boat is there to save the day.
Your comparison is wrong; GW isn't a player in the "jack-off-idiot" contest. The contenders are Jimmah and Bumble-dick. One of them is Mt. Rushmore material and the other is screwing the country - you decide.
Originally posted by gulfshorespoke:
Look at this train wreck and it get's worse every day. GW was Washington compared to Barry. At least swift boat is there to save the day.
lol, give me a break. Obama is worthless but he's still better than GW.

I'd give GW a F- and Obama a F+.
Originally posted by gulfshorespoke:

Originally posted by syskatine:
What's so awful right now?
You will find out shortly. Worst ever!
Lol, must be pretty bad! Deficit spending down, unemployment down, stock market up, out of one of Dumya's wars and almost out of the second.... I sure hope this spiral doesn't continue!


Let's get some more recession and war like the good ol' days under a conservative! I pray to God Fox doesn't tell you guys to jump off a cliff.
Originally posted by syskatine:
What's so awful right now?
What's so awful right now? I'll tell you what's so awful right now. Barrack Hussein Obama is less popular than George W. freakin Bush! That is absolutely the most awful thing I can think of if you're an Obama lover like yourself. Man that must drive you absolutely nuts. Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!! Too funny.
Didn't it take Odumbo something like two years to exit Iraq? Couldn't Odumbo have ordered an immediate end to hostilities?

Aren't we in Afghanistan fighting the war we should have been fighting all along?

Have we been at peace the entire time Odumbo has been in office?
And now Obama won't even return the Turkish Prime Minister's calls. All this after going to the Middle East several years ago to sing "we are the world".

10 years from now the liberals will begin calling this president half white instead of black.

I got no time for you
BIG not even in the same league, I was no fan of Bush, but he is light years ahead of dipstick in class (as is his wife versus Sasquatch), and prestige. The child messiah is so disconnected from world events its sad...he cares about campaigning, giving speeches in front of children and doing late night shows. He will go down as the worst president in modern times, won't be close. Objectivity doesn't seem to be some people's strong point in the Bush vs Barry debate.
Originally posted by windriverrange:
BIG not even in the same league, I was no fan of Bush, but he is light years ahead of dipstick in class (as is his wife versus Sasquatch), and prestige. The child messiah is so disconnected from world events its sad...he cares about campaigning, giving speeches in front of children and doing late night shows. He will go down as the worst president in modern times, won't be close. Objectivity doesn't seem to be some people's strong point in the Bush vs Barry debate.
This. I was not a big GW fan either but respected him. I have zero respect for Barry and the wookie. History won't treat Barry kindly.
GWB was a country bumpkin whereas BHO is a snake-oil salesman. While neither are ideal for running a country, I know which one I can respect.

Originally posted by windriverrange:
BIG not even in the same league, I was no fan of Bush, but he is light years ahead of dipstick in class (as is his wife versus Sasquatch), and prestige. The child messiah is so disconnected from world events its sad...he cares about campaigning, giving speeches in front of children and doing late night shows. He will go down as the worst president in modern times, won't be close. Objectivity doesn't seem to be some people's strong point in the Bush vs Barry debate.

What is this here "objectivity" you speak of? I thought it left political discourse when Elvis left the Mayo Hotel.*

* Saw the pic today -
No wonder Democrats have won the WH in two successive landslides.

George W Bush knew 36 days in advance we were about to be attacked by al quaida but did nothing to prevent it. When it happened--and he knew who did it--he sat in a classroom and stared into space..


George W Bush gave up on killing bin laden, admitting he didn't know where the guy was and didn't really care..


Obama promised to kill bin laden--even if it meant an attack on foreign soil--and did it. Arguably the most heroic military decision by a Commander-in-Chief since Hiroshima...


George W Bush lied us into a war, lost 4000 American lives in the process and untold numbers of innocent civilians.


George W Bush led the economy into recession.


If Al Gore had been president when the 9/11 attacks occurred he would have been impeached.

No Democrat would have ever been elected POTUS again in our lifetimes and rightfully so.

Obama has proven that Democrats know how to run a government, the economy and keep us safe from terror.


Now a WOMAN will be elected Commander in Chief in just over two years.

About time.

HRC governs as Obama.2

HRC 2016

This post was edited on 7/25 5:02 PM by CowboyUp
Originally posted by CowboyUp:
No wonder Democrats have won the WH in two successive landslides.

George W Bush knew 36 days in advance we were about to be attacked by al quaida but did nothing to prevent it. When it happened--and he knew who did it--he sat in a classroom and stared into space..


George W Bush gave up on killing bin laden, admitting he didn't know where the guy was and didn't really care..


Obama promised to kill bin laden--even if it meant an attack on foreign soil--and did it. Arguably the most heroic military decision by a Commander-in-Chief since Hiroshima...


George W Bush lied us into a war, lost 4000 American lives in the process and untold numbers of innocent civilians.


George W Bush led the economy into recession.


If Al Gore had been president when the 9/11 attacks occurred he would have been impeached.

No Democrat would have ever been elected POTUS again in our lifetimes and rightfully so.

Obama has proven that Democrats know how to run a government, the economy and keep us safe from terror.


Now a WOMAN will be elected Commander in Chief in just over two years.

About time.

HRC governs as Obama.2

HRC 2016

This post was edited on 7/25 5:02 PM by CowboyUp
Obama considered worst POTUS in the last 60 years...Check

93 million working age Americans not working, worse since Jimmy Carter...Check

National debt has increased 7 trillion to over 17 trillion under Obama...check

Obama lied about Obamacare numerous times to the public...Check

Veterans Hospital ignoring Vets and letting them die under Obama....Check

Benghazi attack which was warned about and 4 dead Americans; Obama continues lying & hiding facts...Check

IRS scandal under Obama,Obama continues lying and hiding facts.....Check

Open borders allowing thousands of illegals in, Obama does nothing....Check

Foreign crises in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, Israel, Obama does nothing except campaign....Check

New Gallup poll gives Obama 39% approval, 54% disapproval....Check

Large majority of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, borders, obamacare and foreign policy...Check

This post was edited on 7/25 6:24 PM by pokemagain
"Now a WOMAN will be elected Commander in Chief in just over two years.

About time. "

A wonderful reason to select a candidate. Genitals.

VAGINA 2016.
Originally posted by wyomingosualum:

"Now a WOMAN will be elected Commander in Chief in just over two years.

About time. "

A wonderful reason to select a candidate. Genitals.

VAGINA 2016.
If she would just admit to being a lesbian, we could feel even better about ourselves as a society by electing her.
Lol, give it up Cup. There is no effective rebuttal against impotent rage. Nothing hurts worse than getting their ass whipped by a guy that doesn't strut around in cowboy boots and talk tough. He just wins, baby.

I can't wait to see what half witted, conservative pussy they send up this time.

Hey Mega --- has Obama confiscated your guns yet? I haven't heard you squealing about that in a while.
Originally posted by syskatine:
Lol, give it up Cup. There is no effective rebuttal against impotent rage. Nothing hurts worse than getting their ass whipped by a guy that doesn't strut around in cowboy boots and talk tough. He just wins, baby.

I can't wait to see what half witted, conservative pussy they send up this time.

Hey Mega --- has Obama confiscated your guns yet? I haven't heard you squealing about that in a while.
Down to 39 this past week! That is so embarrassing I don't know where to begin. Less popular than the cowboy boot wearing dumbya. Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Too funny. Nothing hurts worse than that huh sys? 39? Are you freakin kidding me? 39!!!!
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by syskatine:
Lol, give it up Cup. There is no effective rebuttal against impotent rage. Nothing hurts worse than getting their ass whipped by a guy that doesn't strut around in cowboy boots and talk tough. He just wins, baby.

I can't wait to see what half witted, conservative pussy they send up this time.

Hey Mega --- has Obama confiscated your guns yet? I haven't heard you squealing about that in a while.
Down to 39 this past week! That is so embarrassing I don't know where to begin. Less popular than the cowboy boot wearing dumbya. Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Too funny. Nothing hurts worse than that huh sys? 39? Are you freakin kidding me? 39!!!!
The only reason it's 39 is he has a strangle hold on the welfare cheats, Sec 8 denizens and Jerry Springer's audience and guests.
You act as though the president has bumped up to three pound weights during his "workouts".
Strutting around in cowboy boots:



Is strutting around in a cowboy hat better?


What if you're strutting around in these cowboy boots?
Originally posted by gulfshorespoke:
Look at this train wreck and it get's worse every day. GW was Washington compared to Barry. At least swift boat is there to save the day.
Washington?? Hardly. He was AWOL as a guardsman and AWOL as a president.
Originally posted by windriverrange:
Is that you Dan Rather?
No. Not Danny. Just giving my opinion.

By the way. Where was he those 9 months that he was missing? No one seems to know.
Originally posted by ricflair4LIFE:

Originally posted by windriverrange:
Is that you Dan Rather?
No. Not Danny. Just giving my opinion.

By the way. Where was he those 9 months that he was missing? No one seems to know.
He was supervising getting his Yale cheerleading outfit dry cleaned. Daddy would've been FURIOUS if that sweater got shrunk.

Cup, why do you think HRC would be the first female president? You've seen Dubya's biography. I've always wondered if Laura wasn't just his beard. He never really chased women much, from what I can tell. We all know which demographic tries to overcompensate by being extra manly.