

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Apr 21, 2006
Man I miss college. So so so much but I don't want to be all uncle Rico.

There are way less hot chicks than there used to be it seems. Weird.

And apparently everyone wears women's jeans these days. Saw several gorgeous pairs of jeans on men. Weird.

Walking around campus with kids made we realize that this event is always the same crowd. Anonymous osu fans of all ages. It seems I am the only one that changes. Weird.

Im headed to the bar tonight if anyone else still keeps it real. Look for me. I will be the one without giant white frills and rhinestones on my ass.

Go pokes! Beat whoever we are playing tomorrow!!
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HSH, I will say that when the camera's scan the student section at the football and basketball games, it stands out like a sore thumb to me - but the coeds all seem to about 20-30 lb's on the avg, larger than the coeds from back in the early 80's.

(Not that I've got room to talk really, but it's really obvious that the students of today are much larger, especially around the middle than what they were back in the day. At least I've now got the excuse of being middle age, but I sure wasn't anywhere near that size back in my college days.)

So yes, I would say that the number of hot chicks is down % wise from what we were used to seeing.
My wife even mentioned the same thing. "Aren't these sorority girls pretty hefty? It wasn't like that when we were in school. (10 years ago)"

Driving into town I told my wife as we were going by the hospital looking towards campus that doesn't feel like the exact same people live in these houses as when we left and we are the only ones that left/changed.

Walkaround was fun. I haven't been in a few years. I don't remember the houses jogging through campus chanting last time we went. Maybe they have mandatory PT?