His dementia is aaaaalmost full sail.


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018
Over the last week The Chosen One, the Second Coming of God, the King of Israel, The Great Promisor himself, has initiated a spiral. I halfway thought he's been distracting from some upcoming bombshell, but nothing has really happened to substantiate this. This is not a drill, Gentlemen. Now he's making impromptu directives via twitter and dropping the Dow >500.

He is knocking on George III status.


4D Chess?
Over the last week The Chosen One, the Second Coming of God, the King of Israel, The Great Promisor himself, has initiated a spiral. I halfway thought he's been distracting from some upcoming bombshell, but nothing has really happened to substantiate this. This is not a drill, Gentlemen. Now he's making impromptu directives via twitter and dropping the Dow >500.

He is knocking on George III status.


4D Chess?
It’s disturbing the diffusion of responsibility that is fully on display. Bananas.
The DOW will recover next week.

Here's a hint for you: anytime you see him tweet about tariffs or threatening moving companies out of a country or news about the "inverted yield", immediately go in big on TVIX. I saw the headlines and immediately saw the NASDAQ dropping. Logged into ETRADE and bought a crap-load of TVIX. Bought more about 20 minutes later. It shot up 26% and I made a bunch of money today.

NEVER, EVER hold TVIX overnight. Too volatile to do that. I sold it all at about 3:55.
The DOW will recover next week.

Here's a hint for you: anytime you see him tweet about tariffs or threatening moving companies out of a company or news about the "inverted yield", immediately go in big on TVIX. I saw the headlines and immediately saw the NASDAQ dropping. Logged into TVIX and bought a crap-load of TVIX. Bought more about 20 minutes later. It shot up 26% and I made a bunch of money today.

That's the most republican re$pon$e ever. The President moves markets by talking shit and referencing himself in theological terms for the past week but it make$ me money so all good.
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That's the most republican re$pon$e ever. The President moves markets by talking shit and referencing himself in theological terms for the past week but it make$ me money so all good.

Look at what the market has done since he took office.

A down day like today is a great buying opportunity. Of course learning how to make money in the markets takes time and effort and I can see how that would be disturbing to some.
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The DOW will recover next week.

Here's a hint for you: anytime you see him tweet about tariffs or threatening moving companies out of a country or news about the "inverted yield", immediately go in big on TVIX. I saw the headlines and immediately saw the NASDAQ dropping. Logged into ETRADE and bought a crap-load of TVIX. Bought more about 20 minutes later. It shot up 26% and I made a bunch of money today.

NEVER, EVER hold TVIX overnight. Too volatile to do that. I sold it all at about 3:55.

Right? MISI.

"MISI" = "my immediate self interest", the republican ideology and response to about every political issue
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Look at what the market has done since he took office.

A down day like today is a great buying opportunity. Of course learning how to make money in the markets takes time and effort and I can see how that would be disturbing to some.

Right? MISI.

"MISI" = "my immediate self interest", the republican ideology and response to about every political issue
Over the last week The Chosen One, the Second Coming of God, the King of Israel, The Great Promisor himself, has initiated a spiral. I halfway thought he's been distracting from some upcoming bombshell, but nothing has really happened to substantiate this. This is not a drill, Gentlemen. Now he's making impromptu directives via twitter and dropping the Dow >500.

He is knocking on George III status.


4D Chess?

Albeit slow, you are still way ahead of him in that regard.
Look at what the market has done since he took office.

A down day like today is a great buying opportunity. Of course learning how to make money in the markets takes time and effort and I can see how that would be disturbing to some.
SP500 closed at 2848 today. Could have got it at the same price back in January 2018
Those who can, do. Those who can't, vote democrat.

Serious question. Why shouldn't we act in our OWN self-interest? I mean c'mon. Who's going to protect my interest? You? (lol)

In all circumstances or anythign in particular? I brought up self interest as one's exclusive politcal ideology and you're talking about "acting" in self interest. Brushing one's teeth out of self interest is different than enabling a demented president because you think it may be profitable.
A president who is looking out for the well-being of this country instead of taking it up the butt (don’t mean to get you excited @Syskatine) like Clinton, Bush and Obama did from the Chinese.

Such inspiring leadership! The Great Promisor!
Challenge Sys. You put $1000 in a green energy company of your choice, I'll put $1,000 in a market index fund. After one year the person who has made the most or lost the least pays the other double the difference.
Challenge Sys. You put $1000 in a green energy company of your choice, I'll put $1,000 in a market index fund. After one year the person who has made the most or lost the least pays the other double the difference.

What does this have to do with The Great Promisor's Dementia?
Challenge Sys. You put $1000 in a green energy company of your choice, I'll put $1,000 in a market index fund. After one year the person who has made the most or lost the least pays the other double the difference.
You're gonna make a wager with anon?
Bwhwhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhhahhahahhahhah!!!! Wait what?!!!!!!!!!!!

BWhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! You serious?!!!!!!!!!! Oh man!!!!!! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!
Isn't your point that he's going ruin the economy? You and Paul Krugman are the great prognosticators of the great depression Trump will bring.

Well, we're waiting.

Ok... what does you picking an index fund and me picking a green fund have to do with that?
Isn't this the SiS that's rumored to be an attorney that is slandering his POTUS ?
(or is that pilt)

SiL help me out with this one please & thanks
Ok... what does you picking an index fund and me picking a green fund have to do with that?
Isn't saving the planet going to be a great economic boom? Bernie says that's his plan. Going all green. You support getting rid of oil and gas, right?

The indexes will cash with the elimination of carbon based products since almost everything produced depends on oil and gas and their byproducts. You win, Trump loses and I lose. You make money that you can then use to support immigrants fleeing oppression.

I would think someone who is as confident as you in your beliefs would want to take advantage of your righteousness.
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I kind of liked it back when china was ****ing us.

I have never understood Trump’s insistence that China is taking away our money. In the first place it isn’t “America’s” money, it’s money owned by individual people or companies that have voluntarily chosen to spend the money. In the second place “America” didn’t just bundle up its money and shipped it off to China. American individuals and companies TRADED their own money for products they preferred over the money. How Trump sees that as China stealing from the country makes one wonder at his intelligence.

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