Damn it Marshal just tell us how you put a spell on the American people to elect that donkey Bush for two terms. Quit inking the water and fleeing in fear of the great and powerful syssy dag gone it.
Here is a list of some of the great things the great Democratic party gave us:
1) The Trail of Tears
2) The Civil War
3) Formation of the KKK
4) 300 Black Americans murdered in LA (the state not city) in 1868 (look it up)
5) The American Protective League and The Palmer Raids
6) Democrats Successfully Stop Republicans From Making Lynching A Federal Crime
7) Japanese Internment Camps
8) Alger Hiss Convicted Of Perjury
9) The West Virgina Democrat primary is rigged by John F. Kennedy
10) The Bay of Pigs
11) Fire Hoses And Attack Dogs Used On Children
12) Stand In The Schoolhouse Door (1963): Democrat George Wallace gave his notorious speech against integrating schools at the University of Alabama in which he said, "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
13) Chappaquiddick (1969): The Democrats’ beloved "Liberal Lion" of the Senate, Ted Kennedy ran off the road into a tidal pool with passenger Mary Jo Kopechne in the car. Kennedy swam free and then spent 9 hours plotting how he would reveal the news to the press while she slowly suffocated to death.
14) The Iranian Hostage Crisis (1979-1981): 52 Americans were held hostage by the government of Iran for 444 days. After Jimmy Carter’s disastrous, failed rescue attempt, the hostages were finally released after Ronald Reagan's inaugural address.
15) Bill Clinton turns down Osama Bin Laden (1996) (Thanks for this one Bill)
16) America loses its AAA credit rating
Since you wanted to live in the past. So...... Bush?