According to a ton of sources. The company that set her server up has backups and is cooperating with fbi.
Someone from that company is about to have heart trouble.
Just read a report that said the number of classified emails is over 60. So far...
It appears we were both in the "Canoe Club" around the same time.Having served as the classified material custodian at the Naval Aviation Safety Center back when I was defending NAS Norfolk from the Viet Cong, there were specific handling rules for same. I can't wait for the latest "revised" lie from cankles.
Just read a report that said the number of classified emails is over 60. So far...
Anyone else would be headed to prison.
Also since Obama and Bill hit the golf course yesterday I bet a deal was reached where if this really hits the fan Hillary gets a pardon.
Anyone else would be headed to prison.
It appears we were both in the "Canoe Club" around the same time.
RIght --- unless it's a few million emails, and then... eh. I really appreciate the intellectual honesty of the right in this deal. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.
Fox co-host, Fred Barnes: "I mean, deleted e-mails, who cares?"
and now its up to 300 classified e-mails but obama, obama, obama, obama. Anyone still blaming Obama for anything needs to get over themselves. It happened he was elected not once but twice by the American people. Grow up and move on that is what great leaders do.
Ya when we are in the second term on a new president and they are still blaming Obama you will get the same response from me.Can't you just switch out the names and it applies to both sides?
The right needs to have some objectivity and drop the sanctimony. Their hypocrisy is deafening on this, and it's why thinking people view what they say with suspicion. You just never know what wild-ass, hypocritical stunt they're trying to pull. Accumulation of power is their transcendent value, and the end always justifies the means.
Now they all reflexively whine "blame Bush" to avoid scrutiny of their hypocrisy. I'll bet that started on Hannity. Just make sure nobody points out their prior stances. Nobody's "blaming" Bush -- his administration just "destroyed 22 milion emails and nary. a. peep. from Faux news or anybody from the right.
Sorry, gentlemen. I hope HRC gets what's coming to her if she destroyed evidence. You don't get a free pass for your own hypocrisy, though.
'69-'72 for me. I did set foot on a boat for a grand total of 2 hours one morning. The rest of my time was with the aviators at air stations.Mid-66/mid-70 courtesy of my impressive 0.6 GPA second semester of soph. year; however, I did manage to complete my enlistment without ever setting foot on a "canoe".
It's good (for you) that you're still on the e-mail list and you're dutifully pushing out the media matters/daily kos/occupydemocrats talking points.
Deflect, deflect deflect....
Deflect, deflect deflect....
What do I have to deflect? Are Bush or Karl Rove running for President?
Were they accused of having classified (and possily Top Secret) informatin on a woefully unsecured private e-mail server? Were they accused of exclusivley using a private e-mail server and never utilizing their official governemnt e-mail account?
Bless your heart.
Says the guy who blamed Bush in this very thread.
What do I have to deflect? Are Bush or Karl Rove running for President?
Were they accused of having classified (and possily Top Secret) informatin on a woefully unsecured private e-mail server? Were they accused of exclusivley using a private e-mail server and never utilizing their official governemnt e-mail account?
Bless your heart.
Wasn't right then, isn't right now... If Hillary has to pay to set the precedent that we actually do enforce laws - even when it impacts the political class - then so be it.
RIght --- unless it's a few million emails, and then... eh. I really appreciate the intellectual honesty of the right in this deal. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.
Fox co-host, Fred Barnes: "I mean, deleted e-mails, who cares?"
How hard is that? By the book. Notice the bob and weave when it's pointed out republicans did much worse. Silence.
- NO one, absolutely no one, has defended Bush, et al in this thread
- Only a grade a dumbass would say "republicans did much worse"
- Notice the bob and weave and silence when it is pointed out you get all your major talking points directly spoon fed from Media Matters/Daily Kos, et al
- Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush
Yes, that's right. BUSH. You created him, you get to deal with the fallout for at least another generation. It's political accountability. This is what happens when you turn a blind eye to rampant corruption and incompetence for 8 years: You have to deal with the obvious hypocrisy when you turn around and hold someone else to a higher standard. If not an entire generation, at least through the 2020 cycle.
If you object to Bush, Bush, Bush, my suggestion is don't empower epic incompetence and then expect people outside of the right wing bubble to just pretend like it didn't happen.