Hey! Let’s turn the suburbs into shytholes, too!!!!

I'll buy in when places like the Hamptons and Martha's Vineyard take the lead and build high density affordable housing.

A buddy of mine and I built a upscale self serve carwash in nice part of town. Things were great for three or four years until they made the apartment communities in the area Section 8. With in just a couple of weeks burglaries, break ins, assaults', sexual assaults and murders went through the roof. I was held at gun point three different times when I was collecting money out of the machines. Went in one morning and found two dead bodies sitting in a car from an apparent drug deal gone bad. It wasn't three months and businesses closed down, people lost their jobs, for sale signs went up in droves and the community turned into a shit hole. We barely managed to get out of the carwash and even then lost our ass. Yea I've seen what happens when they bring in the dregs of society and it ain't pretty,
A buddy of mine and I built a upscale self serve carwash in nice part of town. Things were great for three or four years until they made the apartment communities in the area Section 8. With in just a couple of weeks burglaries, break ins, assaults', sexual assaults and murders went through the roof. I was held at gun point three different times when I was collecting money out of the machines. Went in one morning and found two dead bodies sitting in a car from an apparent drug deal gone bad. It wasn't three months and businesses closed down, people lost their jobs, for sale signs went up in droves and the community turned into a shit hole. We barely managed to get out of the carwash and even then lost our ass. Yea I've seen what happens when they bring in the dregs of society and it ain't pretty,
Most people put themselves in section 8 housing through bad choices. Their bad choices shouldn’t become decent hardworking people’s issues.
A buddy of mine and I built a upscale self serve carwash in nice part of town. Things were great for three or four years until they made the apartment communities in the area Section 8. With in just a couple of weeks burglaries, break ins, assaults', sexual assaults and murders went through the roof. I was held at gun point three different times when I was collecting money out of the machines. Went in one morning and found two dead bodies sitting in a car from an apparent drug deal gone bad. It wasn't three months and businesses closed down, people lost their jobs, for sale signs went up in droves and the community turned into a shit hole. We barely managed to get out of the carwash and even then lost our ass. Yea I've seen what happens when they bring in the dregs of society and it ain't pretty,

so two options. Democrats cannot see these actual consequences because they are literally mentally ill (cup and Sys) or it is a conscious decision to spread misery and hurt people who are considered privileged regardless of how they came to own a decent house in a suburban area (david).
I'll buy in when places like the Hamptons and Martha's Vineyard take the lead and build high density affordable housing.

Same with wind turbines, acres of solar panels, mandatory electric cars and charging stations. Of course will never happen because they don't want to spoil their views or degrade property values. Mind you libturds they don't mind doing it to other people though.

Think this was a very intentional move to gain back suburban voters, especially women. They know that property values suffer, crime increases and schools become backwater nurseries were learning is the very last thing anyone gets. This is one of the things that can be directly tied back to the ex rodent in chief POS goat herding closet muslim and punxsutawney Joe.
so two options. Democrats cannot see these actual consequences because they are literally mentally ill (cup and Sys) or it is a conscious decision to spread misery and hurt people who are considered privileged regardless of how they came to own a decent house in a suburban area (david).

Make no mistake it is definitely a conscious decision on the part of leftist to spread misery and hurt people whom they've deemed as privileged.
The leftist ideology does not work unless the population is reliant and subserviently to government.
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no you all don't get it. those people do bad things cause they live in bad areas so we are going to put bureaucrats in charge of your local communities and make you build housing to move those people into. they will then quit doing all the bad stuff and turn into model citizens.

oh and by the way the house you live in.... that is too much space for one family so we are going to eventually take over all the housing and decide who lives where. all housing will eventually true into high density.
A buddy of mine and I built a upscale self serve carwash in nice part of town. Things were great for three or four years until they made the apartment communities in the area Section 8. With in just a couple of weeks burglaries, break ins, assaults', sexual assaults and murders went through the roof. I was held at gun point three different times when I was collecting money out of the machines. Went in one morning and found two dead bodies sitting in a car from an apparent drug deal gone bad. It wasn't three months and businesses closed down, people lost their jobs, for sale signs went up in droves and the community turned into a shit hole. We barely managed to get out of the carwash and even then lost our ass. Yea I've seen what happens when they bring in the dregs of society and it ain't pretty,
There was a federal judge in Dallas who ordered placement of Sec 8 in neighborhoods all over Dallas except his. The area with the highest number of unsolved murders in Dallas is not in Fair Park or South Dallas but in a fairly affluent area saturated with Sec 8 pursuant to this Judge's order.
My very limited understanding is that the vast majority of suburbs do not take federal money. When Obama and his Marxist crony Castro started doing this in Westchester I called up my town’s government and they told me that they did not take federal money. The data is clear: violent crime follows Section 8. Excellent article on it:
evidently biden is planning on tieing this to federal road money so if your state or local community uses federal money you would be subject to the ruling.
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