Here's how to lose more than 1,000,000 votes in a town hall

Well, good for you that Millenials are the final generation on the planet.

I'm not sure why we're even having this conversation since the earth is going to end in 12 10 years.
unless Gen Z is more conservative than the silent Gen we are still moving in the right direction.
Just like you to choke on NZPoke’s Islamaphobia lol. This 12 clown is a true sheep
Look in the mirror genius! You are one dumb bitch! Keep pushing Russian collusion.

P.S. - a man child telling other adults how to think is ****ing hilarious. You still live with your parents and work at Red Lobster. Clinton, you're mental health issues are out of control, seek professional help
Yep. Read this closely: He didn't go far enough.

Would you mind relaying what the GOP President, House and Senate did to fix it while they had control from 2016-2018?

Republicans did try but Democrats refused to engage in anything other than keeping Obamacare.
“People aren’t going to lose their health care with Medicare-for-all, you’d actually get to keep your doctors, and go to your hospitals that you currently have -- the only difference is that you wouldn’t have to deal with insurance companies,” Chairman Jim McGovern, D-Mass., said.

Instead of insurance companies, you will deal with the government as the insurer. Is the theory that there is less waste and overhead in the government than a company that is incentivized to keep expenses low?
“People aren’t going to lose their health care with Medicare-for-all, you’d actually get to keep your doctors, and go to your hospitals that you currently have -- the only difference is that you wouldn’t have to deal with insurance companies,” Chairman Jim McGovern, D-Mass., said.

Instead of insurance companies, you will deal with the government as the insurer. Is the theory that there is less waste and overhead in the government than a company that is incentivized to keep expenses low?
I just spent an hour at Walgreens waiting for two prescriptions.
I'm not gonna whine about it because these will be the good old days if we allow the big brains in the government to run our health care the way the left is salivating to happen.

Oh, I'm on Medicare.
So what?

My God. Bitching about "the big brains in the government" running health care while the current medicare will be the good old days.

I see where you are with this. Thanks. You hate medicare too?
Oh, I'm on Medicare.
So what?

Only a republican would bitch about government health care while taking that government health care. i mean welcome to today's debate. Just GIGO right wing arguments... while on government health care. Unbelievable.
I just spent an hour at Walgreens waiting for two prescriptions.
I'm not gonna whine about it because these will be the good old days if we allow the big brains in the government to run our health care the way the left is salivating to happen.

My God. Bitching about "the big brains in the government" running health care while the current medicare will be the good old days.

I see where you are with this. Thanks. You hate medicare too?
I'm an enigma.
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I'm an enigma.

I'm not sure about that. Seems lots of people simultaneously HATE government health care (like they've been told to for 25 years from the GOP) while liking and using government health care every day. That programming works unbelievably well, too, from what I can tell.

It's like, whatever we do, don't try to improve anything. Constantly question the motivations of the only people that will try to do anything. And defer to and adopt the logic of the people that won't do shit, have never done shit, and try to prevent any change. Unbelievable.
unless Gen Z is more conservative than the silent Gen we are still moving in the right direction.

This is true, if you want the US to end up like Venezuela, which based on verbiage from Democratic candidates like Bernie, we apparantly do.
This is true, if you want the US to end up like Venezuela, which based on verbiage from Democratic candidates like Bernie, we apparantly do.
Venezuela's democratic socialism is different than the democratic socialism that pilt and Bernie want.
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Only a republican would bitch about government health care while taking that government health care. i mean welcome to today's debate. Just GIGO right wing arguments... while on government health care. Unbelievable.

Not many other options for people over 65 that are retired. Unless people are still working or have a healthcare plan as part of their retirement, Medicare is the only feasible option for people over 65.
Not many other options for people over 65 that are retired. Unless people are still working or have a healthcare plan as part of their retirement, Medicare is the only feasible option for people over 65.
Ssshhhhhh, he's rolling.
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Not many other options for people over 65 that are retired. Unless people are still working or have a healthcare plan as part of their retirement, Medicare is the only feasible option for people over 65.


The health insurance industry doesn't help out much with you guys -- you're not profitable. Oh they'll cover secondary, but not primary. If I'm wrong, I wanna hear why you're under medicare instead of the precious free market solution policy.

See, seniors' coverage is left to the taxpayer. No pretense of profit there. Let the health insurance industry skim the profitable healthy insureds, pocket billions, and hang the taxpayer with the expensive seniors. Seniors bitch about government health care and there's no carrier in the world that's gonna take em' on for the medicare level plan. Unreal. You sit there and say with apparent sincerety there's no other option, but man gimme some more of that free market? You'd think you'd have some gratitude to the government instead of ripping it, you just said that's your only option.

The health insurance industry doesn't help out much with you guys -- you're not profitable. Oh they'll cover secondary, but not primary. If I'm wrong, I wanna hear why you're under medicare instead of the precious free market solution policy.

See, seniors' coverage is left to the taxpayer. No pretense of profit there. Let the health insurance industry skim the profitable healthy insureds, pocket billions, and hang the taxpayer with the expensive seniors. Seniors bitch about government health care and there's no carrier in the world that's gonna take em' on for the medicare level plan. Unreal. You sit there and say with apparent sincerety there's no other option, but man gimme some more of that free market? You'd think you'd have some gratitude to the government instead of ripping it, you just said that's your only option.

Hate to break it to you but I'm not on Medicare, still way to young but I spent plenty of time working with Medicare, Medicare recipients , healthcare providers, insurance companies and idiots of the Federal government in both Medicare and Social Security. While you speak from what you are told from your puppet masters in your party and the media, I speak from 15 years of working directly in the system. That would make me an expert while you would be nothing more than an indoctrinated fool with an opinion. You might want to listen for a change, otherwise feel free to look like they typical liberal idiot.
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Hate to break it to you but I'm not on Medicare, still way to young but I spent plenty of time working with Medicare, Medicare recipients , healthcare providers, insurance companies and idiots of the Federal government in both Medicare and Social Security. While you speak from what you are told from your puppet masters in your party and the media, I speak from 15 years of working directly in the system. That would make me an expert while you would be nothing more than an indoctrinated fool with an opinion. You might want to listen for a change, otherwise feel free to look like they typical liberal idiot.

No puppetmasters, the dnc has hardly carried the flag for single payer. These things are obvious. The middle class can not afford health insurance unless they're doing very well, or have a deep pocket paying it for them. It's a screwed up system. If you are an expert I'd love to hear practical solutions. All I've heard you do is bitch, just like your party.

The health insurance industry doesn't help out much with you guys -- you're not profitable. Oh they'll cover secondary, but not primary. If I'm wrong, I wanna hear why you're under medicare instead of the precious free market solution policy.

See, seniors' coverage is left to the taxpayer. No pretense of profit there. Let the health insurance industry skim the profitable healthy insureds, pocket billions, and hang the taxpayer with the expensive seniors. Seniors bitch about government health care and there's no carrier in the world that's gonna take em' on for the medicare level plan. Unreal. You sit there and say with apparent sincerety there's no other option, but man gimme some more of that free market? You'd think you'd have some gratitude to the government instead of ripping it, you just said that's your only option.
I love watching you flail around, clueless about what you're talking about. You don't have a clue what Medicare covers and what the out of pocket costs are for beneficiaries. You're hooked on talking points. If you actually knew anything about Medicare, you'd pause to think what that will look like vs your current coverage.

Nobody with a speck of knowledge thinks that Medicare benefits are as good as private insurance, which is why seniors sometimes buy up to 6 supplemental private policies to cover the gaps in their Medicare coverage. If it was the end all, be all that you think it is, there wouldn't be a need for supplemental policies. I have private insurance and have no need for a supplemental policy of any kind. I doubt you do either.

If Medicare is simply expanded, you're still going to be paying out your ass, even more so if private insurance companies aren't around to underwrite supplemental coverage. If it's going to be something different than what Medicare is today, which is what Democrats are selling, you're going to be begging for the good old days of private insurance.
No puppetmasters, the dnc has hardly carried the flag for single payer. These things are obvious. The middle class can not afford health insurance unless they're doing very well, or have a deep pocket paying it for them. It's a screwed up system. If you are an expert I'd love to hear practical solutions. All I've heard you do is bitch, just like your party.

The DNC has hardly carried the flag for single payer? If you can not be honest no sense trying to discuss the topic with you but I'll try.
As with everything else in this country get rid of the over burdening regulations that do nothing but make everything more expensive and do nothing to improve healthcare.
We need more options than what Obamacare mandated. If a person is young and healthy they do not need healthcare coverage the same way someone that is older or in bad health. Just as older Americans do not need Maternity coverage.
Create more competition by allowing health insurance to be purchased over state lines. Why we allow the insurance companies to create their own little kingdoms in each state without the fear of competition is ridiculous.
Address the price protections the government has allowed pharmaceutical companies to enjoy for decades. No reason anyone should be able to buy the same drug in another country for pennies on the dollar. Unfortunately liberals like yourself place the blame for this on the Pharmaceutical companies without the slightest thought how the politicians are getting filthy rich protecting these companies.
I could go on for hours but I suspect discussing this topic with you is a waste of time

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