Here's how to lose more than 1,000,000 votes in a town hall


MegaPoke is insane
Sep 25, 2006
I like the part about setting aside 1% for 5 years to help the people who will lose their jobs within 2 years. Brilliant.

I also really loved this gem at the end. Where have we heard this before?

“People aren’t going to lose their health care with Medicare-for-all, you’d actually get to keep your doctors, and go to your hospitals that you currently have -- the only difference is that you wouldn’t have to deal with insurance companies,” Chairman Jim McGovern, D-Mass., said.
Can't shut down the concentration camps, think of all the guards and commandants you will put out of work.
Wait until the seniors that have Medicare Advantage plans find out there will be no more Medicare Advantage plans...
they will be extremely pissed about the lack of copays and deductibles and networks and dozens of overlapping plans to choose from.
they will be extremely pissed about the lack of copays and deductibles and networks and dozens of overlapping plans to choose from.
Dozens of overlapping plans? Networks? I laughed out loud. Yes, Medicare for All is being billed as all about choice. Check out the rising popularity of Medicare Advantage plans.

I'm sure they'll love the longer waits and rationed care they'll get as well.
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LOL Medic's got health care all figured out.

And climate.

And the middle east

And all things politics

Regular Renaissance man.

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I just spent an hour at Walgreens waiting for two prescriptions.
I'm not gonna whine about it because these will be the good old days if we allow the big brains in the government to run our health care the way the left is salivating to happen.
I just spent an hour at Walgreens waiting for two prescriptions.
I'm not gonna whine about it because these will be the good old days if we allow the big brains in the government to run our health care the way the left is salivating to happen.

I just heard about a relative get a 6 week-off appointment for biopsy to tell if something's cancerous. So.. yeah, great system we have here.

Do you pay your own insurance premiums?
Dozens of overlapping plans? Networks? I laughed out loud. Yes, Medicare for All is being billed as all about choice. Check out the rising popularity of Medicare Advantage plans.

I'm sure they'll love the longer waits and rationed care they'll get as well.
Medicare for all has only one network and one plan, true. Think of all marketing people whose livelihoods will vanish when there are no longer Medicare advantage plans to push.
Wait until many of those same seniors hear debates on their pensions being taken away — because they were born with the wrong skin color.

Unfunded pensions are a multi-trillion dollar crisis facing already cash-strapped cities and states.

Here’s Congresswoman Omar offering the kind of public rhetoric you can expect to hear more of in the coming years — soon it will be applied to solving the pension crisis.

@aliabedi - your thoughts???
Remember when Obamacare was going to fix everything? What happened there? Chuckle.

Yep. Read this closely: He didn't go far enough.

Would you mind relaying what the GOP President, House and Senate did to fix it while they had control from 2016-2018?
Medicare for all has only one network and one plan, true. Think of all marketing people whose livelihoods will vanish when there are no longer Medicare advantage plans to push.
I'm glad the Democrats are trotting the steaming pile of shit out for public consumption well before 2020. I figured they would just go the rhetoric route until after the election. Now they can't pull an Obama and try to sell us something they never intend to deliver.
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I'm glad the Democrats are trotting the steaming pile of shit out for public consumption well before 2020. I figured they would just go the rhetoric route until after the election. Now they can't pull an Obama and try to sell us something they never intend to deliver.

Anything from Biff on health care? He had some real answers. Maybe if you could just post a link to their reform package.
Yep. Read this closely: He didn't go far enough.

Would you mind relaying what the GOP President, House and Senate did to fix it while they had control from 2016-2018?
Read this closely: When you have a history of making promises on healthcare that you can't deliver, the people stop trusting you.

Remember how well the Obamacare rollout went? That was just putting up an exchange. Now imagine trying to shift from now into a single payer system in less than 2 years.
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I just spent an hour at Walgreens waiting for two prescriptions.
I'm not gonna whine about it because these will be the good old days if we allow the big brains in the government to run our health care the way the left is salivating to happen.

Do you pay your own insurance premiums?

Welp, I guess that's the umpteenth convo in a row when you get one of them off their FOX news talking points.
I'm glad the Democrats are trotting the steaming pile of shit out for public consumption well before 2020. I figured they would just go the rhetoric route until after the election. Now they can't pull an Obama and try to sell us something they never intend to deliver.
Don't fret Medic, there are lots of other countries you can move that don't have socialized healthcare.
Read this closely: When you have a history of making promises on healthcare that you can't deliver, the people stop trusting you.

Remember how well the Obamacare rollout went? That was just putting up an exchange. Now imagine trying to shift from now into a single payer system in less than 2 years.

I'm starting to think you may not really be equipped to talk about current health care.. any word on Biff's health care package?
I'm starting to think you may not really be equipped to talk about current health care.. any word on Biff's health care package?
And you're too stupid to understand that I'm talking about Republicans as well. Not surprising.
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What needs to be reformed about Obamacare? Is it not working as promised?

Hello? Any opinion on Biff or the republican congress' solutions to health care over... oh, the last 8 years? Chuckle. You've been asked multiple times now. Cat got your tongue?
And you're too stupid to understand that I'm talking about Republicans as well. Not surprising.

Floor's all yours, Cliff. Lay it on us. And I've got some questions about 2nd century Inca turquoise trade after that if you're not pressed for time.
Hello? Any opinion on Biff or the republican congress' solutions to health care over... oh, the last 8 years? Chuckle. You've been asked multiple times now. Cat got your tongue?

Floor's all yours, Cliff. Lay it on us. And I've got some questions about 2nd century Inca turquoise trade after that if you're not pressed for time.

And you're too stupid to understand that I'm talking about Republicans as well. Not surprising.
Hello? Any opinion on Biff or the republican congress' solutions to health care over... oh, the last 8 years? Chuckle. You've been asked multiple times now. Cat got your tongue?

Obama fixed healthcare, right? If not for McCain being a RINO...Barr will get the ACA knocked out, might read up on it, if you can last more than 2 sentences.
At this point, I'll just ask for like... the 4th time. Any comments about Biff and the Republican Congress health care plans of the preceding 8 years, or just focus on Obama?

Chuckle. I love watching your flop on the bank when taken off your script. Fox never told you how to answer someone that simply asks what YOUR side of the aisle has done. Unbelievable, you born followers. IT truly never occurred to you. You're sincerely criticizing someone from like 8 - 10 years ago and nobody in the interim that perpetuated the same system you hate.

Incidentally, have YOU ever paid for your own family's health insurance premiums? It's like asking if anybody's seen an effin' white whale on this conservative board.
Got anything from after Barr eliminates the ACA?
I'm not the one that posted a poll from 2017 that was based on talking points as if it will be applicable to actual policy that is propsed.

When is Barr getting rid of the ACA?
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I'm not the one that posted a poll from 2017 that was based on talking points as if it will be applicable to actual policy that is propsed.

When is Barr getting rid of the ACA?

No, you've just ducked a very basic question over and over that Hannity didn't prepare you for. What has Biff or the GOP congress done in the last 8 years to improve health care?
Mother nature and the declining life expectancy will take care of the rest
Well, good for you that Millenials are the final generation on the planet.

I'm not sure why we're even having this conversation since the earth is going to end in 12 10 years.
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No, you've just ducked a very basic question over and over that Hannity didn't prepare you for. What has Biff or the GOP congress done in the last 8 years to improve health care?
They've let Obamacare work its magic. Is it not working or something?
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They've let Obamacare work its magic. Is it not working or something?

Oh, well I'd assume since Biff and like... 4 straight republican congresses did nothing to modify it. Right?

I kid, I kid. Care to actually answer the question?
Oh, well I'd assume since Biff and like... 4 straight republican congresses did nothing to modify it. Right?

I kid, I kid. Care to actually answer the question?
They killed the mandate and the taxpayer funded insurance slush fund. Those were both really good moves IMO. I'm not sure what else you think needs to be modified. Is it not going as promised?
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