Just an update-after a weeks worth of hospital time, we might be going home today. We are planning on it but haven't gotten the official word. All of their tests seem to have come back with great results. We couldn't be any more thankful. My wife hasn't slept much, and our 2 year old is a little sad from not seeing everyone, but overall we are in great spirits. We had over 700 people liking the Facebook photos, countless amounts of friends and family praying for us, multiple churches coming by, and more support than we could have expected. My atheist neighbor even told me she was praying for us. There's been a lot of good come out of a terrible situation. We believe in the power of prayer, and it's made me pray more than any time in my life. I'm thankful to have a daughter that seems to be normal and will live a life full of the things many people take for granted. She will always be a miracle baby to us.