Heartless bastards


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin Tx[/URL]

Republicans take food off the table of poor, sick, indigent, elderly and needy including homeless veterans, but they have no trouble funding more tax cuts for billionaires.

"As you do unto the least of these so you do unto me."--Jesus Christ
"Some 46.5 million people-about 15% of the U.S. population-receive benefits, double the number from a decade ago. The costs, meanwhile, have nearly tripled in that time, going from $27 billion in fiscal year 2004 to $74 billion in 2014."

If the Obama miracle that is the burgeoning U.S. economy is so awesome, shouldn't we be able to scale back from record levels of food stamp particpants?
Originally posted by CowboyUp:[/URL]

Republicans take food off the table of poor, sick, indigent, elderly and needy including homeless veterans, but they have no trouble funding more tax cuts for billionaires.

"As you do unto the least of these so you do unto me."--Jesus Christ

Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by CowboyUp:[/URL]

Republicans take food off the table of poor, sick, indigent, elderly and needy including homeless veterans, but they have no trouble funding more tax cuts for billionaires.

"As you do unto the least of these so you do unto me."--Jesus Christ

AAAAAnd once again ol' Dong proving to be the board's most reliable mouth breather. Year in, year out, too... Dumbass Dong the Dumbass literally never has one point or opinion that provokes thought. The guy must've had some type of inheritance, because given his fart/belch approach to politics, he can't be all that self-sufficient.

Dong, just type, "Duuuh" instead of trying to formulate posts. You'd come across as more literate.
Originally posted by syskatine:
AAAAAnd once again ol' Dong proving to be the board's most reliable mouth breather. Year in, year out, too... Dumbass Dong the Dumbass literally never has one point or opinion that provokes thought. The guy must've had some type of inheritance, because given his fart/belch approach to politics, he can't be all that self-sufficient.

Dong, just type, "Duuuh" instead of trying to formulate posts. You'd come across as more literate.
That's funny stuff. No inheritance just hard work. What does my approach to politics have to do with whether I'm self-sufficient or not? Talk about a dumbass comment. You claim that your smart and some sort of ambulance chaser yet your posts never provoke any serious thought, just obama man love. Why is that? The fact you typed what you did regarding a person's approach to politics somehow is related to them being self-sufficient tells us all we need to know about you and the way you live your life.
Originally posted by CowboyUp:[/URL]

Republicans take food off the table of poor, sick, indigent, elderly and needy including homeless veterans, but they have no trouble funding more tax cuts for billionaires.

"As you do unto the least of these so you do unto me."--Jesus Christ
Did Jesus ever tell his followers to force their neighbors to help the poor? Did Jesus ever advocate forcing anyone to do anything?
I'd bet anyone here that Republicans donate more to charities than liberals.
Everyone wants to help those in need Cup. Some of us want to direct that help where we choose. Others want the federal govt to do it.

I can't believe that in this thriving, Obama created economy, that 46 million people need to be on food stamps.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by CowboyUp:[/URL]

Republicans take food off the table of poor, sick, indigent, elderly and needy including homeless veterans, but they have no trouble funding more tax cuts for billionaires.

"As you do unto the least of these so you do unto me."--Jesus Christ
I support numerous charities who are happy to provide food (and other services) for the poor, sick, indigent, elderly and needy. Unlike our government, these charities actually work to provide real assistance to these individuals rather than just a government hand-out.
Good Lord, 46 million

Yep. Up around 18 million since Obama took office. Cup needs to quit acting like nobody is getting taken care of.
Originally posted by TPOKE:
Good Lord, 46 million

Yep. Up around 18 million since Obama took office. Cup needs to quit acting like nobody is getting taken care of.
I'd like to see the dynamics of what has caused this. He arguably took the Presidency at the lowest of the low moment, but these statistics, being a gauge of the well-being of the U.S. population under his leadership, paint a different pictures. By this measure, an undesirable statistic has grown by roughly 2/3rds under his leadership, from a point in the business cycle from which the measure, again arguably, should have been stagnant, declined, or, worst case scenario, just kept pace, in raw numbers, with the growth of the overall population.

CUP, your opening post is liberal with criticism. Are you equally as critical of the President for these numbers coming under his leadership? Do you use the same characterizations and abusive language with the same measure?
This thread reminded me of a guy who frequently visits the ER at the hospital I work out. He's a 29 white guy, unemployed and homeless. Has free Obamacare which pays for his prescription of Suboxone which he frequently sells in the street and uses the money to buy crack cocaine. Comes into the ER when he crashes from the cocaine and feels "suicidal." Always has a new fiction novel with him. He is getting Section 8 in a week or two and will be able to sit at home, watch ESPN and read all day, while the taxpayer pays for his housing, food stamps and healthcare. Not an ounce of shame or humility to him. On the contrary he feels quite entitled. This is what people like you support and create CowboyUp. All while having the nerve to call the slaughter of the unborn a "right". Pathetic.

This post was edited on 2/14 7:17 AM by BIGOSUFAN
One of my businesses has been a vendor to Sec 8 housing for almost 30 years. Oversight from any government agency is virtually non-existent both getting onto the programs or spot checking once on a program. Once on the tit they rarely ween themselves yet are able to afford late model cars, big screen TVs, cell phones and a host of other conveniences. The food stamp program is the biggest scam going.