We very well could be in a recession now. Consumers are 70% of our economy. Fox Business and JPMorgan Chase tells me consumers are saddled with an all time record $1.1 TRILLION in credit card debt. Trump has been president for a few weeks.Hilarious. Biden was responsible for everything when he was president but I guess now he’s not? And I guess you forgot about the $7 trillion that Trump pumped into the economy?
I guess 6 months from now, nothing will be attributable to your king and savior. You really are one dumb sunburnt Indian.
You would score low on my 60 question Mensa excercise. You would be lowest scoring member on this thread.
What do we call a woman who ALWAYS knows the whereabouts of her husband? Widow. A much smarter member than you answered on these pages for you.
The three questions soonerinlOUisiana answered proving an IQ in the mid 140s or higher were far beyond your reach. You might wanna revisit your charge of being dumb.