Have any of you caught the new Wiki leaks dump?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 12, 2008
The more I learn about how much the government spies on its citizens the more I just want to move out to deep woods of Alaska.

Anyways the dump on the CIA spy capabilities is what I have suspected for a while now but man they know the glitches and only used it to benefit their agenda rather then let the Apple or Samsung of the world know so the issues could be fixed and American people better protected. This world is on a down slide as far as FREEDOM goes.
Haven't delved into the Wikileaks documents themselves. The reports infuriate me if it turns out this was being used against US citizens, and I believe it is almost certain that it has.

This isn't a partisan issue though. It is an authoritarian one that crosses political lines.

Maybe the Unibomber was right.
If they control the cars they could kill anyone they wanted to at any time with a few key strokes. This is scary stuff but I am just a bat shit crazy anti government nut.

Well. I don't think the black box could do that but I think it can monitor location and conversations in the vehicle.
Well. I don't think the black box could do that but I think it can monitor location and conversations in the vehicle.
I was thinking more about them being able to hack these "smart cars". Maybe the make sure the brakes malfunction and then who would ever know. That was more along my line of thinking. I agree they will be able to use all location and audio from those black boxes though.
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Interesting the time frame for this dump is between 2013-2016, the exact time John Brennan was CIA Director. Brennan is a highly partisan hack.
Haven't delved into the Wikileaks documents themselves. The reports infuriate me if it turns out this was being used against US citizens, and I believe it is almost certain that it has.

This isn't a partisan issue though. It is an authoritarian one that crosses political lines.

Maybe the Unibomber was right.

Unibomber was ahead of his time. His theories about why modern man is unhappy are now spread everywhere in self help blogs/podcast etc. Dude was insane, but very bright, which often go hand in hand.
If you really think this is a partisan issue committed by only one of the parties, I don't really know what to say to you except I disagree.
Both parties have equally dirty feet. All I'm saying is the Wikileaks dump these pertain to occurred during Brennan's tenure. Brennan is a highly partisan person as was Obama.
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My waiting on sys to uphold his bet. Two years is a long time better start the clock soon lying liberal bet welching donk....

Interesting the time frame for this dump is between 2013-2016, the exact time John Brennan was CIA Director. Brennan is a highly partisan hack.

He also has a big affinity for (and may be a convert to) the world's most violent religion.

Listen closely to his words.....


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Haven't delved into the Wikileaks documents themselves. The reports infuriate me if it turns out this was being used against US citizens, and I believe it is almost certain that it has.

This isn't a partisan issue though. It is an authoritarian one that crosses political lines.

Maybe the Unibomber was right.

Both parties have equally dirty feet. All I'm saying is the Wikileaks dump these pertain to occurred during Brennan's tenure. Brennan is a highly partisan person as was Obama.
Thanks for the clarification.
Interesting timing, too. Biff is on the ropes, being lampooned for his lies and... presto.

Assange reneged on his promise to turn himself in, so he and Biff probably relate to each other. They were bound to find each other sooner or later.
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Interesting timing, too. Biff is on the ropes, being lampooned for his lies and... presto.

Assange reneged on his promise to turn himself in, so he and Biff probably relate to each other. They were bound to find each other sooner or later.
I heard Assange would turn himself in when you upheld the 2 year ban on posting over here. Oh you are just a lying liberal so you have no morals though right. DEFLECT DEFLECT. you are the biggest joke on this site congrats you beat out toony.
I have met a few CIA and FBI agents, as well as a few other agents from other agencies. Most are not people that you would trust if you knew them personaly. They will stab you in the back if they thought it got them a promotion and wouldn’t think twice about it. Most don’t give a crap about the law. They believe they are the law. These are type A personalities on steroids, and give fighter pilots a run for their money.
Dispute it. That's how the rest of us learn.

Well lets start with "over 60% of the Quaran contains verses about killing the kufar"

That doesn't even make mathematical sense. 60% of what? Sections? Chapters? Verses? Sentences?

I mean 100% of the bible contains verses about prostitutes.

According to the Quran Zakat is supposed to be distributed to 8 different areas. The Poor, Zakat collectors, recent converts, slaves, those in heavy debt, "in the cause of Allah", and stranded travellers.

While some countries actually collect this as a sort of income tax (Saudi), I think for the rest its mostly a voluntary thing as to how they pay it. If they know a poor Muslim they can simply give him the money. If they want to give to a charity that will redistribute it, they can. Now obviously terrorist organizations have hooked themselves into some corrupt charities thus taking money in name of "in the cause of Allah". But that doesn't mean that when a Muslim is paying a Zakat he is willfully giving a certain, predetermined % to terrorists like the graphic tries to say.
It always puzzles me that the other side (D or R) still doesn't understand that whatever power you take while in office/control eventually is the same power the other side gets when they have the office. Didn't like how ACA was enacted via the Executive order, D's applauded it and R's angrily opposed. Now the roles are reversed. Plus all the other crap that Trump will now try to implement with executive orders. Can't wait to see what the next President does with whatever power grab Trump ends up pulling off.

I have no clue when this all started but with each new group of leaders in the CIA they took the power and ethics of those that came before them and expanded on it.

By the way for anyone in the CIA reading this my name is Bob Stoops, come and get me mf'ers. That is all.