Has the Deep State beaten Bill Barr?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
February 15, 2020
Has the Deep State beaten Bill Barr?
By Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory

William Barr assumed the reins of the Department of Justice (DOJ) a year ago, succeeding Jeff Sessions as attorney general (A.G.) of the United States. By universal consensus, the tenure of Sessions was an epochal shipwreck, disfigured as it was by Sessions, who infamously and needlessly recused himself from the entire Deep State Russia Hoax while simultaneously declining to root out Deep State operatives obsessed with removing Trump from office (to say nothing of maintaining and even extending legal protections afforded the likes of Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner, among other Democrat-friendly government officials). Like Pontius Pilate, Sessions washed his hands of the matter and allowed the coup-plotters of the ironically named Justice Department to proceed against Trump unopposed.

Among law-and-order conservatives and defenders of Trump, it was widely hoped that Barr would be an A.G. unintimidated by the Deep State, with the intestinal fortitude to push back against a DOJ corrupted by progressive lawyers and grandiose bureaucrats blinded by their irrational and atavistic hatred for Trump. Perhaps Barr might even mete out long delayed justice to the chief plotters, among them the lawless James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, and James Clapper, along with nihilistic progressive minions like Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and Lisa Page.

After contentious confirmation hearings with ubiquitous and baseless left-wing smears, Barr was confirmed on Valentine's Day 2019. In the year since Barr's confirmation, conservative stalwarts from Roger Simon to Sean Hannity have sung the praises of Barr and his deputy, John Durham, all but guaranteeing criminal indictments any day now against senior members of the Obama administration (which had spied on Trump's campaign and colluded with multiple foreign actors to subvert American democracy, both before and after the 2016 election). Inspector General (I.G.) Michael Horowitz was designated as a third white knight by conservative true believers who maintained the I.G. would get to the bottom of everything. A full trio of Elliott Nesses, seemingly the only incorruptible G-men remaining in American government, would bring the blatantly partisan DOJ to heel.

Yet, in the same way that CNN's mindless and enraged lemmings hyperventilated over bombshells against the Trump administration that never materialized, so too did conservative media figures hype imminent findings of criminality against senior DOJ figures, intoning that heads would soon roll, with (take your pick) Horowitz, Durham, or even Barr himself leading the righteous charge.

Skeptical conservative voters were admonished to be patient, and that the likes of Comey, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, and Brennan would soon be charged for their crimes and jailed. Yet, amid the frantic waving of pom-poms, something perfectly predictable happened on the way to the Deep State's day of reckoning. The days turned to into weeks, the weeks into months, and now a full year.

It has been said that justice delayed is justice denied. It has now been more than three years since the broad outlines of the coup became public knowledge, as explicated in excruciating forensic detail by Mark Levin, Gregg Jarrett, Deroy Murdock, Mollie Hemingway, and John Solomon, among numerous others. And still, to this day, no Deep State coup-plotter has been charged with a crime. Fringe associates of Trump sit in prison (e.g., Manafort, Stone) or wallow in legal limbo (Flynn) for "crimes" of obvious government entrapment that pale into nothingness compared to the open and audacious felonies of Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and their ilk. Indeed, the coup-plotters have cashed in and monetized their notoriety, with bestselling books, shameless GoFundMe Pages, lucrative cable news contracts, and an open-door forum to espouse their anti-Trump venom on all forms of media.

And what of the sainted Bill Barr? Barr's DOJ has all but exonerated McCabe of any crimes -- indeed, on February 14, the DOJ indicated that it would not pursue charges against McCabe. If Barr and the DOJ are unwilling to hold McCabe accountable, why would conservatives expect anything different with Comey, Brennan, or Clapper, or Obama, or any of the others who were so central to the coup that continues to this day? It's business as usual at Barr's DOJ — Republicans continue to be targeted (e.g., Duncan Hunter), while Democrats (Hillary, Comey, McCabe, take your pick) skate free every time.

Prhaps even more disturbing, Barr's prosecution (and declination) decisions have been scarcely different from those of Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, or even Jeff Sessions (namely, prosecute Republicans or their affiliates on any charge, no matter how spurious, and look the other way when Democrats engage in incidentals like illegal spying or entrapment). Barr's recent decision to prosecute Lev Parnas, a shady Rudy Giuliani associate, with campaign finance violation charges is perfectly aligned with DOJ objectives (to prosecute Republican affiliates and protect Democrats). Lev Parnas can now be squeezed and made to compose a story to wound President Trump.

It could very well be that Parnas is guilty, but it's curious how the DOJ invariably (indeed, always) tunnel on Trump associates (largely in the hopes of finding, or creating, Trump dirt). Democrats who are equally guilty of campaign finance violations (or espionage, or falsifying records, or lying to a FISA court) seemingly have nothing to fear.

Could it be that Bill Barr, while an honorable man, simply has no stomach to prosecute long-time associates (and in some cases friends) in the DOJ, FBI, or CIA? Or, even worse, perhaps Barr has been intimidated into submission as the enfeebled Jeff Sessions was?

Conservatives who yearn to witness the scurrying of Deep State cockroaches from the exertions of Barr, Durham, and Horowitz should instead prepare to be disappointed...again. And with the coup relay torch passed from Comey, McCabe, Brennan, et al. to the Democrat-controlled Congress/#Resistance and their media allies, the original coup-plotters can sit back, laugh, cash in, and enjoy the show.

They clearly aren't worried about Bill Barr. Perhaps the president should be.
Trump knows how to pick em doesn't he. If they aren't in jail or at least under indictment, they are on the sidelines watching the show now.

What are there 3 originals still on the job? Manuchin, Purdue, and Chao? Oh yeah Dvos is still around too.

Trump is like 4 for 15.... How do you justify keeping him in the line up with that batting average?
Trump knows how to pick em doesn't he. If they aren't in jail or at least under indictment, they are on the sidelines watching the show now.

What are there 3 originals still on the job? Manuchin, Purdue, and Chao? Oh yeah Dvos is still around too.

Trump is like 4 for 15.... How do you justify keeping him in the line up with that batting average?

Some hardcore CEO’s just keep hiring and firing until they get superstars across the board. Not my cup of tea, but I know some that love them some turnover, even with above average performers. That is life in the for profit world. Unlike Obama that added a bunch of NSC spies just before he left office and kept every brainwashed swallower he hired. Trump not afraid to fire people, shocker to you but I guess you missed the TV show in which he was paid to do that.
Some hardcore CEO’s just keep hiring and firing until they get superstars across the board. Not my cup of tea, but I know some that love them some turnover, even with above average performers. That is life in the for profit world. Unlike Obama that added a bunch of NSC spies just before he left office and kept every brainwashed swallower he hired. Trump not afraid to fire people, shocker to you but I guess you missed the TV show in which he was paid to do that.
I have to ask, is this supposed to be blue?
Trump knows how to pick em doesn't he. If they aren't in jail or at least under indictment, they are on the sidelines watching the show now.

What are there 3 originals still on the job? Manuchin, Purdue, and Chao? Oh yeah Dvos is still around too.

Trump is like 4 for 15.... How do you justify keeping him in the line up with that batting average?

Yes everyone knows there were tons of competent high level government employees who weren't swamp creatures ready to give it their all for an America first agenda working for an outsider who gets attacked 24/7 by a vicious media.

Your expectations are foolish.
Trump knows how to pick em doesn't he. If they aren't in jail or at least under indictment, they are on the sidelines watching the show now.

What are there 3 originals still on the job? Manuchin, Purdue, and Chao? Oh yeah Dvos is still around too.

Trump is like 4 for 15.... How do you justify keeping him in the line up with that batting average?
I'd rather the president fire people that aren't getting the job done to their liking rather than keeping incompetent people on staff to fulfill political favors or satisfy the ideologues. Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch are all Exhibit A.
Yes everyone knows there were tons of competent high level government employees who weren't swamp creatures ready to give it their all for an America first agenda working for an outsider who gets attacked 24/7 by a vicious media.

Your expectations are foolish.
World class excuse making. Obviously you have practice.
I'd rather the president fire people that aren't getting the job done to their liking rather than keeping incompetent people on staff to fulfill political favors or satisfy the ideologues. Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch are all Exhibit A.
How about this. You hire quality, you retain quality. I know, hard to imagine how that might work...
Only the best people:

John Bolton while "doing a very good job" was also trying to get the US into "World War Six."

Michael Cohen was "a fine person with a wonderful family" but also "a weak person, not a very smart person, a bad lawyer, and a fraudster."

Steve Bannon was “tough and smart” and then he was "Sloppy Steve" who "cried when he got fired and begged for his job."

Omarosa was a "loyal friend" but also was “not smart, a lowlife, and wacky Omarosa."

Jerome Powell when he was appointed was “strong, he’s committed, he’s smart," but then "as usual, let us down, clueless."

The Mooch was "a person I have great respect for, and he will be an important addition to this administration," but 11 days later was "totally incapable, a highly unstable 'nut job.'"

Jeff Sessions was the first Senator to support Trump but was a "total joke, mentally retarded, a dumb southerner, and Mr. Magoo." He also was Trump's pick for AG.

Our very own Rex Tillerson was a “world class player and dealmaker, one of the truly great business leaders of the world" but ended up admitting Trump was a moron and therefore became "dumb as a rock and lazy as hell."

I guess all of this was to be expected given the deep state and whatnot. #AMIRIGHT @HighStickHarry & Medic007?
Dave really is doing his part to help with Climate Change. He recycles the same shit the left has been saying since 2016.
Last I checked the Commander in Chief has the RIGHT to hire and FIRE anybody he wants. I am betting he does not care what some obese guy in Oregon that lives in a tree thinks about it.
Even a leftie that claims to hire and fire people in the shithole Country of Portland Oregon should be able to understand that.
Dave really is doing his part to help with Climate Change. He recycles the same shit the left has been saying since 2016.
Last I checked the Commander in Chief has the RIGHT to hire and FIRE anybody he wants. I am betting he does not care what some obese guy in Oregon that lives in a tree thinks about it.
Even a leftie that claims to hire and fire people in the shithole Country of Portland Oregon should be able to understand that.
The shit you refer to in this case is DJT's claim to having "the best people" on speed dial ready to join his administration. No one questions the right of the POSUS to fire people. I question the wisdom of the hiring he does. Garbage in. Garbage out. Kinda simple.

I get this conversation is making you uncomfortable. Actually considering Trumps hiring track record may cause you to question the frame of mind of your god king.

Take it out on me all you like. It ain't nothing for me to carry that load.
The shit you refer to in this case is DJT's claim to having "the best people" on speed dial ready to join his administration. No one questions the right of the POSUS to fire people. I question the wisdom of the hiring he does. Garbage in. Garbage out. Kinda simple.

I get this conversation is making you uncomfortable. Actually considering Trumps hiring track record may cause you to question the frame of mind of your god king.

Take it out on me all you like. It ain't nothing for me to carry that load.

No the shit I refer to is the constant Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from the left about who Trump hires and fires, its been going on since 2016.
You made a claim about OKSTATE1 and he has never applied to work for you. Are you discriminating because he is not a leftie? Thats a no no.
And as far as it making me uncomfortable I have heard the same recycled bs you lefties have been saying since 2016, Trump fired so and so he hired so and so blah blah blah get some new whining material this shit you guys spew daily is getting old.
And Trump is not my God, didn't vote for him in 2016. Oh the HORROR! You were wrong yet again. Sorry to burst your bubble but I am the type of person that waits to see what someone does when given a chance to do a job not someone like a leftie that criticizes that person every step of the way because they don't like him, always focusing on the negative and ignoring the positives.
You do that because you see yourself as being a failure, never able to live up to your standards and you can only find joy in the failure of others as it makes you feel superior.

And keep your gay fantasies to yourself, I don't want to put a Load on you, ask Sys to do that.
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Only the best people:

John Bolton while "doing a very good job" was also trying to get the US into "World War Six."

Michael Cohen was "a fine person with a wonderful family" but also "a weak person, not a very smart person, a bad lawyer, and a fraudster."

Steve Bannon was “tough and smart” and then he was "Sloppy Steve" who "cried when he got fired and begged for his job."

Omarosa was a "loyal friend" but also was “not smart, a lowlife, and wacky Omarosa."

Jerome Powell when he was appointed was “strong, he’s committed, he’s smart," but then "as usual, let us down, clueless."

The Mooch was "a person I have great respect for, and he will be an important addition to this administration," but 11 days later was "totally incapable, a highly unstable 'nut job.'"

Jeff Sessions was the first Senator to support Trump but was a "total joke, mentally retarded, a dumb southerner, and Mr. Magoo." He also was Trump's pick for AG.

Our very own Rex Tillerson was a “world class player and dealmaker, one of the truly great business leaders of the world" but ended up admitting Trump was a moron and therefore became "dumb as a rock and lazy as hell."

I guess all of this was to be expected given the deep state and whatnot. #AMIRIGHT @HighStickHarry & Medic007?

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Dave has a pouty bloodied lip over who Trumps hires and fires, such sensitive feelers. All he can do is stand there and bleed and it looks like vote for a commie as his only hope to get Trump out of office. Pretty funny how easily triggered Dave is right now, Schiff and Nadler territory for sure.
Dave has a pouty bloodied lip over who Trumps hires and fires, such sensitive feelers. All he can do is stand there and bleed and it looks like vote for a commie as his only hope to get Trump out of office. Pretty funny how easily triggered Dave is right now, Schiff and Nadler territory for sure.
Triggered? Nah - laughing at your goofy ass more like it. The way you so easily get twisted into knots defending the POSUS... You do it on cue, every time.
No the shit I refer to is the constant Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from the left about who Trump hires and fires, its been going on since 2016.
You made a claim about OKSTATE1 and he has never applied to work for you. Are you discriminating because he is not a leftie? Thats a no no.
And as far as it making me uncomfortable I have heard the same recycled bs you lefties have been saying since 2016, Trump fired so and so he hired so and so blah blah blah get some new whining material this shit you guys spew daily is getting old.
And Trump is not my God, didn't vote for him in 2016. Oh the HORROR! You were wrong yet again. Sorry to burst your bubble but I am the type of person that waits to see what someone does when given a chance to do a job not someone like a leftie that criticizes that person every step of the way because they don't like him, always focusing on the negative and ignoring the positives.
You do that because you see yourself as being a failure, never able to live up to your standards and you can only find joy in the failure of others as it makes you feel superior.

And keep your gay fantasies to yourself, I don't want to put a Load on you, ask Sys to do that.
Found the raw nerve.
My intolerance for mediocrity is what you are referring to.

You seem to love mediocrity. Hillary failed. Mueller failed. Impeachment failed. What campaign have you contributed to? Feel the Commie Bern? The racist Bloomberg? Sleepy crooked Joe? Whose mediocre campaign have you contributed to?

I own Google stock, get back to work and increase my shareholder value slacker.
February 15, 2020
Has the Deep State beaten Bill Barr?
By Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory

William Barr assumed the reins of the Department of Justice (DOJ) a year ago, succeeding Jeff Sessions as attorney general (A.G.) of the United States. By universal consensus, the tenure of Sessions was an epochal shipwreck, disfigured as it was by Sessions, who infamously and needlessly recused himself from the entire Deep State Russia Hoax while simultaneously declining to root out Deep State operatives obsessed with removing Trump from office (to say nothing of maintaining and even extending legal protections afforded the likes of Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner, among other Democrat-friendly government officials). Like Pontius Pilate, Sessions washed his hands of the matter and allowed the coup-plotters of the ironically named Justice Department to proceed against Trump unopposed.

Among law-and-order conservatives and defenders of Trump, it was widely hoped that Barr would be an A.G. unintimidated by the Deep State, with the intestinal fortitude to push back against a DOJ corrupted by progressive lawyers and grandiose bureaucrats blinded by their irrational and atavistic hatred for Trump. Perhaps Barr might even mete out long delayed justice to the chief plotters, among them the lawless James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, and James Clapper, along with nihilistic progressive minions like Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and Lisa Page.

After contentious confirmation hearings with ubiquitous and baseless left-wing smears, Barr was confirmed on Valentine's Day 2019. In the year since Barr's confirmation, conservative stalwarts from Roger Simon to Sean Hannity have sung the praises of Barr and his deputy, John Durham, all but guaranteeing criminal indictments any day now against senior members of the Obama administration (which had spied on Trump's campaign and colluded with multiple foreign actors to subvert American democracy, both before and after the 2016 election). Inspector General (I.G.) Michael Horowitz was designated as a third white knight by conservative true believers who maintained the I.G. would get to the bottom of everything. A full trio of Elliott Nesses, seemingly the only incorruptible G-men remaining in American government, would bring the blatantly partisan DOJ to heel.

Yet, in the same way that CNN's mindless and enraged lemmings hyperventilated over bombshells against the Trump administration that never materialized, so too did conservative media figures hype imminent findings of criminality against senior DOJ figures, intoning that heads would soon roll, with (take your pick) Horowitz, Durham, or even Barr himself leading the righteous charge.

Skeptical conservative voters were admonished to be patient, and that the likes of Comey, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, and Brennan would soon be charged for their crimes and jailed. Yet, amid the frantic waving of pom-poms, something perfectly predictable happened on the way to the Deep State's day of reckoning. The days turned to into weeks, the weeks into months, and now a full year.

It has been said that justice delayed is justice denied. It has now been more than three years since the broad outlines of the coup became public knowledge, as explicated in excruciating forensic detail by Mark Levin, Gregg Jarrett, Deroy Murdock, Mollie Hemingway, and John Solomon, among numerous others. And still, to this day, no Deep State coup-plotter has been charged with a crime. Fringe associates of Trump sit in prison (e.g., Manafort, Stone) or wallow in legal limbo (Flynn) for "crimes" of obvious government entrapment that pale into nothingness compared to the open and audacious felonies of Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and their ilk. Indeed, the coup-plotters have cashed in and monetized their notoriety, with bestselling books, shameless GoFundMe Pages, lucrative cable news contracts, and an open-door forum to espouse their anti-Trump venom on all forms of media.

And what of the sainted Bill Barr? Barr's DOJ has all but exonerated McCabe of any crimes -- indeed, on February 14, the DOJ indicated that it would not pursue charges against McCabe. If Barr and the DOJ are unwilling to hold McCabe accountable, why would conservatives expect anything different with Comey, Brennan, or Clapper, or Obama, or any of the others who were so central to the coup that continues to this day? It's business as usual at Barr's DOJ — Republicans continue to be targeted (e.g., Duncan Hunter), while Democrats (Hillary, Comey, McCabe, take your pick) skate free every time.

Prhaps even more disturbing, Barr's prosecution (and declination) decisions have been scarcely different from those of Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, or even Jeff Sessions (namely, prosecute Republicans or their affiliates on any charge, no matter how spurious, and look the other way when Democrats engage in incidentals like illegal spying or entrapment). Barr's recent decision to prosecute Lev Parnas, a shady Rudy Giuliani associate, with campaign finance violation charges is perfectly aligned with DOJ objectives (to prosecute Republican affiliates and protect Democrats). Lev Parnas can now be squeezed and made to compose a story to wound President Trump.

It could very well be that Parnas is guilty, but it's curious how the DOJ invariably (indeed, always) tunnel on Trump associates (largely in the hopes of finding, or creating, Trump dirt). Democrats who are equally guilty of campaign finance violations (or espionage, or falsifying records, or lying to a FISA court) seemingly have nothing to fear.

Could it be that Bill Barr, while an honorable man, simply has no stomach to prosecute long-time associates (and in some cases friends) in the DOJ, FBI, or CIA? Or, even worse, perhaps Barr has been intimidated into submission as the enfeebled Jeff Sessions was?

Conservatives who yearn to witness the scurrying of Deep State cockroaches from the exertions of Barr, Durham, and Horowitz should instead prepare to be disappointed...again. And with the coup relay torch passed from Comey, McCabe, Brennan, et al. to the Democrat-controlled Congress/#Resistance and their media allies, the original coup-plotters can sit back, laugh, cash in, and enjoy the show.

They clearly aren't worried about Bill Barr. Perhaps the president should be.

Barr isn't done...the over 2,000 ex-DOJ people wanting his resignation are all part of "Project Democracy" Barr will do his job because he is ethical, will hire ethical people and will have Durham and others build rock solid cases....not cases based on complete and utter bullshit or people who think that their individual policies are more important than following the presidents policies (basically the whole Ukrainian state group).

I don't care that McCabe isn't being prosecuted, the dumb ass lost his pension and while his liberal TDS brain infested cohorts will protect him for awhile, once he loses his usefulness, he is out the door then maybe the 13 or 14 people that watch CNN will start a Go-fund Me account. It is also possible they have something far more egregious on him than "lying to the parasitic whores" in congress. The long knifes are out for Barr, because the rumors are flying that the upcoming indictments (and of that I have zero doubt) are going to be far more injurious to the libs, ex-rodent-in chief worshipers and media. So better to discredit Barr and Trump than watch a bunch of traitorous liberal swine get exposed.

There are a lot of people who either actively participated, actively facilitated or actively turned a blind eye towards the spying on Trump and the hideous efforts of trying to ensnare his close associates to work their way up to Trump himself. Its easy to lie, manipulate and slander people when virtually the whole media complex is in your pocket. What do people like McCabe, the ex-rodent in chief, the media crave more than anything.......relevance and adulation. Absent actual jail time crushing the alleged wrongdoers careers, reputations and messianic like perception of their adherents is far worse.

Trump has fought back like no other politician I can remember, he has showed that having a spine and fighting back is okay (noticed today Jeb Bush say things need to get back to more civility-freakin putz) and fortunately it is being emulated to varying degrees by other R's/conservatives. Something that McCain, Romney and a whole army of others never learned is that you can succeed without a reach around from the pathologically lying and leftist ideological media.
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Barr isn't done...the over 2,000 ex-DOJ people wanting his resignation are all part of "Project Democracy" Barr will do his job because he is ethical, will hire ethical people and will have Durham and others build rock solid cases....not cases based on complete and utter bullshit or people who think that their individual policies are more important than following the presidents policies (basically the whole Ukrainian state group).

I don't care that McCabe isn't being prosecuted, the dumb ass lost his pension and while his liberal TDS brain infested cohorts will protect him for awhile, once he loses his usefulness, he is out the door then maybe the 13 or 14 people that watch CNN will start a Go-fund Me account. and it is possible they have something far more egregious on him that "lying to the parasitic whores" in congress. The long knifes are out for Barr, because the rumors are flying that the upcoming indictments (and of that I have zero doubt) are going to be far more injurious to the libs, ex-rodent-in chief worshipers and media.

There are a lot of people who either actively participated, actively facilitated or actively turned a blind eye towards the spying on Trump and the hideous efforts of trying to ensnare his close associates to work their way up to Trump himself. Its easy to lie, manipulate and slander people when virtually the whole media complex is in your pocket. What do people like McCabe, the ex-rodent in chief, the media crave more than anything.......relevance and adulation. Absent actual jail time crushing the alleged wrongdoers careers, reputations and messianic like perception of their adherents is far worse.

Trump has fought back like no other politician I can remember, he has showed that having a spine and fighting back is okay (noticed today Jeb Bush say things need to get back to more civility-freakin putz) and fortunately it is being emulated to varying degrees by other R's/conservatives. hat McCain, Romney and a whole army of others never learned is that you can succeed without a reach around from the pathologically lying and leftist ideological media.

McCabe may not be fully out of the woods, be interesting to see what happens from Durham's invetigation.
Ever heard of Ronald Reagan? Just blows your elitist lib ego that the star of the apprentice is a better Prez than Obama.
WTF does the Gipper have to do with Trump? You do know that Reagan had actual governing experience right? Nah, you didn't know that.... well you should do a little research.
February 15, 2020
Has the Deep State beaten Bill Barr?
By Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory

William Barr assumed the reins of the Department of Justice (DOJ) a year ago, succeeding Jeff Sessions as attorney general (A.G.) of the United States. By universal consensus, the tenure of Sessions was an epochal shipwreck, disfigured as it was by Sessions, who infamously and needlessly recused himself from the entire Deep State Russia Hoax while simultaneously declining to root out Deep State operatives obsessed with removing Trump from office (to say nothing of maintaining and even extending legal protections afforded the likes of Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner, among other Democrat-friendly government officials). Like Pontius Pilate, Sessions washed his hands of the matter and allowed the coup-plotters of the ironically named Justice Department to proceed against Trump unopposed.

Among law-and-order conservatives and defenders of Trump, it was widely hoped that Barr would be an A.G. unintimidated by the Deep State, with the intestinal fortitude to push back against a DOJ corrupted by progressive lawyers and grandiose bureaucrats blinded by their irrational and atavistic hatred for Trump. Perhaps Barr might even mete out long delayed justice to the chief plotters, among them the lawless James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, and James Clapper, along with nihilistic progressive minions like Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and Lisa Page.

After contentious confirmation hearings with ubiquitous and baseless left-wing smears, Barr was confirmed on Valentine's Day 2019. In the year since Barr's confirmation, conservative stalwarts from Roger Simon to Sean Hannity have sung the praises of Barr and his deputy, John Durham, all but guaranteeing criminal indictments any day now against senior members of the Obama administration (which had spied on Trump's campaign and colluded with multiple foreign actors to subvert American democracy, both before and after the 2016 election). Inspector General (I.G.) Michael Horowitz was designated as a third white knight by conservative true believers who maintained the I.G. would get to the bottom of everything. A full trio of Elliott Nesses, seemingly the only incorruptible G-men remaining in American government, would bring the blatantly partisan DOJ to heel.

Yet, in the same way that CNN's mindless and enraged lemmings hyperventilated over bombshells against the Trump administration that never materialized, so too did conservative media figures hype imminent findings of criminality against senior DOJ figures, intoning that heads would soon roll, with (take your pick) Horowitz, Durham, or even Barr himself leading the righteous charge.

Skeptical conservative voters were admonished to be patient, and that the likes of Comey, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, and Brennan would soon be charged for their crimes and jailed. Yet, amid the frantic waving of pom-poms, something perfectly predictable happened on the way to the Deep State's day of reckoning. The days turned to into weeks, the weeks into months, and now a full year.

It has been said that justice delayed is justice denied. It has now been more than three years since the broad outlines of the coup became public knowledge, as explicated in excruciating forensic detail by Mark Levin, Gregg Jarrett, Deroy Murdock, Mollie Hemingway, and John Solomon, among numerous others. And still, to this day, no Deep State coup-plotter has been charged with a crime. Fringe associates of Trump sit in prison (e.g., Manafort, Stone) or wallow in legal limbo (Flynn) for "crimes" of obvious government entrapment that pale into nothingness compared to the open and audacious felonies of Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and their ilk. Indeed, the coup-plotters have cashed in and monetized their notoriety, with bestselling books, shameless GoFundMe Pages, lucrative cable news contracts, and an open-door forum to espouse their anti-Trump venom on all forms of media.

And what of the sainted Bill Barr? Barr's DOJ has all but exonerated McCabe of any crimes -- indeed, on February 14, the DOJ indicated that it would not pursue charges against McCabe. If Barr and the DOJ are unwilling to hold McCabe accountable, why would conservatives expect anything different with Comey, Brennan, or Clapper, or Obama, or any of the others who were so central to the coup that continues to this day? It's business as usual at Barr's DOJ — Republicans continue to be targeted (e.g., Duncan Hunter), while Democrats (Hillary, Comey, McCabe, take your pick) skate free every time.

Prhaps even more disturbing, Barr's prosecution (and declination) decisions have been scarcely different from those of Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, or even Jeff Sessions (namely, prosecute Republicans or their affiliates on any charge, no matter how spurious, and look the other way when Democrats engage in incidentals like illegal spying or entrapment). Barr's recent decision to prosecute Lev Parnas, a shady Rudy Giuliani associate, with campaign finance violation charges is perfectly aligned with DOJ objectives (to prosecute Republican affiliates and protect Democrats). Lev Parnas can now be squeezed and made to compose a story to wound President Trump.

It could very well be that Parnas is guilty, but it's curious how the DOJ invariably (indeed, always) tunnel on Trump associates (largely in the hopes of finding, or creating, Trump dirt). Democrats who are equally guilty of campaign finance violations (or espionage, or falsifying records, or lying to a FISA court) seemingly have nothing to fear.

Could it be that Bill Barr, while an honorable man, simply has no stomach to prosecute long-time associates (and in some cases friends) in the DOJ, FBI, or CIA? Or, even worse, perhaps Barr has been intimidated into submission as the enfeebled Jeff Sessions was?

Conservatives who yearn to witness the scurrying of Deep State cockroaches from the exertions of Barr, Durham, and Horowitz should instead prepare to be disappointed...again. And with the coup relay torch passed from Comey, McCabe, Brennan, et al. to the Democrat-controlled Congress/#Resistance and their media allies, the original coup-plotters can sit back, laugh, cash in, and enjoy the show.

They clearly aren't worried about Bill Barr. Perhaps the president should be.
Excess drug/alcohol use leads to delusional thinking! Stick to are good at that

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