Harry Reid is more proof...

Aww, it wasn't that funny.

This post was edited on 8/22 3:02 PM by Ostatedchi
Sorry can't link on my mobile. Basically he said, to an audience of Asians that he can't keep his Wongs straight and that he doesn't think they are any smarter than us (crackers), just more productive.

Would have been funnier if he had said that the people in the audience were lighter skinned and didn't have an Oriental dialect (that's in reference to his comments about Obama circa 2008).
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by squeak:
Sorry can't link on my mobile. Basically he said, to an audience of Asians that he can't keep his Wongs straight and that he doesn't think they are any smarter than us (crackers), just more productive.

Would have been funnier if he had said that the people in the audience were lighter skinned and didn't have an Oriental dialect (that's in reference to his comments about Obama circa 2008).

Posted from Rivals Mobile

Reid is the epitome of "jack-off-idiot".
Early during the 2008 democratic primaries, didn't Joe Biden say something like, "Obama's smart and articulate for a black guy"? I am certain that he said something to that effect. This was, of course, before he was selected as the VP candidate. Imagine if one of those racists Republicans said something like this. Their political career would be over.

EDIT - Here's the quote: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said.

He made these comments in 2007 to the New York Observer.
This post was edited on 8/23 10:36 AM by Popinski
Democrats making racial comments = cool, funny and harmless

Republicans making racial comments = racism