Hakeem Jeffries On The Immunity Ruling


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Can't be, we were told it was a traitorous action to criticize our judicial system yet here we have the Minority Leader of the House saying “House Democrats will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the Supreme Court to ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution”

LMAO, watching Democrats meltdown every time something doesn't go exactly their way is one of life's simple pleasures.

Can't be, we were told it was a traitorous action to criticize our judicial system yet here we have the Minority Leader of the House saying “House Democrats will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the Supreme Court to ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution”

LMAO, watching Democrats meltdown every time something doesn't go exactly their way is one of life's simple pleasures.
Did he go on to say how the Constitution was violated? Or is he just throwing a short snippet out there for the headline jello brains to believe?
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Do you agree with this ruling and if so, why? Also, how does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism?
I think it's sad we even had to have the ruling. Damn near 250 years of precedent upset by Democrats intent on the destruction of a President they do not like. I do agree with the ruling and thought they did a good job of getting it right down the middle. They didn't provide blanket immunity but did say immunity applies on official acts and went so far as to allow the lower courts to further look into. About as fair a ruling as I could imagine.
Because an authoritarian Pres and DOJ is creating lawfare to keep a political opponent from running.
Let's assume this claim by you is true (it isn't, but let's assume it is).

If this is what President Biden is doing, and it is an official act by him as President, how is it wrong or unconstitutional for him to do this against political opponents according to this ruling?
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They didn't provide blanket immunity but did say immunity applies on official acts
And do you know how the Court says we must determine what acts or officials and non-official?

If President Biden ordered a political assassination against Trump and this was considered an official act, would you support President Biden's constitutional ability to do this as President?
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And do you know how the Court says we must determine what acts or officials and non-official?

If President Biden ordered a political assassination against Trump and this was considered an official act, would you support President Biden's constitutional ability to do this as President?
Presidents can not order the assassination of a foreign leader, what makes you think it would be an official act to assassinate a political opponent? The EO he would have to sign overturning the existing EO would cause a huge reaction from Congress and the country.
Presidents can not order the assassination of a foreign leader, what makes you think it would be an official act to assassinate a political opponent? The EO he would have to sign overturning the existing EO would cause a huge reaction from Congress and the country.
What makes you think it would not be an official act by the President?

I'm sure such an act would cause a huge reaction from Congress and the country? But so what?

Trump's actions on January 6 and his actions in seeking to overturn the 2020 election caused a huge reaction from Congress and the country. And the whole time, what have you been doing? Defending Trump and what he did. Claiming he could do what he did. And attacking Congress and those in the country wanting to hold Trump legally accountable.

Again Bearcat, if President Biden ordered the political assassination of Trump and it was determined to be an official act by him as President, would you then claim his action was constitutional? Yes or no?
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Do you agree with this ruling and if so, why? Also, how does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism?
Good Lord, do you even hear yourself? Which party is telling people who to accept, what to drive, what to eat, how to live....? Conservatives want less gov't in their lives. Why is that so hard for libs to figure this out? The left, FBI and DOJ literally went after Trump for political assassination purposes and you want to talk about authoritarianism?
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Which party is telling people who to accept, what to drive, what to eat, how to live....? Conservatives want less gov't in their lives.
Less government except when it comes to a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions, correct? Less government except when it comes to bodily autonomy, correct? Less government except when it comes to funding government projects that conservatives favor, correct? Etc.

Modern day Republican conservatives do not always want less government in the lives of Americans. In fact, on some issues, they want
more government.

The left, FBI and DOJ literally went after Trump for political assassination purposes and you want to talk about authoritarianism?
Yes I do. Because your positions doesn't make any sense and you right-wingers keep contradicting yourself as you flail around everywhere trying to defend one man. Either you aren't thinking through what you are supporting or you are thinking through it and know that you are supporting authoritarianism as long as it comes from the right. I'm trying to figure out which one it is.

So I'll ask you the same question I asked above, how does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism?
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What makes you think it would not be an official act by the President?

I'm sure such an act would cause a huge reaction from Congress and the country? But so what?

Trump's actions on January 6 and his actions in seeking to overturn the 2020 election caused a huge reaction from Congress and the country. And the whole time, what have you been doing? Defending Trump and what he did. Claiming he could do what he did. And attacking Congress and those in the country wanting to hold Trump legally accountable.

Again Bearcat, if President Biden ordered the political assassination of Trump and it was determined to be an official act by him as President, would you then claim his action was constitutional? Yes or no?
The extreme lengths that you try to twist stuff is amazing.
What makes you think it would not be an official act by the President?

I'm sure such an act would cause a huge reaction from Congress and the country? But so what?

Trump's actions on January 6 and his actions in seeking to overturn the 2020 election caused a huge reaction from Congress and the country. And the whole time, what have you been doing? Defending Trump and what he did. Claiming he could do what he did. And attacking Congress and those in the country wanting to hold Trump legally accountable.

Again Bearcat, if President Biden ordered the political assassination of Trump and it was determined to be an official act by him as President, would you then claim his action was constitutional? Yes or no?
How would assassinating a political opponent be ruled a official act? Explain that one.
Less government except when it comes to a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions, correct? Less government except when it comes to bodily autonomy, correct? Less government except when it comes to funding government projects that conservatives favor, correct? Etc.

Modern day Republican conservatives do not always want less government in the lives of Americans. In fact, on some issues, they want
more government.

Yes I do. Because your positions doesn't make any sense and you right-wingers keep contradicting yourself as you flail around everywhere trying to defend one man. Either you aren't thinking through what you are supporting or you are thinking through it and know that you are supporting authoritarianism as long as it comes from the right. I'm trying to figure out which one it is.

So I'll ask you the same question I asked above, how does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism?
Don't want to get a DUI? Don't drink and drive. Don't want to get obese? Don't overeat. Don't want to become a drug addict? Don't do drugs. Don't want to become pregnant? Take precautions. Don't start with the rape, incest, mom/baby in danger, 1.5% of all abortions. I'd give you those in exchange for the others. You sitting their acting like Republicans are the only ones pushing for the funding of their own projects is comical. Blinders, no self awareness, intentional lack of honesty?

I haven't met a Republican yet who wants more gov't in their life, not one.

I'm not defending Trump, although he makes Obama and Biden look like presidents of a high school stamp club. What I saw from Dems day 1 when he became president was/is disgusting. I'd say the same if the roles were reversed because it's not good for the country.

As far as whether I agree with the ruling? Yes, but you all act like it was Trump himself who made it and not the SC.
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The extreme lengths that you try to twist stuff is amazing.
I've not gone to any extreme lengths. I'm discussing issues that are discussed in this opinion, that I am currently reading. Have you or do you plan to read it?

This is your attempt to dodge and deflect having to answer a question that makes you actually think through your own position.

So I'll ask you, if President Biden ordered the political assassination of Trump and it was determined to be an official act by him as President, would you then claim his action was constitutional? Yes or no?
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I've not gone to any extreme lengths. I'm discussing issues that are discussed in this opinion, that I am currently reading. Have you or do you plan to read it?

This is your attempt to dodge and deflect having to answer a question that makes you actually think through your own position.

So I'll ask you, if President Biden ordered the political assassination of Trump and it was determined to be an official act by him as President, would you then claim his action was constitutional? Yes or no?

I just watched Kayleigh on fox and she made the comment some people are already implying criminal acts just like you did.

You should watch Fox News.

I will give you a head start. You know because you see all sides unless it’s trump.

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Don't want to become pregnant? Take precautions. Don't start with the rape, incest, mom/baby in danger, 1.5% of all abortions. I'd give you those in exchange for the others.
Well maybe you are willing to exchange this for the others, but many of the Republican so-called "conservatives" that you support aren't. They are wanting to criminalize all abortions.

This isn't less government. This is more government.

You sitting their acting like Republicans are the only ones pushing for the funding of their own projects is comical. Blinders, no self awareness, intentional lack of honesty?
No I'm not. Did I ever state Democrats don't want to fund their projects. Nope. You just created a strawman.

You are the one sitting here acting like Republicans want less government as they go about funding their government projects! Get real.and be honest for once. It is you who has on blinders and no self awareness.

Prove me wrong about your lack of self awareness. Can you now admit that Republican conservatives do not always want less government?

I haven't met a Republican yet who wants more gov't in their life, not one.
lol, then you aren't paying attention. They are everywhere, including Trump himself.

Wake up and stop drinking the kool-aid.

As far as whether I agree with the ruling? Yes, but you all act like it was Trump himself who made it and not the SC.
Why do you agree with the ruling? What about it do you agree with? How does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism?

Back up your position for once.
You raise an excellent point.

Do you know how the Supreme Court just explained how we determine whether an act by the President is official or non-official?
Not a legal scholar but from what I'm reading:
The review will be done under a three-part test: whether particular conduct is a core presidential function that carries absolute immunity, an official act within the outer perimeter of the presidency that carries presumptive immunity, or an unofficial act that carries no immunity.

Common sense tells me assassinating a political opponent would not be ruled an official act but I wouldn't put anything past Democrats, they might.
an official act within the outer perimeter of the presidency that carries presumptive immunity
And the Court did not clarify which acts fall within this "outer perimeter." So how are we to determine this Bearcat?

assassinating a political opponent would not be ruled an official act
Why do you believe this? What in today's ruling would place this act outside the protection if a President made the claim it was an official act?
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Not a legal scholar but from what I'm reading:
The review will be done under a three-part test: whether particular conduct is a core presidential function that carries absolute immunity, an official act within the outer perimeter of the presidency that carries presumptive immunity, or an unofficial act that carries no immunity.

Common sense tells me assassinating a political opponent would not be ruled an official act but I wouldn't put anything past Democrats, they might.
2 Pesos was hoping Joe could kill Trump, lawfare is not working. He wants a plan B.
And the Court did not clarify which acts fall within this "outer perimeter." So how are we to determine this Bearcat?
Why do you believe this? What in today's ruling would place this act outside the protection if a President made the claim it was an official act?
I know common sense is hard far you but it doesn't take a genius to figure out killing political opponents is clearly out of bounds. Then again Democrats are morally corrupt so who knows they might just say it's OK.
2 Pesos was hoping Joe could kill Trump, lawfare is not working.
I don't want President Biden to kill Trump or any of his political opponents. Or vice versa.

I have serious concerns though that this ruling just gave him and any future President the ability to do so though. I'm still reading it though, but so far, this is a very troublesome ruling. One that even true conservatives and/or libertarians should be troubled by.
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I know common sense is hard far you but it doesn't take a genius to figure out killing political opponents is clearly out of bounds.
Well at one time, people thought a President trying to overturn an election was clearly out of bounds. At one time, people thought a President attacking the integrity of our own elections was clearly out of bounds. At one time, people thought what happened on January 6 could never happen. That all use to be "common sense" too. Not anymore though.

I'm asking you to explain, using the legal reasoning found in this ruling, how a President assassinating a political opponent could be place outside immunity protection if a President made the claim it was an official act. Your claim may be right. But can you give the legal explanation?
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It doesn’t say anything. I tried to help you with a video but here you are still flailing away.


I'm asking for your opinion, and you link to Fox News? Seriously man?


That post says it all. Ask the right-winger a serious question and what does he do? He links to Fox News!🤣🙄

Do you have the ability to come up with an original thought apart from Fox News? Try again.

Do you agree with this ruling and if so, why? Also, how does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism in your opinion?
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I'm asking for your opinion, and you link to Fox News? Seriously man?


That post says it all. Ask the right-winger a serious question and what does he do? He links to Fox News!🤣🙄

Do you have the ability to come up with an original thought apart from Fox News? Try again.

Do you agree with this ruling and if so, why? Also, how does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism in your opinion?
lol, you literally linked to Fox News when asked a question about what you think. A clip of some talking head on Fox News!🤣🤣

Don't ever try to claim again on this board that Democrats are the only ones being manipulated by the media. That only Democrats repeat what they are told to believe.

With that said, still waiting on you to provide your own (and not Fox News') answer to these questions:

Do you agree with this ruling and if so, why? Also, how does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism in your opinion?
lol, you literally linked to Fox News when asked a question about what you think. A clip of some talking head on Fox News!🤣🤣

Don't ever try to claim again on this board that Democrats are the only ones being manipulated by the media. That only Democrats repeat what they are told to believe.

With that said, still waiting on you to provide your own (and not Fox News') answer to these questions:

Do you agree with this ruling and if so, why? Also, how does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism in your opinion?
That talking head was assigned to the Supreme Court , has a Harvard law degree, analyst for cnn, fox and others. Oh yeah a former White House press secretary. Initially W brought her to the White House. That’s a lot more legal cred than I have. So yeah, I will trust her. I am a business owner and if I need legal advice , I hire it out.

"The man who represents himself has a fool for a client" - Abraham Lincoln (avatar)
Well at one time, people thought a President trying to overturn an election was clearly out of bounds. At one time, people thought a President attacking the integrity of our own elections was clearly out of bounds. At one time, people thought what happened on January 6 could never happen. That all use to be "common sense" too. Not anymore though.

I'm asking you to explain, using the legal reasoning found in this ruling, how a President assassinating a political opponent could be place outside immunity protection if a President made the claim it was an official act. Your claim may be right. But can you give the legal explanation?
I guess you would have to ask the 6 Justices that ruled for it. Your ridiculous argument was brought up during arguments and clearly dismissed as batshit crazy by 6 out of 9 Justices. I may not always agree with every ruling the SCOTUS makes but I do respect their rulings. I do find it strange that you have such an issue with the ruling. You were sure to point out how wrong it was to disagree or criticize court rulings even though the judges in those cases are clearly political activist. You're double standards are alive, well and aging nicely.
The court’s conservative majority said former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts that fall within their “exclusive sphere of constitutional authority” and are presumptively entitled to immunity for all official acts. They do not enjoy immunity for unofficial, or private, actions

-ap news

Here you go , I know how triggered you get when people use the f word (fox).

Is murder in the sphere of constitutional authority of a president?
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Well maybe you are willing to exchange this for the others, but many of the Republican so-called "conservatives" that you support aren't. They are wanting to criminalize all abortions.

This isn't less government. This is more government.

No I'm not. Did I ever state Democrats don't want to fund their projects. Nope. You just created a strawman.

You are the one sitting here acting like Republicans want less government as they go about funding their government projects! Get real.and be honest for once. It is you who has on blinders and no self awareness.

Prove me wrong about your lack of self awareness. Can you now admit that Republican conservatives do not always want less government?

lol, then you aren't paying attention. They are everywhere, including Trump himself.

Wake up and stop drinking the kool-aid.

Why do you agree with the ruling? What about it do you agree with? How does this ruling protect the country from authoritarianism?

Back up your position for once.
You libs are great at creating boogey men. In your case it’s “authoritarianism”. You lost what little credibility you had left, and proved my point, when YOU accused me of creating straw men.

Can't be, we were told it was a traitorous action to criticize our judicial system yet here we have the Minority Leader of the House saying “House Democrats will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the Supreme Court to ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution”

LMAO, watching Democrats meltdown every time something doesn't go exactly their way is one of life's simple pleasures.
This is dangerous rhetoric. If you want to incite revolt this is the type of rhetoric a politician would use. Anyone see a peacefully and patriotically with that one? Chucky wasn't any better, which means the Minority leader in the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate are making these claims. Throw in AOC and wanting to Impeach the Justices for ....... something yet to be determined, and you have a very divisive Democrat Party. Not a change for most on this board. Hakeem with AOC need to figure out what the SCOTUS did that was unconstitutional. Till then making claims such as this is downright dangerous.
Good Lord, do you even hear yourself? Which party is telling people who to accept, what to drive, what to eat, how to live....? Conservatives want less gov't in their lives. Why is that so hard for libs to figure this out? The left, FBI and DOJ literally went after Trump for political assassination purposes and you want to talk about authoritarianism?

The extreme lengths that you try to twist stuff is amazing.

How would assassinating a political opponent be ruled a official act? Explain that one.
Three more members who can define all seven components of critical thinking. Where these members fail miserably? Getting through to the leftist is completely beyond their reach.