Guess why Biff had a falling out with Epstein.

They are focusing on Trump instead of Epstein, no surprise.
Hell the Dims still took money from him after his conviction in 2008.
He even gave the Clinton Foundation money after that conviction and they sure had no problem taking it.
The timing of this whole thing now stinks, I said it the other day, its just another way they hope to nail Trump on something, the couldn't care less about what Epstein has done. They didn't then and they don't now.
Here's a pitch right down your strike zone: Is there a demographic more given to pedophilia than the male conservative politician? I'm not accusing anybody of anything, I'm just talking about it. from the twitter of a "Unitarian, Progressive, 2nd Gen American, Multi Racial Family, Trans Teen Mom..."

Yeah, I'm sure that's legit.
Calcium deposit on his Medulla Oblongata is my guess.