Uh oh, Al Gore isn't gonna like this one bit.
He should have spoken up before the gnomes boarded the Rainbow Warrior.
I have no issue with alternative fuels, recycling or any other improvements or stewardship of our environment. I simply don't want the government subsidizing it or telling me humans are causing the problem. Yes, we cause lots of problems with our waste disposal and other localized pollution (dumping chemicals in a river, etc.) but simply exhaling CO2 during respiration or the liberation of CO2 through normal processes is not the problem. Carbon, an essential component of life, is not the problem either.Always has been but I suppose making fuel out of garbage is a good thing too
The entire global warming evidence consists of computer models.Quick story about a discussion I had yesterday with an Irish gal that lives in London and is here in Brisbane for the conference am attending.
Little background, every single CEO speaking at the Plenary sessions yesterday and today are promulgating climate change. Yesterday after listening to this during eight different discussions beating this horse I approached this lady.
Me - I would like to create an anonymous poll to see who really believes there is global warming.
The lady - what do you mean? It’s settled and potentially an event that could cause mankind’s extinction.
Me - okay, convince me it’s real. How in your opinion is this an issue?
The lady - well I’ve read articles and “know” this is an issue.
Me - which articles/books have you read? What is your understanding of sunspots function in weather outcomes? As sun spots have foretold previous coolings and mini ice ages.
The lady - I cant recall any articles or names of books, but what does it matter. It’s a settled science.
Me - what will your beliefs be if there is a cooling trend and or even another mini ice age.
The lady - that isn’t going to happen unless every country gets to 0 emissions.
So we dropped the subject and talked about other things. She was so sure and entrenched in her beliefs that no matter what happens it’s settled in her mind.
As I sit through these conferences I wonder how many of these people really believe what they say or are they just playing along so their companies aren’t targeted as being deniers and suffering the protests, divestments and other jack boot tactics that are deployed against people who say this hoax is real.
That said, for the folks that think this is real, feel free to shoot me book suggestions and links to articles that say global warming is real and are peer reviewed.
The entire global warming evidence consists of rigged computer models to ensure future funding for the desired results.
What's the difference in them and other scientists who are competing for research money? Why question the motives of one and not the other?I wouldn't trust scientists working for huge multi-nationals.
I was told that margarine was better than butter. Now it has been reversed
Dr. Freeman Dyson, the Princeton physicist who replaced Einstein, said of computers, they are great at telling us what has happened but terrible at predicting what will happen. We see this often with the weather as their computers are only reliable for a day or two. Completely unreliable for 5-7 days much less for 30-40 years in the future.The entire global warming evidence consists of computer models.
Especially when the underbrush is restricted by law from being cleared out.Forests burn. That’s their natural function.
Also, you need to update your reading. Modern margarine if chosen wisely can be better for you. In moderation.I wouldn't trust scientists working for huge multi-nationals.
I was told that margarine was better than butter. Now it has been reversed
They also used to tell about the evils of saccharine until they changed their tune. Same with bacon. And now we read that cholesterol harm is overstated. Study outcomes seem to be based on who is paying the bill at the onset.Also, you need to update your reading. Modern margarine if chosen wisely can be better for you. In moderation.
That said, I prefer butter.
Yep, and who's paying the bills for the current global warming studies? What outcomes could they possibly be wanting?They also used to tell about the evils of saccharine until they changed their tune. Same with bacon. And now we read that cholesterol harm is overstated. Study outcomes seem to be based on who is paying the bill at the onset.
It's the same with political polls. The demographic details are hidden in the inside which are rarely stated on the TV networks. Almost all political polls are weighted in favor of one side or the other.Yep, and who's paying the bills for the current global warming studies? What outcomes could they possibly be wanting?
We should be skeptical of all these studies and educate ourselves on the methodologies and results.
It's the same with political polls. The demographic details are hidden in the inside which are rarely stated on the TV networks. Almost all political polls are weighted in favor of one side or the other.