GOP Senator claims we just cut the head off ISIS

Barry personally killed Obama bin Laden, so according to his proclamation that Al Queda had been defeated, ISIS doesn't exist.
Obama smokes a ANOTHER BIG one
Deadlist killer of terrorists of all time


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"The Lethal Presidency"

Deadliest bad guy POTUS killer since FDR, Truman, Ike

Hail to the Chief!!!

So it's a good thing that Obama had a 16 year old American citizen with no terrorist ties murdered just because of the sins of his father? I posted this article for you quite some time ago and you said it was lies. Now it is affirmation of his greatness?

More like affirmation of his tyranny.
CUP, the killing of innocents at the order of President Obama is something that merits your response. Take a breather, and give Thor a thoughtful answer.
Cup blamed BBJ's death on not wearing a helmet, not the illegal making an illegal U-turn.
Cup blamed BBJ's death on not wearing a helmet, not the illegal making an illegal U-turn.

Yeah, that's wack. There's no logical progression there.

You can state that if he had been wearing a helmet, he may not have been injured as badly.

But you can't take either injury or death (in this case death) out of the equation without the illegal u-turn by the individual who happened to be in the country illegally.

Which, I guess, begs the question, I) if laws enforced, or, ii) not actively encouraged to circumvent, would the person committing the illegal u-turn have been there at all, and would BBJ still be alive?

Side note: On the issue of Immigration, I don't have a particular hard stance. My heated place is on enforcement of law, or lack thereof. Theory is that laws (generally) reflect the values of the people or some recognition of inalieable rights. Not enforcing or encouraging circumventing laws you don't agree with, to me, is completely unacceptable. Work within the process.

Anyway, CUP, you've got at least one question left outstanding.
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I talked to someone on the scene and apparently it was so bad that a helmet would have done him no good.

On the immigration thing, I appreciate the fact that people come here illegally to better themselves. I just have a hard time reconciling that with the fact that so many do it the right way so how is it fair to them?

I really wish we could deport Americans who could work but choose not to.
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CUP, the killing of innocents at the order of President Obama is something that merits your response. Take a breather, and give Thor a thoughtful answer.

He can't. He doesn't know how to deal with the cognitive dissonance.
Cupp, don't even respond to the crocodile tears of one death, compared with the war crimes of Cheney, Bush et al. It's insane how many innocent people the previous administration killed (and let be killed in 911) and NOW innocent lives matter? LOL. I sure hope you guys can get some sleep with the selective moral outrage of one death.

Tell me, have any of you bothered to see how many innocents we killed in the Iraq war?
Cupp, don't even respond to the crocodile tears of one death, compared with the war crimes of Cheney, Bush et al. It's insane how many innocent people the previous administration killed (and let be killed in 911) and NOW innocent lives matter? LOL. I sure hope you guys can get some sleep with the selective moral outrage of one death.

Tell me, have any of you bothered to see how many innocents we killed in the Iraq war?

SySko Kid for the WIN!!!
I'm so glad these messages stay in the system now. It will come in handy when you come on here screaming about a future Republican president that orders the death of an American citizen, maybe even another child from the precedent set by your god anointed POTUS. If Bush/Cheney had done this you'd be screaming from the mountain tops with your fake outrage. All you have both done is show your hypocrisy and yay team attitude. In fact, sys showed it clear as day.
I'm so glad these messages stay in the system now. It will come in handy when you come on here screaming about a future Republican president that orders the death of an American citizen, maybe even another child from the precedent set by your god anointed POTUS. If Bush/Cheney had done this you'd be screaming from the mountain tops with your fake outrage. All you have both done is show your hypocrisy and yay team attitude. In fact, sys showed it clear as day.

Future republican president? Dodo bird will be back from extinction first
I'm so glad these messages stay in the system now. It will come in handy when you come on here screaming about a future Republican president that orders the death of an American citizen, maybe even another child from the precedent set by your god anointed POTUS. If Bush/Cheney had done this you'd be screaming from the mountain tops with your fake outrage. All you have both done is show your hypocrisy and yay team attitude. In fact, sys showed it clear as day.

Thor, intelligent presidents don't commit an army to fight a terrorist. Even Ronnie knew that.
Thor, intelligent presidents don't commit an army to fight a terrorist. Even Ronnie knew that.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I mean, while it is a valid point.....I fail to see how it has anything to do with what I said.
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I mean, while it is a valid point.....I fail to see how it has anything to do with what I said.

Aren't you referencing Obama killing terrorists in the mideast that are American? I depends on the circumstances of ordering the death of an american. If he's a terrorist w ISIS, I'm not offended. If it's an accused in Cincinatti that is accused of selling cocaine, I'm offended.
Aren't you referencing Obama killing terrorists in the mideast that are American? I depends on the circumstances of ordering the death of an american. If he's a terrorist w ISIS, I'm not offended. If it's an accused in Cincinatti that is accused of selling cocaine, I'm offended.

No, I'm referencing the ordered death of a terrorist's 16 year old son who had no terrorist affiliation and was also an American citizen. A kid that was intentionally targeted and murdered by our government seemingly because of the sins of his father. You need to read the article and read about Al-Awaliki's son. If a Republican had done this liberals would be up in arms screaming fascism and the media would be leading the parade.....and rightfully so I might add. My issue is in that Team Blue did it so it's forgivable and not worth discussing. How is this considered more acceptable than waterboarding a known terrorist to "save American lives" among the left? Fact is that it is not, the difference is in who's team is committing the atrocity. It is the same thing you convict the right of on here all the time.
No, I'm referencing the ordered death of a terrorist's 16 year old son who had no terrorist affiliation and was also an American citizen. A kid that was intentionally targeted and murdered by our government seemingly because of the sins of his father. You need to read the article and read about Al-Awaliki's son. If a Republican had done this liberals would be up in arms screaming fascism and the media would be leading the parade.....and rightfully so I might add. My issue is in that Team Blue did it so it's forgivable and not worth discussing. How is this considered more acceptable than waterboarding a known terrorist to "save American lives" among the left? Fact is that it is not, the difference is in who's team is committing the atrocity. It is the same thing you convict the right of on here all the time.

Collateral damage in war--sometimes innocents die..

One of the costs to preserve our freedoms and way of life...
Collateral damage in war--sometimes innocents die..

One of the costs to preserve our freedoms and way of life...

The majority of our nation's foreign actions over the last half-century have had nothing to do with preserving our freedoms or way of life. They had to do with funneling money into certain hands and engaging in the sustainment of our place as the hegemonic power of our time. But you just go ahead and feel free to keep drinking that Kool-Aid and playing the role of useful idiot, er I mean Mr. Patriot.

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