Good Start to 2019


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Great chart. Notice that since Trump has taken over, the annual dips to 0% have gone away? Sustained 2-3% growth (which Obama stated was unachieveable) is suddenly being achieved. Heck, Trump has already achieved more consecutive quarters of 2% growth than Obama did at any point in his presidency.

But don't worry, Fed is already getting the heat to raise rates again to cool this down. Can't have this president (of all people) presiding over a successful and growing economy.
How did the Fed's quantitative easing affect the economy during the Obama presidency? Serious question.
If you can answer that one definitively you will get a Riksbank prize for economics (Nobel)
Some say it helped
Some say it hurt (our dude Mosler)
Some say it was equivalent to pushing on a rope.
I'm of the opinion QE1 helped for a quarter QE2 helped a little less for a quarter and QE3 didn't work at all.
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Obama introduced some Marxist economic policies (excessive regulation). Trump deregulated or reversed those policies.

The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engles is good reading. Socialism is the rest stop on the way to Communism. Venezuela is the poster child for Bernie/Hugo Chavez style transition.

My study in economics comes from the classroom at Gonzaga University while stationed at Fairchild AFB and correspondence with the University of Maryland while stationed at Goose AFB. I do not have a degree in economics.
Credit for the highest numbers isn't deserved as much as blame isn't deserved for the numbers in the crapper.
8 year average is the legacy.
Yes, Trump, 8 years.
Best get your minds right about that. :)
Obama introduced some Marxist economic policies (excessive regulation). Trump deregulated or reversed those policies.

The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engles is good reading. Socialism is the rest stop on the way to Communism. Venezuela is the poster child for Bernie/Hugo Chavez style transition.

My study in economics comes from the classroom at Gonzaga University while stationed at Fairchild AFB and correspondence with the University of Maryland while stationed at Goose AFB. I do not have a degree in economics.

Sunburnt, first off thank you for your service!

This illustrates the general problem with government vs the private sector, which was greatly magnified by the flop eared muslim. He surrounded himself with “theorists” who’s practical experience was a college classroom. Their ideological leanings easily trumped the need for less regulation and smaller government. Their complete tone deafness to what is better for the country vs what enhances their parties longevity is the litmus test for what to do regardless of how it impacts most Americans. Trumps experience and that of many around him is “real life” experiences.....he’s the plumber in a sea of aristocrats.
The delusional one is the one who backed by evidence thinks Obama achieved 2-3% gdp growth?

Obama didn't have one year of 3% GDP, sure he had a few quarters but who couldn't when they are pumping trillions into the economy with quantitative easing and running trillion dollar deficits. I will give Obama credit though, because his economic policies were so bad, inflation never took off the way it was expected to.