Globalism trending poorly in EU


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
Are things trending to Fr-exit, Ital-exit? Germany of course would be last of G7 to flip since they run the show.

Far-right parties claimed the largest share of votes in France and Italy and came second in Germany in the recent elections for the European Parliament. Granted, centrist parties are still in charge: The European Union’s policies and legislative agenda are set by the European Council and the European Commission, the populist right is far from united, and new exits from the union are not on the agenda. Even so, the results are disturbing — and French President Emmanuel Macron’s abrupt decision to dissolve his own legislature in response to the vote could well make matters worse.

The recently concluded European Union Parliament elections echoed the sentiments of the people from far and wide. Approximately 373 million voters from Finland to Cyprus voted over four days.
The results were largely expected—the far-right forces scored major gains. The Centre-right European People's Party increased its tally to 184 seats, securing a quarter of the 720 seats in the hemicycle. The extent of gains and losses sent tremors through countries like France, Germany, and Hungary. Europeans voted to support conservatives and ultranationalists, signaling their discontent with those in power.

My wife is hosting two co workers from her corp office in Belgium. What a difference between eu and us in just talking to them about possession s. They had hardly any and their comment to us having a boat and a pool. Only the super rich have pools or boats.

Yep all the poor vs the elites. We do not want eu policies here.
My wife is hosting two co workers from her corp office in Belgium. What a difference between eu and us in just talking to them about possession s. They had hardly any and their comment to us having a boat and a pool. Only the super rich have pools or boats.

Yep all the poor vs the elites. We do not want eu policies here.
I've seen a shift in the Internationals' perspective. They used to almost sneer at the US with "but you don't NEED your own pool or boat or detached house or yard or 2 cars or ..."

Now that they've been EU'ed and Refugeed into even losing their own society, they seem measurably concerned.
I've seen a shift in the Internationals' perspective. They used to almost sneer at the US with "but you don't NEED your own pool or boat or detached house or yard or 2 cars or ..."

Now that they've been EU'ed and Refugeed into even losing their own society, they seem measurably concerned.
Is it bad enough yet? Looks like it's getting there. Will the EU act in time? We should pay close attention to that.
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Biden is equal parts awful at home and abroad: he strikes the image of a bumbling idiot on the global stage, conveying extreme weakness and incompetence, while running roughshod over the rule of law and civil liberties at home – going so far as to risk plunging America into chaos by prosecuting his leading political opponent in order to cheat his way to a second term, because at this point cheating and lawfare is the only way he knows how to win elections.

While Biden’s problems are bad on the domestic front, they get arguably worse overseas. The international order has descended into chaos under Biden’s stewardship. Western countries have been ravaged by strife and warfare in Eastern Europe and the Middle East to levels not seen since World War II. Meanwhile, autocratic regimes like China, Iran, and Russia have been empowered, relative to the United States and Europe, which have been brought to near financial and cultural ruin by the suicidal policies of the Biden government.

Is it bad enough yet? Looks like it's getting there. Will the EU act in time? We should pay close attention to that.

It's not trending well for the Globalists anywhere. Looks like the "Populist" movements are gaining steam across entirety of the Western nations.

Even here, we see the Leftards vomiting ideology, ideology that has hurt us, as if any cares what they have to say any more.
Are things trending to Fr-exit, Ital-exit? Germany of course would be last of G7 to flip since they run the show.

Far-right parties claimed the largest share of votes in France and Italy and came second in Germany in the recent elections for the European Parliament. Granted, centrist parties are still in charge: The European Union’s policies and legislative agenda are set by the European Council and the European Commission, the populist right is far from united, and new exits from the union are not on the agenda. Even so, the results are disturbing — and French President Emmanuel Macron’s abrupt decision to dissolve his own legislature in response to the vote could well make matters worse.

I think the EU is a dead man walking. The organization has tried to homogenize multiple countries, ethnic groups and governments to a "group think," mentality pushed by the ultra wealthy and liberal. There are some good things they do, but the whole green energy push and coerced illegal immigrant acceptance, if it continues will destroy the organization.
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I think the EU is a dead man walking. The organization has tried to homogenize multiple countries, ethnic groups and governments to a "group think," mentality pushed by the ultra wealthy and liberal. There are some good things they do, but the whole green energy push and coerced illegal immigrant acceptance, if it continues will destroy the organization.
We'll see if the European Conservatives can change the course. France's Marie le Pen saying "I will deport" the illegal aliens is definitely something we've never heard Macron say.

The Winston Marshall interview is only 10 minutes. It does give hope.
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I'm not holding my breath. Europe has been slow to recognize that socialism is bad. You think they would learn after communism and fascism both sicialist systems, failed but nope let's try again. It's the we will get this right this time mentality.

I hope they turn it around, I loved Europe and want to go back.
I don't know if the Europeans will ever wake up. In talking with numerous Europeans in out travels they seem to be oblivious to any other way than the European way of what amounts to a nanny state IMO.
Shows how deeply entwined the Media is with the Activist Left Globalists. When the Media whonks, the BS meter dings the bell.
Can you define what a "globalist" is and what a "globalist" believes in?

Also, what is the difference between a "right globalist" and a "left globalist" in your opinion?
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I don't know if the Europeans will ever wake up. In talking with numerous Europeans in out travels they seem to be oblivious to any other way than the European way of what amounts to a nanny state IMO.
I work with a good number of Europeans. They're all "upper middle" class, white collar folks without family wealth. They're doing well, perhaps even better with all the illegal aliens in-country.

Strike up a conversation with an Italian driving a taxi, British waiter/waitress, or French shop owner - if you can find an Italian in Italy or Brit in UK or Frenchman in France that is.

It's the working class that's accused of being "populist". That's who the Euro "Elite" need to be worried about. They're NOT happy.

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