What other group in the world besides conservative Americans think man-made global warming is a hoax?
I'm sure it's at least as accurate as election polling data.
What other group in the world besides conservative Americans think man-made global warming is a hoax?
I love how you have found a meme that demonstrates each of the major logical fallacies - well done sir...Just gonna leave this here. And eventually, I'll probably scoot this thing over to the 24/7 board.
I love how you have found a meme that demonstrates each of the major logical fallacies - well done sir...
Selfish conservatives have no regard whatsoever for any naturally-existing thing on the planet from which they can squeeze a dime. They don't give a rat's azz about the condition they leave the Earth in, because they're going to die before it gets real nasty and after that, they won't care. So let's call their selfish reason greed.
"Severely fudged" numbers again? You've got to get off that kick. A few guys try to make a name for themselves by tampering with results and who caught them? Other scientists. No one gets away with shit like that -- not for very long, anyway.
All they do is check each other's numbers. When numbers don't add up the whole community jumps on it to see where the problem was. Peer review. When 97% of the people around the globe who study these data every day say, "Here's the way it looks right now," you can bet the 3% left over are your fringe kooks.
Now that the numbers from NASA are consistently bad, what does the new administration propose? "Well, lets pull the plug on the money NASA spends looking at the Earth. That'll fix 'em."
Don't like the message? Shoot the messenger. That'll take care of global warming for a few years. Except for those pesky scientists overseas who are capable of launching their own instruments in a few years.
Oh, now we're the "atheistic left"? Gosh, I thought it was just me. Let me know right before you declare me a "godless communist" so I can be sure have my guns loaded when you sic the immigration police on me.
You may be happy to know almost every liberal I know in Oklahoma is a god-fearing Christian of one persuasion or another and several of the atheists I meet with are conservative as hell. God help me.
This is a money game. Lots of people need to justify their research to continue to recieve grant monies.
This sentence made me laugh.
If you believe "this is a money game", then how can you not fall on the side of "Global Warming is real"? Who has more money....scientists who want to do research or energy/technology companies around the world? Do you honestly believe that the scientists grant money is equal to more than 5% of the profits that the tech/energy companies are making every year?
It makes much more sense that the people who stand to gain by claiming that GW is not real would pull out all the stops, do something dishonest, and have the means to do so, than it does that multiple groups of scientists would do so in order to bring in grant money.
"Severely fudged" numbers again? You've got to get off that kick. A few guys try to make a name for themselves by tampering with results and who caught them? Other scientists. No one gets away with shit like that -- not for very long, anyway.
All they do is check each other's numbers. When numbers don't add up the whole community jumps on it to see where the problem was. Peer review. When 97% of the people around the globe who study these data every day say, "Here's the way it looks right now," you can bet the 3% left over are your fringe kooks.
Now that the numbers from NASA are consistently bad, what does the new administration propose? "Well, lets pull the plug on the money NASA spends looking at the Earth. That'll fix 'em."
Don't like the message? Shoot the messenger. That'll take care of global warming for a few years. Except for those pesky scientists overseas who are capable of launching their own instruments in a few years.
Oh, now we're the "atheistic left"? Gosh, I thought it was just me. Let me know right before you declare me a "godless communist" so I can be sure have my guns loaded when you sic the immigration police on me.
You may be happy to know almost every liberal I know in Oklahoma is a god-fearing Christian of one persuasion or another and several of the atheists I meet with are conservative as hell. God help me.
This sentence made me laugh.
If you believe "this is a money game", then how can you not fall on the side of "Global Warming is real"? Who has more money....scientists who want to do research or energy/technology companies around the world? Do you honestly believe that the scientists grant money is equal to more than 5% of the profits that the tech/energy companies are making every year?
It makes much more sense that the people who stand to gain by claiming that GW is not real would pull out all the stops, do something dishonest, and have the means to do so, than it does that multiple groups of scientists would do so in order to bring in grant money.
If you're a scientist in a related field you are absolutely not going to get a cent in grants from amy governmental entity for any research suggesting that catastrophic claims about AGW are unfounded.
No one ever suggested 15-20 years ago that NYC would be under water by 2015-2020. Do you get all your news from Facebook?
They did say low-lying islands in the Pacific would be inundated and it's happening. They said the arctic icecap would melt and its happening. They said Miami would be the first major US city to be threatened and its happening.
And yes, I live just like the Amish. Seriously, I do everything my government asks of me -- I drive vehicles which release 85% less pollutants than my first car a few decades ago, my electric cooperative buys energy from wind farms, every light bulb in my house is LED which uses 80-90% less energy than incandescent, every appliance I own uses less energy and less water than 20 years ago and a LOT less than 50 years ago.
We all do those things because the government requires them and we've all been dragged, kicking and screaming, into a new reality. It's been good for all of us. I make long shopping lists and don't drive to town just because we're low on milk. I can't do a lot, but the government can.
When has the auto industry ever reacted to more stringent regulations from the EPA by saying, "No problem, we can meet those standards!"? It's always, "No way, the EPA is going to destroy the economy!"
And yet time after time the industry has met the standards and advertised cars that "exceed the new EPA standards!" and the economy continues to grow despite the EPA. Look at the air over Los Angeles. Pretty clear. You could walk on that stuff when I was a kid.
Look at the air in Beijing. It's obvious we need to lead the world to recognize the problem we're all in -- not ignore the problem. Even Trump now says, "ok, maybe global warming is not a Chinese hoax. Not a hoax." Of course he's running away from every campaign statement he made so who knows what he's really going to do.
Remember CFC's? If you do, you also remember that banning them would "destroy the economy." The US took a world leadership role in banning them to save the ozone layer which will be "healed" by 2065.
No one misses CFC's and the economy continues to grow. Clearly it was a man-made problem and a man-made solution is allowing the planet to recover. That's the kind of leadership we should all expect.
I expect my government to isolate causes of problems and act on them, not ignore them. Getting most of the world to agree we need to do something about global warming was an important first step. The Paris Accords need teeth and that will be the hard part. But we won't have any leverage to negotiate that if we run away and say there was never any problem in the first place.
Celebrities can't do much. But they can be heard, which is more than anyone on this board can do. The idea that they're all liberal is another paranoiac myth. Plenty of right-wingers in Hollywood, too.
So you have new new appliances and new cars. One day of practice flights at tinker air force base wipes out every contribution you make.
"Severely fudged" numbers again? You've got to get off that kick. A few guys try to make a name for themselves by tampering with results and who caught them? Other scientists. No one gets away with shit like that -- not for very long, anyway.
All they do is check each other's numbers. When numbers don't add up the whole community jumps on it to see where the problem was. Peer review. When 97% of the people around the globe who study these data every day say, "Here's the way it looks right now," you can bet the 3% left over are your fringe kooks.
blah blah blah ...
Dishonest attempt to divert the conversation.Aggies boy what do you do to combat global warming? Hopefully more than those super honest atheist celebrities. Looking forward to reading your efforts. I assume you don't drive, refrigerate your food and wear several layers in the winter while your heater is off in your one room cabin.
Just so I get in on this... 97 percent of climate scientists agree that there is a global warming trend and that human beings are the main cause–that is, that humans are over 50% responsible.Anyone who cites the 97% figure on thus subject can be immediately dismissed as either a fool or a liar.
I don't think it was really necessary for you to identify, but so noted.Just so I get in on this... 97 percent of climate scientists agree that there is a global warming trend and that human beings are the main cause–that is, that humans are over 50% responsible.
Would you care to refute this specific citation?
Dishonest attempt to divert the conversation.
No. Next question.Can I be religious, believe in global warming, and love guns? Cause I do.
Cook has been confirmed by Doran... your citations are out of date: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009EO030002/fullI don't think it was really necessary for you to identify, but so noted.
Rehash... nothing new here.
Arguing if consensus is science... not the point being made at all. There is no refutation here.
And of course Anderegg also confirms consensus...Cook has been confirmed by Doran... your citations are out of date: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009EO030002/full
Here, we use an extensive dataset of 1,372 climate researchers and their publication and citation data to show that (i) 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field surveyed here support the tenets of ACC outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and (ii) the relative climate expertise and scientific prominence of the researchers unconvinced of ACC are substantially below that of the convinced researchers.
And in the 70s before that, the leftists predicted we were headed for another ice age.
Just last year, because Temps were cooler, the code word became "climate change" instead of global warming.
Now we can talk of global warming again because of unseasonably warmer temperatures.
So you have new new appliances and new cars. One day of practice flights at tinker air force base wipes out every contribution you make.
Anyone who cites the 97% figure on thus subject can be immediately dismissed as either a fool or a liar.
Can I be religious, believe in global warming, and love guns? Cause I do.