Gingrich: Garland, Jan. 6 Panel Could Go to Jail If GOP Wins Congress

Apparently he's MUCH more dangerous than a guy who tried to kill his ex girlfriend by running her over, after shooting at someone in an attempt to kill them, but it was just white Grannies tho, so...

SMH. You're not even entertaining at this point.
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When Dave thinks he fired off a good one.

No investigating whatever the hell they feel like. I suppose you will support that as well then?

The Republicans didn't support any investigation because it has no merit. They knew it would be nothing but a political witch hunt. They were right.

"Although easily confused, resolutions are not laws but rather the statements of intent or declarations that affect the operations of Congress. Resolutions, which are not legislative in character, are used primarily to express principles, facts, opinions, and the purposes of both the House and the Senate—that is, until they pass both houses."

If you passed a bicameral resolution, it would have had teeth. Instead, you are left with a house resolution which has no real power to do anything. Your committee is powerless, and without the political clout of Republicans, of which Cheney is not a Republican except for in name only. Only today she lost the first straw poll for the primary by a large margin. She's a lame duck and is gone before we even hit the 2022 elections.

You already have been laughed out of the court room; it just hasn't sunk in yet.

Dominic Pezzola tried to bond out three times and was denied each time. He was even critical of Trump after the riot. Not a murderer, why was he not allowed bail? Dominic Pezzola's court date originally set for Tuesday Jan 22 has been moved to February 2, 2022. He hasn't been able to talk to his lawyers easily or get evidence, after he has plead not guilty. Is this our system of justice? It has been over a year, and he is in prison without being convicted by a jury of his peers. What was that again? Oh, yea innocent until proven guilty. This guy may very well be guilty of the crimes he is accused of, but he is still afforded his constitutional rights. But I forget you Fascist don't really care about the Constitution, do you?
All the commissars are about in this charade is leverage for 2022 and 2024, that simple. They get away with this nonsense because the media will NEVER call them out in their hypocrisy.

In my opinion all the talk of investigations of investigations, impeaching Cho Xiden and any other types of those endeavors is a waste of time and money. If your serious about running the country, provide ideas and solutions to reverse the disastrous situation we’re in as a country and get relief for taxpayers and Americans right freakin now.

The beauty of what goes on now is it shows the depravity of libcomdems and all that that can be exposed to the light of day is instrumental in crushing during subsequent elections.
All the commissars are about in this charade is leverage for 2022 and 2024, that simple. They get away with this nonsense because the media will NEVER call them out in their hypocrisy.

In my opinion all the talk of investigations of investigations, impeaching Cho Xiden and any other types of those endeavors is a waste of time and money. If your serious about running the country, provide ideas and solutions to reverse the disastrous situation we’re in as a country and get relief for taxpayers and Americans right freakin now.

The beauty of what goes on now is it shows the depravity of libcomdems and all that that can be exposed to the light of day is instrumental in crushing during subsequent elections.
I would agree with that. Republicans would be better off finding solutions and presenting them to the US. If they investigate it needs to be behind the scenes, and only release it if proves to have any merit, but the list of things the Republicans need to investigate is so long at this point they would be chasing rabbits.
Incorrect. How the members are selected for the select committee has nothing to do with the legality of the Congressional Select Committee.

Not to mention that Democrats attempted to form a bicameral bipartisan committee to investigate the attack on our Capitol, but Republicans did everything they could to oppose it. Therefore, a House Select Committee was formed, and the selection of the members occurred under the guidelines set forth in the resolution creating the committee, which had been adopted by the House. There are also Republicans on the select committee.

This committee is completely legal. There is absolutely nothing illegal about it. And it is investigating an illegal act that occurred against our Capitol and nation.
Selectively choosing a committee based on prior votes is exactly the kind of injustice that the founders tried to prevent when they included the 'jury of their peers' and 'presumed innocent until proven guilty' statements in our founding documents. The fact they were scared to have anyone on the committee who might vote against them or raise competing arguments simply shows how weak their actual arguments for this witch hunt are. If you want to prove your sincere about Justice and not politics, you include those with alternative views. But nah, Granny Na'an didn't want that. It might cause her own malfeasance to be shown (such as holding back extra security even though she fully knew a protest was to occur on that date).
Selectively choosing a committee based on prior votes is exactly the kind of injustice that the founders tried to prevent when they included the 'jury of their peers' and 'presumed innocent until proven guilty' statements in our founding documents. The fact they were scared to have anyone on the committee who might vote against them or raise competing arguments simply shows how weak their actual arguments for this witch hunt are. If you want to prove your sincere about Justice and not politics, you include those with alternative views. But nah, Granny Na'an didn't want that. It might cause her own malfeasance to be shown (such as holding back extra security even though she fully knew a protest was to occur on that date).
Is it your impression that the House Committee is a jury of some kind? I mean they can make referrals for prosecution, but what other powers do you think ole Nan has? As I recall there were only a few folks that were unacceptable - Jim Jordan the sex offender protector dude, that nut job Moe whatshisass, and the nutjob from Arizona. All of whom are subjects of the investigation if I am not mistaken.
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I love the outrage Democrats have over this. Gingrich's comment said 'If" Democrats have violated people's civil rights they could go to jail, which is 100% accurate. Just because you are an authoritarian Democrat politician drunk on power doesn't mean you have free will to violate the Constitutional rights of individuals.
Any response to the fake electors trying to subvert the election? Did I miss you in that thread?
Asking your take regarding your cult forging documents to overturn an election is dodging? Sure, Jan. If you're too fragile or traumatized to address it, that's not unexpected.

Start a thread about it if you want it discussed, this one is about Democrat wrongdoing that you want to ignore and have go away.
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Start a thread about it if you want it discussed, this one is about Democrat wrongdoing that you want to ignore and have go away.

So the democrats aren't supposed to investigate the attempts to overturn the election? Just.... let it go? Oh well, nice try?

If they don't the MAGA cult apparently is just fine with trying to overturn the election and rioting.

Frankly, I'd be embarrassed to be such a frail little bitch. Even Hillary showed up and testified during Benghazi. Seven different parallel investigations into that, and now you guys whine and want to charge people investigation an actual insurrection, lol. SMH at how fragile and transparently anti-American you are.
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So the democrats aren't supposed to investigate the attempts to overturn the election? Just.... let it go? Oh well, nice try?

If they don't the MAGA cult apparently is just fine with trying to overturn the election and rioting.

Frankly, I'd be embarrassed to be such a frail little bitch. Even Hillary showed up and testified during Benghazi. Seven different parallel investigations into that, and now you guys whine and want to charge people investigation an actual insurrection, lol. SMH at how fragile and transparently anti-American you are.

Amazing how the only concerns that are of value to you are those from your leftist point of view, while you ignore and vilify the concerns of those with opposing viewpoints. In case you don't know what that is, it's called Hypocrisy.
Amazing how the only concerns that are of value to you are those from your leftist point of view, while you ignore and vilify the concerns of those with opposing viewpoints. In case you don't know what that is, it's called Hypocrisy.

Amazing how the only concerns that are of value to you are those from your cult point of view while you ignore and vilify the concerns of opposing viewponits. In case you dont' know what that is, it's called Hypocrisy.

Also, hosting an insurrection and then wanting the people jailed that dare to investigate it makes you unbelievably fragile and un-american. How are you not even embarrassed to even suggest such a foolish and wrong thing? You're not though, because it's Trump uber alles, like a cult. Insurrection, riots, lying, forging documents, all of it is fine but investigating it is bad. SMH you fvcking fragile hypocrite.
Amazing how the only concerns that are of value to you are those from your cult point of view while you ignore and vilify the concerns of opposing viewponits. In case you dont' know what that is, it's called Hypocrisy.

Also, hosting an insurrection and then wanting the people jailed that dare to investigate it makes you unbelievably fragile and un-american. How are you not even embarrassed to even suggest such a foolish and wrong thing? You're not though, because it's Trump uber alles, like a cult. Insurrection, riots, lying, forging documents, all of it is fine but investigating it is bad. SMH you fvcking fragile hypocrite.

Your annual day of lucidity was much appreciated yesterday.
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Amazing how the only concerns that are of value to you are those from your cult point of view while you ignore and vilify the concerns of opposing viewponits. In case you dont' know what that is, it's called Hypocrisy.

Also, hosting an insurrection and then wanting the people jailed that dare to investigate it makes you unbelievably fragile and un-american. How are you not even embarrassed to even suggest such a foolish and wrong thing? You're not though, because it's Trump uber alles, like a cult. Insurrection, riots, lying, forging documents, all of it is fine but investigating it is bad. SMH you fvcking fragile hypocrite.

Really. You want to defend keeping some of those idiots in jail like they have been for the last year. I get you want to punish and make an example of them but at least try to abide by the Constitution in doing so, which is all we expect. You and I both know if some of those ANTIFA punks had been treated like the idiots from January 6th the left would be raising hell. We see the double standard and it concerns us greatly.
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I love it when people try to change the topic of the thread to avoid discussing uncomfortable and indefensible topics.
LOL you want to jail the people that are looking into the insurrection without discussing the insurrection.

What a hypocrite. What an effin' feeble, frail, scared hypocrite. Marinate in the stupidity and avarice of MAGA on Jan. 6. It's who they are, and no amount of whining or trying to criminalize scrutiny will work.
LOL you want to jail the people that are looking into the insurrection without discussing the insurrection.

What a hypocrite. What an effin' feeble, frail, scared hypocrite. Marinate in the stupidity and avarice of MAGA on Jan. 6. It's who they are, and no amount of whining or trying to criminalize scrutiny will work.

You are once again twisting what was said to fit your narrative. Sorry but "If" Democrats have violated the Constitutional rights of anyone they should be held accountable just like anyone else. The key word you are missing or ignoring is "if".

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