Gingrich: Garland, Jan. 6 Panel Could Go to Jail If GOP Wins Congress


Sep 5, 2001
Lets hope its true. I have never been for criminalizing politics and even defended the cad John Edwards when they tried to criminalize his affair.

But these people have it coming !

I love the outrage Democrats have over this. Gingrich's comment said 'If" Democrats have violated people's civil rights they could go to jail, which is 100% accurate. Just because you are an authoritarian Democrat politician drunk on power doesn't mean you have free will to violate the Constitutional rights of individuals.
Fry them. Only way our country gets better and heals if people are held accountable for all the BS.
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Great, another political witch hunt to see if the Dems broke any laws during their political witch hunt. Seems like a great plan for improving the partisanship of the country.
Is Gingrich running?
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Lets hope its true. I have never been for criminalizing politics and even defended the cad John Edwards when they tried to criminalize his affair.

But these people have it coming !

So you right-wingers are now advocating arresting your political opponents for conducting a legal congressional investigation into the January 6 attack on our Capitol?

How fascist of you.

Newt Gingrich has lost his mind, as have some of you right-wingers.
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So you right-wingers are now advocating arresting your political opponents for conducting a legal congressional investigation into the January 6 attack on our Capitol?

So fascist of you.

Newt Gingrich has lost his mind, as have some of you right-wingers.

Not for investigating it, for violating peoples civil rights. So fascist of you not to know the difference. Try and keep up.
Not for investigating it, for violating peoples civil rights. So fascist of you not to know the difference. Try and keep up.
If they are violating people's civil rights, those people can sue or challenge it in the courts.

That is how out system works. Not arresting your political opponents for conducting a legal congressional investigation regarding a literally attack on our Capitol!

And you dare to call yourself a patriot?🙄
If they are violating people's civil rights, those people can sue or challenge it in the courts.

That is how out system works. Not arresting your political opponents for conducting a legal congressional investigation regarding a literally attack on our Capitol!

And you dare to call yourself a patriot?🙄

Maybe you can show me the post where I called myself a Patriot.
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So you right-wingers are now advocating arresting your political opponents for conducting a legal congressional investigation into the January 6 attack on our Capitol?

How fascist of you.

Newt Gingrich has lost his mind, as have some of you right-wingers.
Fascist asking if the other side is going to be fascist when they get into power. What do you think the Jan 6 committee is? The people that are in jail for Jan 6 are political prisoners by any definition.

I do not advocate arresting anyone on either side until proof is supplied and due process can be given.

Republicans: The crime of not giving someone their rights is what exactly? At best you might get a civil matter out of it. I doubt you will reach a criminal level and would need that to put someone in jail.

Democrats: That being said, I have not seen due process yet with the Jan 6 committee and the courts when it has come to these individuals. Very concerning.

Newt is right about one thing, what happens when the shoe is on the other foot. For the longest time the US government was concerned about that, but that went to hell and gone for the last 4 years. The Pendulums swinging.
What do you think the Jan 6 committee is?
A legal congressional investigation into an attack on our Capitol. Our nation's Capitol was attacked on January 6. That is the wrong and illegal act here, not the investigation into that attack.
Always playing your word game. Gaslighting Narcissist.
When you decide to make up your mind whether you think you are a patriot or not, let me know.

I definitely don't see much evidence of you being a patriot though. Your support of Gingrich's fascist and insane comment is just one example of why this is.
A legal investigation allows the Republicans to pick their representatives on the panel.
Incorrect. How the members are selected for the select committee has nothing to do with the legality of the Congressional Select Committee.

Not to mention that Democrats attempted to form a bicameral bipartisan committee to investigate the attack on our Capitol, but Republicans did everything they could to oppose it. Therefore, a House Select Committee was formed, and the selection of the members occurred under the guidelines set forth in the resolution creating the committee, which had been adopted by the House. There are also Republicans on the select committee.

This committee is completely legal. There is absolutely nothing illegal about it. And it is investigating an illegal act that occurred against our Capitol and nation.
If they are violating people's civil rights, those people can sue or challenge it in the courts.

That is how out system works. Not arresting your political opponents for conducting a legal congressional investigation regarding a literally attack on our Capitol!

And you dare to call yourself a patriot?🙄
Dumbfvck. The article itself references what would be a legal congressional investigation. Good grief.
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Dumbfvck. The article itself references what would be a legal congressional investigation. Good grief.
Look, if you right-wingers want to run this year on the idea of investigating the investigation of the January 6 attack on our Capitol and threatening that you are going to arrest those on a committee who are simply doing their jobs investigating that attack (while completely ignoring the attack itself), go right ahead. Let the American people be reminded of how extreme you right-wingers really are.

Again, all of this is very fascist of you right-wingers. I'm sure you love the idea.
Incorrect. How the members are selected for the select committee has nothing to do with the legality of the Congressional Select Committee.

Not to mention that Democrats attempted to form a bicameral bipartisan committee to investigate the attack on our Capitol, but Republicans did everything they could to oppose it. Therefore, a House Select Committee was formed, and the selection of the members occurred under the guidelines set forth in the resolution creating the committee, which had been adopted by the House. There are also Republicans on the select committee.

This committee is completely legal. There is absolutely nothing illegal about it. And it is investigating an illegal act that occurred against our Capitol and nation.
I will remember that when Republicans are in charge, and your team is the one on the hot seat.

The commissions here should be a bipartisan committee. A resolution does not suddenly give the House the authority to investigate. In fact a resolution has no standing whatsoever, no backing of legality. Its simply a statement that is it. It has no legal authority beyond that already given to the House. If they wanted credibility they would have allowed the Republicans to choose their people. They did not. You may try again if you like.

So why are the political prisoners being held as criminals without due process? Last I check that was needed.
Two pesos your reading comprehension needs some work.
I will remember that when Republicans are in charge, and your team is the one on the hot seat.
in the hot seat for investigating the January 6 attack on our Capitol?

The commissions here should be a bipartisan committee.
Democrats were all for this. Republicans were the ones who opposed the bicameral bipartisan committee and then tried to torpedo the House Select Committee. Not to mention, again, that there are Republicans on the Select Committee. Republicans who actually care about investigating what occurred on January 6.

A resolution does not suddenly give the House the authority to investigate. In fact a resolution has no standing whatsoever, no backing of legality. Its simply a statement that is it. It has no legal authority beyond that already given to the House. If they wanted credibility they would have allowed the Republicans to choose their people. They did not. You may try again if you like.
Again, the Select Committee is completely legal. You have presented no evidence to indicate otherwise. You are just whining about who is on the committee and that House Republicans didn't get their way in trying to torpedo the committee.

Right now, you are on the verge of being laughed out of the courtroom. 🤣🤣

So why are the political prisoners being held as criminals without due process? Last I check that was needed.
Cite specific examples of individuals being held without due process.
in the hot seat for investigating the January 6 attack on our Capitol?

Democrats were all for this. Republicans were the ones who opposed the bicameral bipartisan committee and then tried to torpedo the House Select Committee. Not to mention, again, that there are Republicans on the Select Committee. Republicans who actually care about investigating what occurred on January 6.

Again, the Select Committee is completely legal. You have presented no evidence to indicate otherwise. You are just whining about who is on the committee and that House Republicans didn't get their way in trying to torpedo the committee.

Right now, you are on the verge of being laughed out of the courtroom. 🤣🤣

Cite specific examples of individuals being held without due process.
No investigating whatever the hell they feel like. I suppose you will support that as well then?

The Republicans didn't support any investigation because it has no merit. They knew it would be nothing but a political witch hunt. They were right.

"Although easily confused, resolutions are not laws but rather the statements of intent or declarations that affect the operations of Congress. Resolutions, which are not legislative in character, are used primarily to express principles, facts, opinions, and the purposes of both the House and the Senate—that is, until they pass both houses."

If you passed a bicameral resolution, it would have had teeth. Instead, you are left with a house resolution which has no real power to do anything. Your committee is powerless, and without the political clout of Republicans, of which Cheney is not a Republican except for in name only. Only today she lost the first straw poll for the primary by a large margin. She's a lame duck and is gone before we even hit the 2022 elections.

You already have been laughed out of the court room; it just hasn't sunk in yet.

Dominic Pezzola tried to bond out three times and was denied each time. He was even critical of Trump after the riot. Not a murderer, why was he not allowed bail? Dominic Pezzola's court date originally set for Tuesday Jan 22 has been moved to February 2, 2022. He hasn't been able to talk to his lawyers easily or get evidence, after he has plead not guilty. Is this our system of justice? It has been over a year, and he is in prison without being convicted by a jury of his peers. What was that again? Oh, yea innocent until proven guilty. This guy may very well be guilty of the crimes he is accused of, but he is still afforded his constitutional rights. But I forget you Fascist don't really care about the Constitution, do you?
No investigating whatever the hell they feel like. I suppose you will support that as well then?
If Republicans take back the House, sure, they can investigate whatever they want. But investigating an investigation of the January 6 attack on our Capitol is just absurd. And would completely backfire on Republicans.

But hey, you guys do you. Republicans are very good at self-inflicted political wounds.

The Republicans didn't support any investigation because it has no merit. They knew it would be nothing but a political witch hunt. They were right.
So, a violent attack on our Capitol now has no merit for an investigation? Seriously?

And you served in our military? :rolleyes:

If you passed a bicameral resolution, it would have had teeth.
Republicans opposed this though. They fought against it.

So, a select committe was created that has both teeth and Republicans on it. Republicans that actually care about our democracy and holding those responsible for January 6 accountable.

Dominic Pezzola tried to bond out three times and was denied each time. He was even critical of Trump after the riot. Not a murderer, why was he not allowed bail? Dominic Pezzola's court date originally set for Tuesday Jan 22 has been moved to February 2, 2022. He hasn't been able to talk to his lawyers easily or get evidence, after he has plead not guilty. Is this our system of justice? It has been over a year, and he is in prison without being convicted by a jury of his peers. What was that again? Oh, yea innocent until proven guilty. This guy may very well be guilty of the crimes he is accused of, but he is still afforded his constitutional rights. But I forget you Fascist don't really care about the Constitution, do you?
Being denied bond is not a violation of due process. He was able to file motions and/or have hearings where he requested bond and it was denied. His due process rights have not been violated simply because he has not been granted bond.

Court dates get moved all the time. Again, not a violation of due process.

As for his lawyers, that is on him and his lawyers. He can fire his lawyers, bring a suit or an ethical claim against them, and hire new lawyers. From what I see, it looks like he has switched lawyers.

None of what you have cited here is a violation of due process. Got another example?
A legal congressional investigation into an attack on our Capitol. Our nation's Capitol was attacked on January 6. That is the wrong and illegal act here, not the investigation into that attack.

Questionable if the Committee is legal since Pelosi refused Republican selections for the committee but that's really not important. What is important is the American people see Democrats doing nothing but trying to destroy a president Democrats hated while ignoring everything that is going wrong in this country. Tells you where Democrat priorities are and what they think of the American people. This will make for hard hitting campaign ads that will destroy any Democrat running for office.
Questionable if the Committee is legal since Pelosi refused Republican selections for the committee but that's really not important. What is important is the American people see Democrats doing nothing but trying to destroy a president Democrats hated while ignoring everything that is going wrong in this country. Tells you where Democrat priorities are and what they think of the American people. This will make for hard hitting campaign ads that will destroy any Democrat running for office.
Questionable if the Committee is legal since Pelosi refused Republican selections for the committee but that's really not important.
No, it doesn't call into question the legality of the committee at all. And there are Republicans on the committee.

What is important is the American people see Democrats doing nothing but trying to destroy a president Democrats hated while ignoring everything that is going wrong in this country.
This is your spin on this as a Trump supporter. Not all Americans believe this to be true though. Many Americans care more about their country than defending Trump at all costs.

Tells you where Democrat priorities are and what they think of the American people.
I'm sorry you don't think one of our priorities as a nation should be to investigate an attack on our Capitol and democracy. Many Americans do believe this should be one of the priorities though, along with other issues.

Now, some truth for you when it comes to what Americans think about the investigation and the committee...

Poll: House's Jan. 6 probe is popular — even among many Republicans
If Republicans take back the House, sure, they can investigate whatever they want. But investigating an investigation of the January 6 attack on our Capitol is just absurd. And would completely backfire on Republicans.

But hey, you guys do you. Republicans are very good at self-inflicted political wounds.

So, a violent attack on our Capitol now has no merit for an investigation? Seriously?

And you served in our military? :rolleyes:

Republicans opposed this though. They fought against it.

So, a select committe was created that has both teeth and Republicans on it. Republicans that actually care about our democracy and holding those responsible for January 6 accountable.

Being denied bond is not a violation of due process. He was able to file motions and/or have hearings where he requested bond and it was denied. His due process rights have not been violated simply because he has not been granted bond.

Court dates get moved all the time. Again, not a violation of due process.

As for his lawyers, that is on him and his lawyers. He can fire his lawyers, bring a suit or an ethical claim against them, and hire new lawyers. From what I see, it looks like he has switched lawyers.

None of what you have cited here is a violation of due process. Got another example?
So now your down to denying bond for a prisoner who broke a window with a riot shield. Wow, talk about absurd. The government is way over its skies here. The founders realy did known what they were doing. It amazes me everyday that they envisioned people exaclty like you.
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So now your down to denying bond for a prisoner who broke a window with a riot shield.
You are asking a different question here.

I have no idea if I would support denying bond for this prisoner. I have not read the motions from both sides nor have I listened to their arguments. The Judge has though and the Judge made the ruling.

Your original claim that his due process has been violated isn't true. His due process has not been violated simply because a Judge ruled that he should be held no bond. Many Americans are held no bond in this country. It isn't a violation of their due process.
Not a good comment by Gingrich. More of the same type of wild comments we are seeing from both parties.

This focus on seeing each other as enemies depending on political party affiliation is getting out of hand in my opinion. What happened on January 6 was horrible and I hope we never see anything like that again. I would've loved to seen a bipartisan approach to investigating that event but unfortunately, that isn't going to happen in the political climate of our day. I don't want to see Democrats paint all Republicans as responsible for what happened. But I also wish Republicans would acknowledge the seriousness of what took place and be willing to fight the elements in their party that contributed to it.

Guess I am asking too much though.
Not a good comment by Gingrich. More of the same type of wild comments we are seeing from both parties.

This focus on seeing each other as enemies depending on political party affiliation is getting out of hand in my opinion. What happened on January 6 was horrible and I hope we never see anything like that again. I would've loved to seen a bipartisan approach to investigating that event but unfortunately, that isn't going to happen in the political climate of our day. I don't want to see Democrats paint all Republicans as responsible for what happened. But I also wish Republicans would acknowledge the seriousness of what took place and be willing to fight the elements in their party that contributed to it.

Guess I am asking too much though.
RaCiStSeXiStFaScIsTbIgOt!!!!!!!!!! 🤣

JK man. Prepping you for what you’re in for.
I would've loved to seen a bipartisan approach to investigating that event but unfortunately, that isn't going to happen in the political climate of our day.
I would have too and it is sad that we couldn't get this over something as serious as an attack on our nation's Capitol.

At least we have the select committee though with two Republicans on it. I know Trump Republicans don't consider them "real" Republicans, but it is better than nothing.
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So now your down to denying bond for a prisoner who broke a window with a riot shield. Wow, talk about absurd. The government is way over its skies here. The founders realy did known what they were doing. It amazes me everyday that they envisioned people exaclty like you.
Dude, seriously?

What is the charge against Mr. Pezzola? Breaking a window? Nah, bruh, he is charged with a whole host of things including conspiracy, assaulting an officer, civil disorder, destruction of government property or contract, obstruction of an official proceeding, robbery, and restricted building or grounds. That is 20+ years sentence. You go right on ahead and try and play it down but that isn't consistent at all with what he allegedly has done here.

How many times has he met with his lawyers? How many motions have they filed on his behalf? What precisely does due process mean to you?

This dude is his own worst enemy. Not only was he stupid enough to recruit people to show up on Jan. 6th, but he also has multiple videos showing him breaking shit, and you have him bragging about it after the fact. Now you see him refusing to aid his own defense crying that he should be released because he can't aid in his own defense.

Help a brother out, what exactly is a violation of his rights?
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Dude, seriously?

What is the charge against Mr. Pezzola? Breaking a window? Nah, bruh, he is charged with a whole host of things including conspiracy, assaulting an officer, civil disorder, destruction of government property or contract, obstruction of an official proceeding, robbery, and restricted building or grounds. That is 20+ years sentence. You go right on ahead and try and play it down but that isn't consistent at all with what he allegedly has done here.

How many times has he met with his lawyers? How many motions have they filed on his behalf? What precisely does due process mean to you?

This dude is his own worst enemy. Not only was he stupid enough to recruit people to show up on Jan. 6th, but he also has multiple videos showing him breaking shit, and you have him bragging about it after the fact. Now you see him refusing to aid his own defense crying that he should be released because he can't aid in his own defense.

Help a brother out, what exactly is a violation of his rights?
Apparently he's MUCH more dangerous than a guy who tried to kill his ex girlfriend by running her over, after shooting at someone in an attempt to kill them, but it was just white Grannies tho, so...

SMH. You're not even entertaining at this point.
Dude, seriously?

What is the charge against Mr. Pezzola? Breaking a window? Nah, bruh, he is charged with a whole host of things including conspiracy, assaulting an officer, civil disorder, destruction of government property or contract, obstruction of an official proceeding, robbery, and restricted building or grounds. That is 20+ years sentence. You go right on ahead and try and play it down but that isn't consistent at all with what he allegedly has done here.

How many times has he met with his lawyers? How many motions have they filed on his behalf? What precisely does due process mean to you?

This dude is his own worst enemy. Not only was he stupid enough to recruit people to show up on Jan. 6th, but he also has multiple videos showing him breaking shit, and you have him bragging about it after the fact. Now you see him refusing to aid his own defense crying that he should be released because he can't aid in his own defense.

Help a brother out, what exactly is a violation of his rights?

You must be farsighted.