How do you explain this?More math facts... her previous number one album sold 90k copies. Just the 4 of you going out and buying the album last week may have quadrupled sales. But go ahead and credit this turnaround to Trump. He is going to need all the wins he can muster.
Given the chart is based on shipments not sales, likely some stores stocking up for the inauguration, rather than current organic demand, but whatever.
So, assuming that the artist was good with the Trumps owning his work initially, can he now cry foul that he has decided that he no longer approves of them?
How many countries are we dropping bombs in?
Well yes, unless you want to censor the artist. #FirstAmendment
How many American troops are in Iraq Afghanistan and Syria?
If the economy is good by some measures OBVIOUSLY the credit goes to George w bush.
I'll just need to see your security clearance first.
Yes, it's high time he gets the credit for his ingenious handling of both the economy and our foreign policy. The country really misses war and recession. One thing's for sure: Biff is inheriting a presidency in a country doing pretty well if Mega's "facts" (snicker) are to be trusted.
He obviously wasn't talking about censoring the artist.
Sooooo... W get blame for every economic problem over two terms but Obama will get credit for Trump's success - including all the economic confidence needles that only moved AFTER the election?
Fairy tales.
Well yes. It was 8 years ago and we've crawled out of the recession.
I don't believe shit about "economic confidence needles" because every time I read one of the stories or dig in it's a waste of time because of partisan conservative spin. EVERY TIME. This is what happens when you subscribe to conservative ideology -- nobody with any spine or chutzpah believes you in a "post fact" world.
You forgot cankled and Benny Hinn inspired pant suit wearing. Other than that, pretty accurate description of your loser Queen.Thank God there are some independent-minded Americans that think for theirselves instead of letting a serial liar, cheating, greedy, power hungry, yellow meringue-headed freak tell them what to think.
Its funny when you talk all butch alpha about "partisan spin"
You forgot cankled and Benny Hinn inspired pant suit wearing. Other than that, pretty accurate description of your loser Queen.
When did you decide to start thinking "independently" (chuckle)? Was it after the torrential flow of frantic Russian Hacking talking points didn't change the Electoral College outcome? I know they've slowed to a drip now, but I'm sure the party will spin up the narration machine as Inauguration Day approaches. Don't despair. You haven't been left to actually think on your own. It's going to be a busy 4 years parroting the party line. You should probably enjoy this short break.
Doesn't like Hillary? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Dude, you were the soles of her shoes during the campaign. Did you fling yourself off the floppy titted bandwagon that quickly after she lost?WTF are you even talking about? Here we go -- just plug in Brietbart talking points with someone that doesn't even like Hillary? While I was accusing Mega of being a zombie you literally just cut and pasted right wing media talking points!
You're officially a partisan zombie. The guy could drop his pants during the inauguration, face his arse to the camera, take a dump on the podium and you'd say his turd was shaped like a soaring eagle. Then you'd point to the electoral college vote and call out anyone that disagreed with his actions as just having sour grapes. Just a believe anything, zombie.
What specifically do you want him to do besides talking shit?
This may be your masterpiece.
A Hawaii restaurant bans Trump supporters. I wonder if they'd bake a gay wedding cake?
This may be your masterpiece.
It's all mine. He's only posting Wile E. Coyote memes because he knows I'm proud of them and I've used them against the conservatives a dozen times. He has no set of core beliefs beyond trolling and stealing my memes. Stay away from him. He's a bad influence and still has a clumsy transition from G to C minor.
Dang. That made me laugh out loud.You may refer to me as MAGApoke, if you wish.
Well yes, unless you want to censor the artist. #FirstAmendment
But all the bad guys were white males.One was supposedly Star Wars.
(whispering)... I saw it. It was awesome. Spoilers: NO Wookiees, but racially diverse group of human actors was particularly well cast.
Really? Have you ever heard Mega actually play any MatchBox 20?Stay away from him. He's a bad influence and still has a clumsy transition from G to C minor.