Let's keep in mind that 13 and 14 year olds getting married in this country was not that outrageous very long ago. How old was the coal miners daughter? My wife has a great uncle who was 19 and married a fourteen year old. He and his wife joke about it all the time.
Of course being an islamaphobe I view this as more nefarious than when Christians did it and also we have evolved as a culture to realize that is not a good idea. How will we convince Muslims about the social science and brain science behind the laws we have protecting kids?
You probably have to start with convincing them women aren't chattel.
According to some sources Middle East Muslims are so inbread they are incapable or less likely to have a transition into modernity that Europeans had.
Apparently somewhere around 25% right? Inbreeding of dogs increases aggression in many cases. Does it do the same for humans? Did that just cross a line?
If it weren't for the cheesy mustache I would think the boy hadn't reached puberty either.Nothing wrong with this, right?
SMH at the Abrahamic traditions....
Prov. 5:18; Is. 54:6; Mal. 2:14-15
Context. History vs current events.
It's sad you had to even state that for him.
He's just shit stirring. He knows this but he - like all progressives - is caught in the bizarre conundrum of paradoxically having to defend Islam without wondering or caring why it's become central canon to the religion of anti racism, or what problems it creates down the road.
I defend no religions. Pay attention.He's just shit stirring. He knows this but he - like all progressives - is caught in the bizarre conundrum of paradoxically having to defend Islam without wondering or caring why it's become central canon to the religion of anti racism, or what problems it creates down the road.
Sad that you are blissfully unaware of what is happening around you...It's sad you had to even state that for him.
Really? I hope you'll post comparable data regarding Muslims. Maybe even throw in voluntary vs involuntary marriages and the respective penalties for not following the "law." I'll wait patiently.
SMH at the Abrahamic traditions....
Prov. 5:18; Is. 54:6; Mal. 2:14-15
I defend no religions. Pay attention.
No. Nothing to do with religions. Stupid to include visa holders. Again pay attention.You didn't have a hissy fit over the travel ban from some Muslim countries?
Really? I hope you'll post comparable data regarding Muslims. Maybe even throw in voluntary vs involuntary marriages and the respective penalties for not following the "law." I'll wait patiently.
Can a 15 year old "volunteer" to be married?Really? I hope you'll post comparable data regarding Muslims. Maybe even throw in voluntary vs involuntary marriages and the respective penalties for not following the "law." I'll wait patiently.
Child marriage is justified and sustained by religious nut bags. That clear enough?What is your point?
Apparently somewhere around 25% right? Inbreeding of dogs increases aggression in many cases. Does it do the same for humans? Did that just cross a line?
Child marriage is justified and sustained by religious nut bags. That clear enough?
Dodge attempt 1...Can a 15 year old "volunteer" to be married?
Really? I hope you'll post comparable data regarding Muslims. Maybe even throw in voluntary vs involuntary marriages and the respective penalties for not following the "law." I'll wait patiently.
No Dodge. I have no interest in doing your desired research. You assert something I find curious (children volunteering to get married), if you don't want to answer then fine.Dodge attempt 1...
No Dodge. I have no interest in doing your desired research. You assert something I find curious (children volunteering to get married), if you don't want to answer then fine.
Abrahamic religions practice child marriage on a greater scale than any other tradition. How's that?David come on say it with me. "Muslims practice child marriage on a greater scale than Christians"
And then we can move on to the why aspect.
Abrahamic traditions defend their practice by referring to their holy texts. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.You were trying to prove it thru those passages in the Bible?
Abrahamic traditions defend their practice by referring to their holy texts. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.
I think it is ironic for Christians to point the finger at Islam as if this weren't a problem in their tradition.So, to summarize... Your answer to the child bride problem is 'religion' in general?
My Hebrew is non existent- thankfully we can rely on plenty of Christian apologists like Vaughn Ohlman to do it for us.Your reading comprehension skills and ability to translate ancient Hebrew sucks.
Not apologizing at all if that hurts your feelings.
Maybe snopes can help you out on this one.
You inserted a graphic regarding the rate of child marriages in the US. That was either for comparative purposes or to be a partisan dolt. I simply asked you to provide the other side of the comparison. You dodged. Then dodge #2. I'm only assuming you aren't posting in regards to politics so I'm not sure why you want to throw yourself on the sword of Islam, but I do want to watch you do it.No Dodge. I have no interest in doing your desired research. You assert something I find curious (children volunteering to get married), if you don't want to answer then fine.
Not playing along...You inserted a graphic regarding the rate of child marriages in the US. That was either for comparative purposes or to be a partisan dolt. I simply asked you to provide the other side of the comparison. You dodged. Then dodge #2. I'm only assuming you aren't posting in regards to politics so I'm not sure why you want to throw yourself on the sword of Islam, but I do want to watch you do it.
So, for comparative purposes, rates of juvenile marriages in Muslim countries vs the US and comparative punishments for not abiding the law in
Muslim countries vs the US isn't much to ask of a guy that interjected the US into a Muslim population problem.
Or is it?