watched fox a bit this morning, why they want his dump ass opinion to start with is mind boggeling, but they ask him why Trump was so close to The Hildabeast. His two reasons were; Comeys announcement and V Putin giving Wikileaks's info.
Tucker Carlson ask Rivera why the leaks matter more than the contents of the leak (which he didn't answer) then Geraldo starts talking about the 11 intelligence agencies that say it's the Russians. When Tucker asked him to name one of the agencies, Geraldo didn't know one and said something like "I don't have time for this," hahaha what a freakin tool.
Tucker Carlson ask Rivera why the leaks matter more than the contents of the leak (which he didn't answer) then Geraldo starts talking about the 11 intelligence agencies that say it's the Russians. When Tucker asked him to name one of the agencies, Geraldo didn't know one and said something like "I don't have time for this," hahaha what a freakin tool.