Georgia Man Receives 25 Year Prison Sentence For Voter Fraud

Let's see...


Any guess who this serial fraudster was supporting?
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Let's see...


Any guess who this serial fraudster was supporting?

Definitely a dangerous right-wing conservative. From an article I read... "The DA says Chase is no stranger to fraud and forgery as he has several felony convictions including: bankruptcy fraud, theft by shoplifting, forgery in the first degree, stealing public documents, and financial identity fraud."

Google image search always cracks me up. If the link still works, scroll down a couple results and check out the "Visually similar images". The Google guys need to put this on their needs-fixing list. lol.

Link: Visually Similar
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Maybe you don't read much of what is posted here. Only LiburallLZ cheat.
I've actually read quite the opposite, David. The general consensus that I've seen from the middle and right leaners here is that people should be held accountable for committing crimes regardless of any political affiliation. The "LiburallLZs" seem to only care about the application of the laws to those who don't agree with them politically. Just sayin.

You can always prove me wrong...
Again? Yule need to provide an example or two to back up this ludicrous point yore trying to make.
Shall I get us started? Yes? Of course I will!
Bury him under the jail.

Your turn.
I just don’t care. They are all dirty. Your guy is filthy. I find it funny you have a love obsession with Trump yet Biden who is just as dirty is a good guy having a tough go. Your a hypocrite David and I am just pointing that out. If Trump went to jail I wouldn’t lose a nights sleep. Enjoy those SCOTUS judges though. Suck it!
I don’t know what you’re referencing here. But if there’s provable illegality afoot, lock them up.

Now it's your turn. I'm sure you can find dozens of posts from your fellow Dems calling for Biden, or Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter to be thrown in jail for their crimes.
Shall I get us started? Yes? Of course I will!

Now it's your turn. I'm sure you can find dozens of posts from your fellow Dems calling for Biden, or Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter to be thrown in jail for their crimes.
Shall I get us started? Yes? Of course I will!

Now it's your turn. I'm sure you can find dozens of posts from your fellow Dems calling for Biden, or Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter to be thrown in jail for their crimes.
I'm sure I could. You're comment was to me personally. I presume you have examples of my hypocrisy?
I'm sure I could. You're comment was to me personally. I presume you have examples of my hypocrisy?
Sorry Dodge, stick to the examples you claim you could provide. I've provided exactly what you requested. Don't be red-assed that I delivered.

Did yore syster hack yore account or are you just stuck in the basement sharing a brain with yore syster and Maddow? Either way looks bad. Once upon a time you told us you had your own functioning brain. "Survey says ---."

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