Gentlemen, start the lies


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
Biff and crew just can't help but lie their ass off. Just flagrantly lying about the attendance at inauguration vs protests. Just an obvious lie. Now watch conservatives defend the transparent, clumsy dishonesty. Just acquire power, it's all that matters. They are such shitty, awful people and it's exactly what conservatives have been wanting.
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Totally stupid and classless for the potus to comment on the size of the crowd at innaguration. You have the nuclear codes to destroy the earth 100 times over. That should make up for any tiny hand compensation. Stop giving piss ants like syskatine sustenance.
Totally stupid and classless for the potus to comment on the size of the crowd at innaguration. You have the nuclear codes to destroy the earth 100 times over. That should make up for any tiny hand compensation. Stop giving piss ants like syskatine sustenance.

See what I did there David Allen? It's called being objective. Try it. You will love it.
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The media focused on stupid crap, like MLK's bust and how many watched the inaguaration, they started it . New administration going to challenge them because our media in the US is no different than Russia in terms of propaganda, except here the media is part of the liberal elite and has not simply reported instead they spin it to the benefit of the libs to extend political control and to keep the public from thinking for themselves.

I have said for years when the libs got voted out and the Republicans finally exposed their hypocrisy the libs would lose their minds. The libs are so bad now that any minority, women, or LGBT can say as many hateful things they want and it is ok, destroy property, hurt people, and it is ok. Not one lib speaking out against it, including Obama.

Turnabout is fair play, and the populist movement is not racist or hateful, it is about building jobs for everyone, it is about lowering the homicide rate in Chicago, it is about making public education meaningful, it is about lowering taxes and our debt, it is about home ownership, it is about security. But hey libs, keep focusing on stupid stuff, that is why we are in the shape we are in, that is why college educated kids with student loan debt works at Burger King, etc.... But the media wants to hide these issues and wants to ignore lib policies created this and not accept this is why Trump was elected.

We use to have Dems with conservative leanings and Reps with liberal leanings and a fair media, that resulted in compromise, but that has been gone for a long time. So now you have a third party candidate that won, and the only way to make change is to crack some eggs. Trump's policies will be a mixture of right and left leanings, but is mostly about fixing serious problems, which seems American to me, but only 50% of the country sees it, if Trump does well, the rest will get it.

This country needs an enema, what comes out is going to be ugly. 4 years ago I would have changed every politician in Washington, Dem or Rep, this is as close as we can get. Media is going to reep what it has sewn.
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Great post but he can crack eggs all day long without going into this kind of stuff as mentioned by sys. Bashing sys over the head with logic is like hitting him with a balloon animal weenie dog. It doesn't even faze him. So many big battles to fight and now with the bully pulpit and strategic high ground let's give the enema you speak of without the pesky petty stuff.

Ignoring the media and ditching the press pool should be the new strategy. Let their hits and likes and shares dry up. He can have a fire side chat with Sean hannity every Sunday evening and not even acknowledge CNN MSNBC NPR for eight years.
Great post but he can crack eggs all day long without going into this kind of stuff as mentioned by sys. Bashing sys over the head with logic is like hitting him with a balloon animal weenie dog. It doesn't even faze him. So many big battles to fight and now with the bully pulpit and strategic high ground let's give the enema you speak of without the pesky petty stuff.

Ignoring the media and ditching the press pool should be the new strategy. Let their hits and likes and shares dry up. He can have a fire side chat with Sean hannity every Sunday evening and not even acknowledge CNN MSNBC NPR for eight years.

I agree...but I hate to see media biased in any manner, including FOX. He won the election without mainstream media and he took his message directly to the public via Twitter, Facebook, etc.... They are saying the Trump Admin may require a rotation of media members from each network, newspaper, etc....this might bring more balance. In addition he is thinking about having town talks to sub some of the press briefings, both live in person town talks and allowing regular citizens to call in and ask questions. I do agree with much that you have said, but I have not watched CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, or FOX for almost 12 years because it was ALL slanted reporting. I felt for a long time the media is a HUGE problem with the political process in the U.S., maybe Trump feels he has to try to also fix the media? Our media and its bias is horrible, seeing FOX reporters openly cheering the Trump victory Saturday night is not good in my opinion, but thank god FOX at least gave an opposing viewpoint to CNN, MSNBC, etc....but I would argue we did not get fair and balanced reporting from anyone and it is not healthy, and it is not healthy when part of the press is going to nit pick every little detail and assume the worst, and another part is going to assume everything is ok.

If Trump can have success with his policies and at the same time beat the crap out of the media and force some change within the media, great. But I agree it should not come at the expense of governing, but the media deserves to be taken to the woodshed, they have not been a service to the American public IMO.
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All spot on and I love the circumventing aspects of that. Part of me wants him to get down in the dirt with them because he is like me, as in I don't stoop to someone's level when they attack me. I go lower and scrape the gutter. It's not something I'm proud of (all the time) and the moral high ground goes to no one that way. I want him to elevate himself for the time he is officially representing the country. Watching him and the media will be like watching divorced parents take the low road every chance they get.
I believe that shining light on the massive and coordinated efforts to undermine him and limit growth of his popularity are vital and must continue. Their narrative can't be allowed to settle in as defacto history.

But I think most people are smart enough to understand the contexts of why the crowds weren't as big for Trump as they were for the first black president in an extremely liberal city. TV ratings to me would be a much more interesting barometer. No need to address it with the weight of his office. He needs to let Bannon coordinate with key alternative media to undermine minor efforts like this and keep his powder a little bit drier for mor substantial media battles.

It will be a never ending game of whack a mole if he's not more selective about what he gives energy to. And frankly the media doesn't have much credibility to lose and are happy to make propaganda a tar baby for him.
BTW - I started watching CNN, MSNBC, and FOX about mid November of last year just to see how those networks were reporting, I was appalled how much worse it had become. Makes you wonder how many viewers like me they have lost over the years. I have kept an on eye them since then because I am hoping to see change, but it looks to me they are not ready for that, only digging in their heels and doubling down. Seeing how this country is reacting - the media, the public, etc....over this election is just plain sad and some of it is horrifying because what happened to people thinking for themselves in this country? This is another problem with the educational system in the U.S. today, and it appears it is a huge problem in many of our Universities that believe in creating grads with certain political leanings.
Dodge. Deflect. Distract. For 8 years you all pretended you were against lying. Not so much -- you'really obviously ok with it from someone on your "side."

You stepped in it big time on the whole misogyny issue with your comments regarding Conway before anyone could even answer your question, and your position on Conway really takes away the sincerity and seriousness of your question, it is offensive to answer a question from someone who obviously will not agree with whatever answer we provide and takes on misogynist behavior while ranting on our President over the same. None of us are for lying, if you read my posts today you would see I am for a fair media, I stated FOX's behavior Saturday night was not appropriate for example. Conway addressed the issue perfectly, she represents my position very well, and you called her a POS. I have not called anyone today a POS. Hate is only coming from one part of society currently.
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Well they plainly lied yesterday. You OK with that? Or is your opinion on integrity contingent on me name calling?

I answered your question, answer want to dance, then dance. Man up and answer it, or are you going to take the high ground by name calling to make your point?
Are you a misogynist after calling the first female campaign manager in American history a "piece of shit" the very day after the march? It's not a trick question.

No. She's a pos, a pathological liar.

See? Pales in comparison to things said on here about Michelle.

So... what do you think about the obvious lie yesterday? Concerning?
No. She's a pos, a pathological liar.

See? Pales in comparison to things said on here about Michelle.

So... what do you think about the obvious lie yesterday? Concerning?

I clearly answered the question but it does not fit your agenda so you just want to keep asking it (just like Chuck Todd) as to if somehow to keep asking it leaves it unanswered. Asked and answered by me - clearly, you don't like the answer so you name call, typical lib behavior and Chuck Todd called her ridiculous (that is when it was clear she kicked his *ss BTW and exposed his bias), a media member calling her a name and spreading hate. You have yet to answer Mega's and mine question, and like the libs you have no answers for anything, other than finger pointing and name calling. Libs just keep asking questions no matter how many answers they get thinking some how that is going to change the reality of what is happening in America today and make liars of everyone, it does not work that way. Seems to me that is something you have to work out with yourself, not Mega or anyone else on this Board.

On this Sunday I will say may peace be with you.
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I clearly answered the question but it does not fit your agenda so you just want to keep asking it (just like Chuck Todd) as to if somehow to keep asking it leaves it unanswered. Asked and answered by me - clearly, you don't like the answer so you name call, typical lib behavior and Chuck Todd called her ridiculous (that is when it was clear she kicked his *ss BTW and exposed his bias), a media member calling her a name and spreading hate. You have yet to answer Mega's and mine question, and like the libs you have no answers for anything, other than finger pointing and name calling. Libs just keep asking questions no matter how many answers they get thinking some how that is going to change the reality of what is happening in America today and make liars of everyone, it does not work that way. Seems to me that is something you have to work out with yourself, not Mega or anyone else on this Board.

On this Sunday I will say may peace be with you.

I could not have answered your questions any more directly or with more clarity. What about "No" constitutes not answering?

Biff's administration is lying transparently and obviously one day in. One day. And that's a hillary issue or mysogyny when addressed? I think you either literally do not have an internal moral compass or the cognitive dissonance is so deafening you've just thrown up your hands and deflect by making me the issue. At some point you'll have to square up that he's the POTUS. Not Obama, or Hillary or me. We have nothing to do with his honesty and transparency.

If insulting a female is misogynistic where have you been when your fellow cons made fun of hrc's ankles or called MO a wookie, ape and bitch?

Oh, he's flat not going to disclose his tax returns now. That's OK isn't it? Transparency isn't necessary either.

Says the guy who is pro woman unless the woman disagrees with him - then, that bitch is a piece of shit, or a whore in FLOTUS' case.

You're so obtuse. I don't have a problem with disagreement. It's the obvious lying. More deflection.
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I could not have answered your questions any more directly or with more clarity. What about "No" constitutes not answering?

Biff's administration is lying transparently and obviously one day in. One day. And that's a hillary issue or mysogyny when addressed? I think you either literally do not have an internal moral compass or the cognitive dissonance is so deafening you've just thrown up your hands and deflect by making me the issue. At some point you'll have to square up that he's the POTUS. Not Obama, or Hillary or me. We have nothing to do with his honesty and transparency.

If insulting a female is misogynistic where have you been when your fellow cons made fun of hrc's ankles or called MO a wookie, ape and bitch?

Oh, he's flat not going to disclose his tax returns now. That's OK isn't it? Transparency isn't necessary either.

You're so obtuse. I don't have a problem with disagreement. It's the obvious lying. More deflection.

Obama told some big lies sys.....but hey, he was Obama, so it was ok sys? Typical Lib hypocrites...

Washington Post catalogues the biggest lies Obama ever told
Sara Gonzales Jan 19, 2017 4:33 pm

The Washington Post marked the end of the Obama administration with a list Thursday that likely didn’t please the outgoing president’s supporters.

For the last five years, the Post has made its political Fact Checker a staple of the publication. Ranked by “Pinocchios,” contenders receive one Pinocchio for a little lie and can earn up to four Pinocchios for the most outrageous of fibs.

Though the Post ran its trademark Fact Checker during President Barack Obama’s first campaign, it wasn’t until 2011 that it became a fixture there, so admittedly the publication missed some blatant dishonesty.

But the newspaper has fact-checked more than 250 statements made by the current president. On his last full day in office, the Post published a catalogue of Obama’s 10 biggest lies.

Included on the list, unsurprisingly, was Obama’s statement to the American public while rallying for Congress to pass his signature health-care legislation, Obamacare: “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

“If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it”
This memorable promise by Obama backfired on him in 2013 when the Affordable Care Act went into effect and at least 2 million Americans started receiving cancellation notices. As we explained, part of the reason for so many cancellations is because of an unusually early (March 23, 2010) cutoff date for grandfathering plans — and because of tight regulations written by the administration. So the uproar could be pinned directly on the administration’s own actions.

Another whopper was Obama’s claim that all but 10 percent of the federal deficit was due to former President George W. Bush’s policies. Pushing back against criticisms of running up the deficit at an unparalleled rate with stimulus packages and bailouts, Obama made this claim during his 2012 campaign.

“90 percent of the budget deficit is due to George W. Bush’s policies”
During the 2012 campaign, Obama repeatedly reminded voters that he became president during a grim economic crisis. But he went too far when he claimed that only 10 percent of the federal deficit was due to his own policies. About half of the deficit stemmed from the recession and forecasting errors, but a large chunk (44 percent in 2011) were the result of Obama’s actions. At another point, Obama also falsely suggested that the Bush tax cuts led to the Great Recession.

And throughout Obama’s two terms in office, he has been quick to dismiss clear acts of terrorism — using phrases like “workplace violence” or blaming a YouTube video for an attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The Post also included his categorization of the Benghazi attack as “an act of terror” and his reference to ISIS as a “JV team.”

“The day after Benghazi happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism”
Obama did refer to an “act of terror” in the immediate aftermath of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but in vague terms, wrapped in a patriotic fervor. He never affirmatively stated that the American ambassador died because of an “act of terror.” Then, over a period of two weeks, given three opportunities in interviews to affirmatively agree that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack, the president obfuscated or ducked the question. So this was a case of taking revisionist history too far for political reasons.

“I didn’t call the Islamic State a ‘JV’ team”
In 2014, Obama repeated a claim, crafted by the White House communications team, that he was not “specifically” referring to the Islamic State terror group when he dismissed the militants who had taken over Fallujah as a “JV squad.” But The Fact Checker obtained the previously unreleased transcript of the president’s interview with the New Yorker, and it’s clear that’s who the president was referencing.

But the Post did leave out some key falsehoods recited by Obama over the years. Here are a few:

“Over the past eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed an attack on our homeland that was directed from overseas.”
Playing a semantics game, Obama misrepresented the fact that there have been many terrorist attacks carried out on American soil by those with ties to foreign terrorist organizations. In fact, in the case of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting in Killeen, Texas, Major Nidal Hasan murdered 14 people on the military base while shouting “allahu akbar” and was shown to be in direct contact with Al Qaeda terrorist leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack.

ISIS themselves also claimed responsibility for a 2015 attack in Garland, Texas, when two men were taken down by police officers after they shot up a community center hosting a Muhammad cartoon contest.

Over the last eight years, there were even more terrorist-related attacks in the country, including the San Bernardino attack, Boston Marathon attack, and a 2009 Little Rock, Arkansas, attack when Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot two soldiers at a military recruiting station. Muhammad also had ties to al-Qaeda.

“Let me say this as plainly as I can: by Aug. 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end.”
Obama claimed that combat operations would be finished by 2010 and later took credit for ending U.S. combat in Iraq. But his own former Defense Secretary Robert Gates disputed that in 2016, the White House did a “disservice” to troops by engaging in word games.

“I think that it is incredibly unfortunate not to speak openly about what’s going on,” Gates told MSNBC. “American troops are in action, they are being killed, they are in combat. And these semantic backflips to avoid using the term combat is a disservice to those who are out there putting their lives on the line.”

“We have not had a major scandal in my administration.”
Obama sidestepped the comprehensive list of scandals that plagued his tenure as president. These scandals include but are not limited to: the Operation Fast and Furious gun walking scandal, the IRS scandal involving IRS workers intentionally targeting Tea Party organizations, and his own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using a private email server.

See entire list here

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Obama told some big lies sys.....but hey, he was Obama, so it was ok sys? Typical Lib hypocrites...

Washington Post catalogues the biggest lies Obama ever told
Sara Gonzales Jan 19, 2017 4:33 pm

The Washington Post marked the end of the Obama administration with a list Thursday that likely didn’t please the outgoing president’s supporters.

For the last five years, the Post has made its political Fact Checker a staple of the publication. Ranked by “Pinocchios,” contenders receive one Pinocchio for a little lie and can earn up to four Pinocchios for the most outrageous of fibs.

Though the Post ran its trademark Fact Checker during President Barack Obama’s first campaign, it wasn’t until 2011 that it became a fixture there, so admittedly the publication missed some blatant dishonesty.

But the newspaper has fact-checked more than 250 statements made by the current president. On his last full day in office, the Post published a catalogue of Obama’s 10 biggest lies.

Included on the list, unsurprisingly, was Obama’s statement to the American public while rallying for Congress to pass his signature health-care legislation, Obamacare: “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

“If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it”
This memorable promise by Obama backfired on him in 2013 when the Affordable Care Act went into effect and at least 2 million Americans started receiving cancellation notices. As we explained, part of the reason for so many cancellations is because of an unusually early (March 23, 2010) cutoff date for grandfathering plans — and because of tight regulations written by the administration. So the uproar could be pinned directly on the administration’s own actions.

Another whopper was Obama’s claim that all but 10 percent of the federal deficit was due to former President George W. Bush’s policies. Pushing back against criticisms of running up the deficit at an unparalleled rate with stimulus packages and bailouts, Obama made this claim during his 2012 campaign.

“90 percent of the budget deficit is due to George W. Bush’s policies”
During the 2012 campaign, Obama repeatedly reminded voters that he became president during a grim economic crisis. But he went too far when he claimed that only 10 percent of the federal deficit was due to his own policies. About half of the deficit stemmed from the recession and forecasting errors, but a large chunk (44 percent in 2011) were the result of Obama’s actions. At another point, Obama also falsely suggested that the Bush tax cuts led to the Great Recession.

And throughout Obama’s two terms in office, he has been quick to dismiss clear acts of terrorism — using phrases like “workplace violence” or blaming a YouTube video for an attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The Post also included his categorization of the Benghazi attack as “an act of terror” and his reference to ISIS as a “JV team.”

“The day after Benghazi happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism”
Obama did refer to an “act of terror” in the immediate aftermath of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but in vague terms, wrapped in a patriotic fervor. He never affirmatively stated that the American ambassador died because of an “act of terror.” Then, over a period of two weeks, given three opportunities in interviews to affirmatively agree that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack, the president obfuscated or ducked the question. So this was a case of taking revisionist history too far for political reasons.

“I didn’t call the Islamic State a ‘JV’ team”
In 2014, Obama repeated a claim, crafted by the White House communications team, that he was not “specifically” referring to the Islamic State terror group when he dismissed the militants who had taken over Fallujah as a “JV squad.” But The Fact Checker obtained the previously unreleased transcript of the president’s interview with the New Yorker, and it’s clear that’s who the president was referencing.

But the Post did leave out some key falsehoods recited by Obama over the years. Here are a few:

“Over the past eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed an attack on our homeland that was directed from overseas.”
Playing a semantics game, Obama misrepresented the fact that there have been many terrorist attacks carried out on American soil by those with ties to foreign terrorist organizations. In fact, in the case of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting in Killeen, Texas, Major Nidal Hasan murdered 14 people on the military base while shouting “allahu akbar” and was shown to be in direct contact with Al Qaeda terrorist leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack.

ISIS themselves also claimed responsibility for a 2015 attack in Garland, Texas, when two men were taken down by police officers after they shot up a community center hosting a Muhammad cartoon contest.

Over the last eight years, there were even more terrorist-related attacks in the country, including the San Bernardino attack, Boston Marathon attack, and a 2009 Little Rock, Arkansas, attack when Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot two soldiers at a military recruiting station. Muhammad also had ties to al-Qaeda.

“Let me say this as plainly as I can: by Aug. 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end.”
Obama claimed that combat operations would be finished by 2010 and later took credit for ending U.S. combat in Iraq. But his own former Defense Secretary Robert Gates disputed that in 2016, the White House did a “disservice” to troops by engaging in word games.

“I think that it is incredibly unfortunate not to speak openly about what’s going on,” Gates told MSNBC. “American troops are in action, they are being killed, they are in combat. And these semantic backflips to avoid using the term combat is a disservice to those who are out there putting their lives on the line.”

“We have not had a major scandal in my administration.”
Obama sidestepped the comprehensive list of scandals that plagued his tenure as president. These scandals include but are not limited to: the Operation Fast and Furious gun walking scandal, the IRS scandal involving IRS workers intentionally targeting Tea Party organizations, and his own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using a private email server.

See entire list here


He never lied and you have to respect alternative facts.

Wtf does Obama have to do with Trump's honesty? More deflection. You can't handle it can you?
Alright @syskatine,

I'm not sifting through all the bullshit.

Give me the exact lie so I can research. I've been completely disconnected from the TV.

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