Gay GOP Candidates not doing well in Presidential race


Heisman Candidate
Jul 11, 2005
The two gay GOP candidates are not doing well enough to reach the final debate. One was not surprising. She is clearly a huge Queen and people have know it for years. The other was expected to do well, as she is the Governor of a big state. But she is stupid and the rumors have spread about her as well.
On the other hand the gay front runner on the democratic side is doing well....okay she is slipping, but surely she will win the nomination! You know how pathetic an argument is when the first prerequisite for doing well in a political race is your "gay." Kind of similar to the crap foisted on us by the first black president (who's really a 1/2 & 1/2 muslim). No real qualifications just the fallback position that they don't like me because I'm (fill in the blank).
I agree Hillary is Gay as well. But Lindsey Graham and Rick Perry are right there with her. Surprised this has not gone national yet. It will if either starts to do well.

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