Future terrorists

Who is going to "take them to task?" What exactly does "taken to task" mean?
You have law enforcement they should. Publicize ie i Know MAS would come out and say islamophobia but rest of the muslims see what this center in phuiladelphia is doing
so they can check the centers their children are going.
No. No they don't. You are trying to say that it is a mental imbalance that causes terrorists now? Not ignorance and poverty?

Your religion specifically has a problem with indoctrinating the children with a message of hatred, victimhood, and intolerance. Which manifests in violent behavior. Until YOU specifically get your shit together and run that sect of YOUR religion out and purge it from the Earth then WE will have to defend ourselves from your hate. If that means killing YOU as you plot to kill US - then so be it. I'm good with that. You still live in the dark ages, you get treated like it.

Quit equivocating and making excuses for the hate being taught in the name of Allah and start rooting it from YOUR religion. Until that day, your religion is blight on the rest of civilized humanity.
If you ask me the question that does quran or hadith tell people to indoctrinate their children to chop heads of people who disagree with them when they grow up.
I would say definitely not.
As you are not your brothers keeper(Every christian in the world) neither am I for every muslim in the world.
If you ask me the question that does quran or hadith tell people to indoctrinate their children to chop heads of people who disagree with them when they grow up.
I would say definitely not.
As you are not your brothers keeper(Every christian in the world) neither am I for every muslim in the world.
That's a cop out and you know it. If Christians were going around terrorizing the rest of the world, you better damn well believe that I'd be working towards exposing that sect as unacceptable and encouraging everyone to shun and destroy them. You can't seem to get behind that last part. Why?

Instead you continue to make excuses or equivocate. You are a poor excuse for a peace loving Muslim and an even poorer excuse as a human being until you can reconcile that.
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That's a cop out and you know it. If Christians were going around terrorizing the rest of the world, you better damn well believe that I'd be working towards exposing that sect as unacceptable and encouraging everyone to shun and destroy them. You can't seem to get behind that last part. Why?

Instead you continue to make excuses or equivocate. You are a poor excuse for a peace loving Muslim and an even poorer excuse as a human being until you can reconcile that.
Christians did terrorize the world just read history. I dont believe any child should be indoctrinated besides their love for education. They will decide what they want to believe or in which way when they grow older.
I dont think any where in this thread i supported what the children in that muslim center
were being taught.
Please expose them I dont give a shit I think I said they should be taken to task and arrested. What else do want me to say
Christians did terrorize the world just read history. I dont believe any child should be indoctrinated besides their love for education. They will decide what they want to believe or in which way when they grow older.
I dont think any where in this thread i supported what the children in that muslim center
were being taught.
Please expose them I dont give a shit I think I said they should be taken to task and arrested. What else do want me to say
The operative word in your post is ‘DID’. Christians DID, as in past tense, those horrible things.

Muslims DO those horrible things TODAY.

Can’t you see the difference?
Christians did terrorize the world just read history. I dont believe any child should be indoctrinated besides their love for education. They will decide what they want to believe or in which way when they grow older.
I dont think any where in this thread i supported what the children in that muslim center
were being taught.
Please expose them I dont give a shit I think I said they should be taken to task and arrested. What else do want me to say
I don’t want you to say anything. I want YOU, and the rest of the peace loving Muslim population, to actively root out those that teach hate, victim hood, and intolerance and remove them from the face of the earth.

You’ve already established that if America does it that it will be seen as us being aggressive or imperialistic. So it is up to YOU to do. Don’t say it. Do it! Faith without works is dead.
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I don’t want you to say anything. I want YOU, and the rest of the peace loving Muslim population, to actively root out those that teach hate, victim hood, and intolerance and remove them from the face of the earth.

You’ve already established that if America does it that it will be seen as us being aggressive or imperialistic. So it is up to YOU to do. Don’t say it. Do it! Faith without works is dead.

Waiting patiently for your thorough acknowledgement and rooting out the evils of your “faith” lol...I know you’ll crumble into your self-loathing display of anger/apathy towards me...while continuing to get owned.
Waiting patiently for your thorough acknowledgement and rooting out the evils of your “faith” lol...I know you’ll crumble into your self-loathing display of anger/apathy towards me...while continuing to get owned.

If anyone needs Christ in their heart it’s you.
The operative word in your post is ‘DID’. Christians DID, as in past tense, those horrible things.

Muslims DO those horrible things TODAY.

Can’t you see the difference?
In hundred years this would alo be past.Please post incidents of muslim terrorism before 1990
Have the Pakistani Madrassas stopped teaching Saudi Wahhabism to the Pakistani youth?
No we haven't banned them, but their influence after taliban and alqauida
is going down.
Islam in this region (Indian sub continent) was spread by sufis and that is the kind of Islam that should dominate Pakistan.
Yes but that war is political and by the way there are Christians also involved in that struggle.In fact one of the fiercest liberation organization was headed by a Christian
with Christian as his followers.

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