Funny Political Photoshops/Memes/Pictures

Completely dumb. People with that kind of money usually pay people who stamp and deposit all incoming stuff and put it on the books. Anybody who believes Trump would take the time to personally endorse checks and deposit them himself is likely a complete idiot. It even says the only one who personally endorsed the check was Kashoggi.

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True capitalism. When something isn't profitable you shut it down. If Dems had their way the government would a of bailed it out then subsidized it.

All at taxpayer expense of course.
You got nothing. Please find a new fake story to promote.

Mueller has already moved his witch hunt to Trump finances. Much easier to manufacture a crime with complicated financial matters than manufacturing fake connections to Russia.
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You got nothing. Please find a new fake story to promote.

Mueller has already moved his witch hunt to Trump finances. Much easier to manufacture a crime with complicated financial matters than manufacturing fake connections to Russia.

Squirm and squeal, squeal and squirm. It's fun to watch you guys squirm like bacon on a skillet. Ya'll hounded and bitched and investigated the last two democrat Presidents into the ground. Karma may be a bitch, but she sure can be pretty.

These conservatives squealing about a special counsel going too far is high comedy. Has he gotten into Biff's sex life yet?

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