Funny Political Photoshops/Memes/Pictures

Honest question....why did she wear those horrendous suits?

Was she covering up adult diapers?
The answer is:

Yes, likely. That and her anti gender/sexuality stance that led Bill to put his dick in any available receptacle was translated into the unisex pantsuit disaster that led Bill to put his dick in anything but Hillary. They had one fugly child. Normal presidential couples had at least two. But that leads to the reality of if you put your junk in her junk once, would you do it again? Horn dog Billy said f@#$ no. I would too. Coyote ugly is where you wake up the next morning and chew your arm off to not wake the beast up. Wolf ugly is where you chew your other arm off so you can't make the same mistake. Hildabeast is beyond wolf ugly and that doesn't compute in my brain.

Who wore it better?


Would you willingly stick your junk in a real lifeTeletubbie? I wouldn't.

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