Fraudster ex-Baltimore DA Marilyn Mosby avoids prison for mortgage fraud and is sentenced to time served with home confinement


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

Public law official - check
progressive Democrat - check
Black - check
Judge Black - check
Women - check

"Judge Griggsby questioned Assistant US Attorney Sean Delaney in court demanding: 'Are there victims and who are they?'

'All citizens are victims when public officials lie and find the truth not to be important,' he told her.

'These lies demonstrate that Marilyn Mosby is unremorseful, that she has no regard for the truth.'

Mosby was also sentenced to 100 hours of community service and three years of supervised release."

Nothing special done here right? A BS judge shilling for a lir and ex district attorney. Wonder if DJT would get the same treatment????? Can assure everyone here, including the libcomdems that they would be headed to the fun house, none of this home confinement crap.
If we had a honest press that were doing it's job and a moral electorate more of these corrupt, thieving public officials would be held accountable for the crimes they commit. While everyone focuses on the federal level, it's the local level those corrupt SOBs can rob you blind.
For the most part the electorate isn't immoral, they are just sheep. All you need is the first item: an honest press who'd actually highlight these things.
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For the most part the electorate isn't immoral, they are just sheep. All you need is the first item: an honest press who'd actually highlight these things.
I can't give them a pass since ITS THEIR JOB.

Knowingly complacent or knowingly complicit sure seems morally corrupt to me.