Found: Evidence of Russian collusion

You seem to have completely missed the parallel. Or maybe you just ignored it. If I need to provide a better explanation, I’m willing to do so.

No I didn’ has been your and others’ assertions for years that Hillary should be in prison. With a Republican-led FBI, shouldn’t that be Numero Uno on the to-do list?

Why haven’t they nailed her ass to the wall? Lol...maybe it’s because there’s nothing there (emails, Uranium One, etc. other conservatives conspiracy theories). I’ve been waiting for years for Hillary to wear that prison jump suit. Find something real for a change haha.

Carry on.
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No I didn’ has been your and others’ assertions for years that Hillary should be in prison. With a Republican-led FBI, shouldn’t that be Numero Uno on the to-do list?

Why haven’t they nailed her ass to the wall? Lol...maybe it’s because there’s nothing there (emails, Uranium One, etc. other conservatives conspiracy theories). I’ve been waiting for years for Hillary to wear that prison jump suit. Find something real for a change haha.

Carry on.
You did. You missed it and changed the subject.

For what it’s worth, I do think Hillary should be charged criminally for her felony offenses as enumerated by Comey in his July 5, 2016 press conference. Do I think she should be imprisoned? Nobody ever asked me, so I’ll tell you. She would make an excellent candidate for felony probation, just like anybody else who is a nonviolent offender with no prior convictions. So please stop putting words in my mouth.
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No I didn’ has been your and others’ assertions for years that Hillary should be in prison. With a Republican-led FBI, shouldn’t that be Numero Uno on the to-do list?

Why haven’t they nailed her ass to the wall? Lol...maybe it’s because there’s nothing there (emails, Uranium One, etc. other conservatives conspiracy theories). I’ve been waiting for years for Hillary to wear that prison jump suit. Find something real for a change haha.

Carry on.

Years. YEARS. How many investigations? How much testimony and screaming and accusation? THey're saying Mueller has taken a year, and how many congressional and FBI investigations have the GOP stirred up? Over how long?

It's such clumsy propaganda. Amazing how many people fall for it.

We can unpack this further .

Have you ever been in a place of ETHICAL responsibility? (As if responsibility can exist without some form of Ethic attached to it).

When you held such a position, did you go to great lengths to ensure that the ethic attached to your responsibility was honored by giving it 'wide berth' to the casual observer? Meaning, you made effort to ensure that there was never a reason to question your observance of the ethic?

It’s called avoiding even the appearance of impropriety....and it’s a good governing principle to adopt...but I don’t see really anybody in high level politics adopting it.
It’s called avoiding even the appearance of impropriety....and it’s a good governing principle to adopt...but I don’t see really anybody in high level politics adopting it.
Is that even possible at this point? Especially in a universe where "alternative facts" are a thing?
Dude, the first thing I'd think if I were a board lib is, "I wish that f-tard would switch teams."

Summary below.

This is seriously mind blowing.

Lol...Campbell is a real gem.

Campbell worked as an informant for federal authorities investigating Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official in charge of U.S. operations for Tenex, a unit of Rosatom. Authorities later accused Mikerin of taking bribes from a shipping company in exchange for contracts to transport Russian uranium into the United States. He pleaded guilty in federal court in Maryland and was sentenced to prison for four years.

The Justice Department had also initially charged Mikerin with extorting kickbacks from Campbell after hiring him as a $50,000-a-month lobbyist.

Prosecutors alleged Mikerin had demanded Campbell pay between one-third and half of that money back to him each month under threat of losing the contract and veiled warnings of violence from the Russians. The demand prompted Campbell to turn to the FBI in 2010, which gave its blessing for him to remain part of the scheme.

Federal prosecutors were ready to use Campbell as a star witness against Mikerin, but they backed away after defense attorneys raised questions about Campbell’s credibility and whether he was a victim or had “entered into a business arrangement with eyes wide open,” according to court records.

Carry on.
Is that even possible at this point? Especially in a universe where "alternative facts" are a thing?

If you don’t start with that principle, you can’t attempt to adopt it at a later date.

So no, I don’t think it is possible for any of our political leaders at the highest levels.

Integrity is in short supply in pretty much any level.

I’m afraid that integrity might be in short human interactions in general. Hope that’s not the case.
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you can’t make this up

mark warner has to be the dumbest em effer
in the universe

this dude would not last five minutes on the streets
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I need to start listening to Hewitt again. I forgot he is a lawyer and served in the Reagan Administration.

here’s a good one

this yokel and pocahontas put together the data breach and compensation act

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We can unpack this further .

Have you ever been in a place of ETHICAL responsibility? (As if responsibility can exist without some form of Ethic attached to it).

When you held such a position, did you go to great lengths to ensure that the ethic attached to your responsibility was honored by giving it 'wide berth' to the casual observer? Meaning, you made effort to ensure that there was never a reason to question your observance of the ethic?

Are you in a medical field?

Did you ever have to be trusted alone with a sedated patient?
Years. YEARS. How many investigations? How much testimony and screaming and accusation? THey're saying Mueller has taken a year, and how many congressional and FBI investigations have the GOP stirred up? Over how long?

It's such clumsy propaganda. Amazing how many people fall for it.

interesting given the bullshit you clearly fall for.
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