I saw this and naturally thought you would find it interesting.
Thanks ponca dan. A very accurate history of Imran Khan. I have had the pleasure of meeting him at social situations in Karachi during 80's and 90's and couple of times after he entered politics at couple of speeches he gave in Karachi. Then I did not think
he had the political acumen to make it in his new chosen field,but the guy is persistent and has developed as a mature politician and a very charismatic leader.
I voted for him in the last elections and tend to agree with some of his policies specially his efforts to convert the economy into a white tax paying system.
Unfortunately the rich class is not all that happy and nor are the small traders. Main reason being the corrupt reputation of our tax collecting agency.
With the new stance of Kashmir that India has taken a possibility of war has increased which is not good for either of these countries.
Thanks again for posting this article.
Kashmir is a very complicated issue and both the sides have arguments pro and against what should happen in Kashmir.
To understand the issue you have to go to pre partition history of India.Before Muslims came to India, present day India was a culmination of many princely states and the population was totally hindu of course there were buddhist which was an off shoot of hindu religion.Hindu religion is based on cast system where the lowest is called untouchables.
When muslim started arriving in India as traders in the seventh century with them started an advent of muslim sufi groups. Therefore most of the muslim or for that matter
christian population have ancesters that were considered untouchables by higher caste
As the muslim countries around central asia started getting stronger they started invading India for basically to get riches from this very rich region. Mostly they invaded
various princely states which were not militarily as strong as them and got away with gold and jewels and whatever some of these invaders even ruled parts of India for certain time.Due to conversion several muslim states emerged in this region.
Moghuls invaded India in the 16th century and created a dynasty in India which included most of India with several areas controlled with treaties with the kings of that area.
British really united India but still kept allies in several small kingdoms which supported british raj and had a british political agent to guide them.
After 2nd world war british were not economically strong to hold on to their colonies India being the largest with a very strong independence movement had to be given away and hence partition of India on the basis of religion,Muslim majority states
became Pakistan and hindu majority states became India. Princely states were given option to go to either country or remain independent.
Pakistan got two areas which were what is Pakistan today and what is Bangladesh to day.They were far apart and due to political and geographical reasons drifted apart with a civil war with India playing a major role in dividing united Pakistan.I am not saying Pakistan was an innocent bystander infact the politicians of what was west Pakistan and the military that was mostly from West Pakistan did play a dirty role
which resulted in the independence movement of the Bungalis.
The Indiand princely states that were given option were annexed by India by one pretext or the other. Some opted for Pakistan and were annexed because the Nawab was a muslim and the population was Hindu.For a time period they left the states that wanted to be independent then 60's they annexed them to India.
Kashmir had Sikh ruler and 90% muslim population and stayed independent.Then started the problem when Pakistan with not much an army invaded Kashmir with the help of our tribal chieftans took a portion of Kashmir and united nations jumped in
and stopped the war with a resolution by the security council that there would be a plebiscite in Kashmir where the people would decide which country they would join or stay independent. Indian Prime Minister then Nehru moved this motion and hence clauses in the Indian constitution giving Kashmir a special status as an autonomous region.
There have been several conflicts in Kashmir in some Pakistan was responsible some where local people were responsible and most because India was responsible.
This recent move by India to annex Kashmir through an executive order is against
security council resolution and several general assembly resolutions is very irresponsible.
The world recognizes Kashmir as a disputed territory you can check in any atlas.
The atrocities happening in Kashmir for last five years have been horrifying (Modi's reign) his philosophy originates from RSS a hindu supremacist group that took the responsibility of assassination of Gandhi.
I have made the situation as concise as possible you may do your own research on the subject because I maybe I have a biased opinion as a Pakistani.
As far as the US getting involved militarily are none if there is a war and it escalates it would be a nuclear war.
I hope the world interferes in the conflict according to international laws.