Food for thought


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Russian war is the last stand for the deep state. They are being outed each day with how corrupt and how many tentacles they have gotten their hooks in.

With a war with Russia they get to deflect from
All the corruption: All the deaths with the shots , The coverup, the DOJ and FBI Criminally conservatives and looking away at leftist the brining in mass numbers of illegal young men in the middle of the night,the stolen election, attack on free speech, defund the police, open border et al.

IMO they are going to use thisTo deflect
From Everything else. "Noooo the deep state wouldn't do that just to get their way"......damn sure would and not think twice.

Again Blackrock, vanguard and 4 others own ALL the news - nothing goes out on the news that doesn't get permission- book it Dano
Didn't happen on Pedo Joes watch- can't blame him for it happening- he dang sure won't do anything about it- this has been going on for awhile

Russian war is the last stand for the deep state. They are being outed each day with how corrupt and how many tentacles they have gotten their hooks in.

With a war with Russia they get to deflect from
All the corruption: All the deaths with the shots , The coverup, the DOJ and FBI Criminally conservatives and looking away at leftist the brining in mass numbers of illegal young men in the middle of the night,the stolen election, attack on free speech, defund the police, open border et al.

IMO they are going to use thisTo deflect
From Everything else. "Noooo the deep state wouldn't do that just to get their way"......damn sure would and not think twice.

Again Blackrock, vanguard and 4 others own ALL the news - nothing goes out on the news that doesn't get permission- book it Dano
MAGA dying for Putin to win.
Keep drinking the media kool aid- when's the last time theyTold the truth?
Yesterday. Looks like they were spot on about the weather, about stock prices, and about Russia moving into the Ukraine border. Or is that wrong, too? Russia just there in anticipation of a big ol' easter egg hunt or something?
AND the leader of Ukraine told the US that there's no imminent threat from Russia- any of the buildup has been since last April.

The deep state wants a war- and truth be damned- Putin not trying to take over anything- it's China but we won't say anything bad about China bc we be their Biotch- no if's,
Ands or but's

Yeah our govt and media is that crooked ass
Amazing we have all kinds of horrible issues in our country, yet we are entertaining the thought of getting involved in a border conflict miles and miles away from us?! The fact anyone with the sane mind, especially after the Afghanistan debacle thanksIt's a good idea for us to go gallivanting across the world to take on Putin is asinine. And again I will promise you our media is not telling the truth, they never do.
Amazing we have all kinds of horrible issues in our country, yet we are entertaining the thought of getting involved in a border conflict miles and miles away from us?! The fact anyone with the sane mind, especially after the Afghanistan debacle thanksIt's a good idea for us to go gallivanting across the world to take on Putin is asinine. And again I will promise you our media is not telling the truth, they never do.

Who that counts is pushing to get into an armed conflict?
Throw in the fact that our military is now totally woke and is mandating deadly experimental shots to our troops and I would say we are in no position to function at all as a strong military.

You've got to get your house in order before you go taking on something like a fight with Russia. Then again Russia is not the enemy, China is but China owns us so he won't hear our corrupt state media say anythingBad about China
Hello my name is crazy who # 3 and I am here for the party.

I think Ukraine would benefit from Putin. I was playing street fighter last night and thought man the world needs a USSR.
Hello my name is crazy who # 3 and I am here for the party.

I think Ukraine would benefit from Putin. I was playing street fighter last night and thought man the world needs a USSR.
As usual if your TV doesn't tell you a certain thing, far be it for you to figure out anything different, keep trust in that news
As usual if your TV doesn't tell you a certain thing, far be it for you to figure out anything different, keep trust in that news
So the news says Ukraine would benefit from a Putin take over also and that the world needs a USSR? You do I was agreeing with you only in a crazy way. Its funny you just put me down.
So the news says Ukraine would benefit from a Putin take over also and that the world needs a USSR? You do I was agreeing with you only in a crazy way. Its funny you just put me down.
Zero idea what you are
Saying- Zero.

Funny how you engage each time then play a victim- Poor Guy. Gonna tell me take my toys and go home like last thread of all the athletes dying that you dismiss?

What the hell does they mean the world needs a USSR🤪
The world is better with a stronger Russia.
Can't say I agree or disagree- sadly.

Stronger China is not good in the long run.
Stronger US- unless we get the country back the US will be a big ole pile of shit.

I KNOW you absolutely CANNOT trust what the media says so if they say "Russia is bad" then I'd lean towards Russia being good.

It's a shame bc we really don't know who to trust. WeVe been lied to so bad and so long- again the news doesn't roll out each day without the deep state granting permission to cumulus, Fox, ABC et al to put it out there. Remember Cumulus was the station Rush was on and now you can't work there without getting the death jab- and that's supposed to be a trusted source. Fox News the Rupert kids took over and they're woke as hell- it's why I go underground for more reliable sources
Media and global left just keep
Pushing for war- don't fall for it
The Damn country pedo Joe "Says" he wants to "protect" says there's no issues. Global left has to have its wars, Pedo needs distraction from his hideous job performance