Foaming at the mouth, anti-racist Democrats again label Justice Clarence Thomas an ‘Uncle Tom’ because of his skin color


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
February 16, 2023

Foaming at the mouth, anti-racist Democrats again label Justice Clarence Thomas an ‘Uncle Tom’ because of his skin color​

By Olivia Murray

Angela Y. Davis, a bonafide communist known for her violent militancy, is famously quoted as saying, “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.”

Given Davis’s Marxian philosophies and rabid hatred towards conservatism, I think it’s safe to assume she wasn’t speaking to people like me, but I have a great idea on where we can root out some real racism. Now, of course, reality doesn’t occur in a vacuum, and given historical context and facts, like the origins of the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow laws, my suggestion isn’t anything unexpected. But perhaps it is to people like Davis? Anyway, these lowlifes are everywhere, ironically screeching the loudest about racism, and identifying themselves as… Democrats.

In Georgia, Justice Clarence Thomas’s home state, legislators in the senate recently passed a bill which would establish his bust at the ground of the state Capitol building in Atlanta; the left is losing their collective, one-track, hackable mind. From an article on the matter at Life News:

The Georgia state Senate voted 32-20 along party lines on Tuesday to support the statue, with Republicans approving the measure and Democrats unanimously opposing the move to honor the black justice.
According to Life News journalist Steven Ertelt, the bill’s author, Senator Ben Watson said this of his proposed legislation:

This native son of Georgia deserves a place of honor and recognition on our Capitol grounds, a place where future generations of Georgians can learn valuable lessons from his legacy and gain inspiration and belief that their lofty dreams are obtainable too in America, regardless of the circumstances into which they are born[.]
Predictably, those virtuous anti-racists went into a frenzied, racist, tirade. How dare a Black man who overcame debilitating poverty and segregation to sit on the highest court in the land receive state recognition. He doesn’t even think and act like the Democrat overlords say he should think and act! He thinks for himself and develops his own ideas and opinions, separate from identity politics and the Democrat ethos. What a traitor.

Watch the video below, of an elected Democrat, reacting to the advancement of the bill:

Here’s the part that really got me: “I don’t really know the origin of Uncle Tom.”

Well, let me educate you Mr. Jones; the term comes from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s famous novel written prior to the American Civil War, with its main theme being that of abolition, or anti-slavery; Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

Actually, now that I think of it, there are others much smarter than I who would be able to provide Mr. Jones with the basic knowledge he’s so evidently lacking: Perhaps Justice Clarence Thomas himself. Maybe a gentleman named Thomas Sowell. There’s also this guy from California named Larry Elder. Or if none of those suggestions work out, he could always check out the writings of a former slave, Frederick Douglass.

Hat tip: Sherrie Craven.
The left is the main driver of racism.

They all feel comfortable being racist as long as the minority has opposing political views.

Isn’t that right @Syskatine.
At a very young age I learned my conservative father was 1/2 house boy, token, "white boy", traitor and Uncle Tom. The board's majority guessed right. I didn't learn it from Alpha Woke.

Now we have a racist illegitimate president who embarrasses a race by an ill advised selection for press secretary.
You’re having a bad brain day.
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I know you shit on every minority candidate that wasn’t in your cult.

By your rules that makes you a racist.
In Democrats defense they have always been the party of the KKK. Nothing has changed, they still are. They didn't make up any new rules there, same rules they have played by since 1800 or so.
Of course you know the answer. I knew not to ask. You don't give a mouse's hiney what color Obama and I am. You look at what's in our hearts. The left always looks at color.
I get tickled when the left talks about equality, while they demand lower standards, special privileges and double standards in law enforcement for minorities. How do you have equality when you have different standards?
I get tickled when the left talks about equality, while they demand lower standards, special privileges and double standards in law enforcement for minorities. How do you have equality when you have different standards?
Equality is not the goal. Never has been. It's about an advantage and, ultimately, revenge. "Color blindness" was what MLK wanted. He lost that battle early on as the more militant blacks took over the movement and pushed him to the side. His message of non-violence was also pushed aside. People forget that. MLK struggled with that as he was becoming a bit irrelevant as the extremist voices were being chosen over his.
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In Democrats defense they have always been the party of the KKK. Nothing has changed, they still are. They didn't make up any new rules there, same rules they have played by since 1800 or so.
***thinks the KKK votes Democrat, reveals himself as a fvcking idiot yet again***

carry on
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***thinks the KKK votes Democrat, reveals himself as a fvcking idiot yet again***

carry on
Is it even a close call which party is by far the most racist and anti-Semitic? If a Republican said anything like the crazies on the left do, we'd be excoriated, banished and canceled. We're hold to a higher standard...which, unlike on the left, we are capable of doing.
***thinks the KKK votes Democrat, reveals himself as a fvcking idiot yet again***

carry on
Gaslighting yet again are we David. I know it hurts you to find out that it was Democrats who backed slavery, Jim crow laws, and were the major contributors to the KKK. It's too bad Republicans have given your party a hard pass on making sure the public knows this while just letting you attack Republicans for the Racists your party seems to still be. It's a shame you haven't grown from the civil rights movement.

Carry on with your gaslighting. It is what you are best at.
Gaslighting yet again are we David. I know it hurts you to find out that it was Democrats who backed slavery, Jim crow laws, and were the major contributors to the KKK. It's too bad Republicans have given your party a hard pass on making sure the public knows this while just letting you attack Republicans for the Racists your party seems to still be. It's a shame you haven't grown from the civil rights movement.

Carry on with your gaslighting. It is what you are best at.

carry on

Even Vox disagrees with you.

"This has been described by some outlets as an official endorsement, but it’s not clear that it was meant as such. (It’s bylined by an individual writer, not an editorial board, and it doesn’t actually use the word “endorse” or specifically try to convince readers to vote for Trump.)"

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