Flynn's Attorney on Hannity

Ironic that she wrote a book describing the degree to which Andrew Weissmann ignores the law and has been reprimanded by numerous courts. It's interesting this case with Flynn is before Judge Emmett Sullivan, the judge who rebuked and sanctioned Weissman previously for his misconduct.

Weissman is the poster boy for "lawyers are snakes".
Well, I am shocked - shocked, I tell you! - to learn a government agency would illegally or unethically abuse the power it has been given. This has never happened before, has it? It’s not SOP for any government agency to assume it is above the law, is it? I just hope they promise to never do it again, because a government agency would never lie on purpose, would it? If they promise to never do it again we could just let the matter drop, problem solved. Right?
been calling him no scope mueller from jump street

scope memos get problematic

lack of scope gives mueller carte blanche to do shit like raid potus atty’s office and leverage
taxi medallions into non-correlated testimony

which is great until brennan cank and otard
roll snake eyes

and hell comes to breakfast

Can you imagine what would be taking place if this had been a Democrat?
Seems like most everyday we get more evidence of government abusing it's power but because that power abuse is against people Democrats do not like they are not only silent they support it.

clinton’s evolved into thugs
otard brought gangsta life to the whitehouse

we’ll see if barr and potus are
politicians or warriors
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clinton’s evolved into thugs
otard brought gangsta life to the whitehouse

we’ll see if barr and potus are
politicians or warriors

It's going to take more than Trump and Barr to bring down the Washington Cartel. To many of the cartel are in all to powerful position in government to ever have the full truth known. Sadly I fear because of the division in the country and decades of people not wanting to get involved the cartel has become to big and powerful to bring down.
It's going to take more than Trump and Barr to bring down the Washington Cartel. To many of the cartel are in all to powerful position in government to ever have the full truth known. Sadly I fear because of the division in the country and decades of people not wanting to get involved the cartel has become to big and powerful to bring down.

depends on how far trump is willing to go

that being said they tried to prosecute his presidency
what exculpatory evidence?

Might have something to do with the 302s that were purposely changed, the fact McCabe told Flynn he didn't need and attorney present and the way the FBI and other intelligence services were tasked with spying on a political campaign. Naturally being a left wing loon you see no issue with any of this even though the government abuse of power shakes the very foundation of our country. Maybe that's what Obama meant when he said he was going to fundamentally transform the country, into a Banana Republic.
Might have something to do with the 302s that were purposely changed, the fact McCabe told Flynn he didn't need and attorney present and the way the FBI and other intelligence services were tasked with spying on a political campaign. Naturally being a left wing loon you see no issue with any of this even though the government abuse of power shakes the very foundation of our country. Maybe that's what Obama meant when he said he was going to fundamentally transform the country, into a Banana Republic.
Was that evidence withheld?
been calling him no scope mueller from jump street

scope memos get problematic

lack of scope gives mueller carte blanche to do shit like raid potus atty’s office and leverage
taxi medallions into non-correlated testimony

which is great until brennan cank and otard
roll snake eyes

and hell comes to breakfast

Was that evidence withheld?
Yes. The DOJ as yet to produce exculpatory emails that the judge ordered them to turn over.
LOL He pled guilty.

Because he was being blackmailed by the prosecutors. They were prepared to destroy his whole family in order to get what they wanted from him.

Wouldn't you fall on your sword for your family?
In this hypothetical what crimes did my family commit?
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Then you would know the judge has been very hard on the prosecution and there are more hearings scheduled before sentencing.

I'd be willing to have some kind of reasonable wager with you that Flynn is never sentenced.
Name it.
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$200 donation to candidate of the other's choosing.

I don't think either of us use this board enough for a week long banishment to really bite.
I would never give 200 bucks to anyone you would support even on a bet and I'm sure you feel the same about Trump.

Two week banishment. We're on here enough to feel that just a little. I'm not interested in a bloodletting for you or me just something to keep it interesting.
I would never give 200 bucks to anyone you would support even on a bet and I'm sure you feel the same about Trump.

Two week banishment. We're on here enough to feel that just a little. I'm not interested in a bloodletting for you or me just something to keep it interesting.
Two week ban?

What's wrong, nancies, didn't have a q-tip to wager?

Avatar control is kind of an interesting wager...

Because he was being blackmailed by the prosecutors. They were prepared to destroy his whole family in order to get what they wanted from him.

Wouldn't you fall on your sword for your family?

Well you probably wouldn't but most others would.

Where do you get this from?

Are you willing to bet with me? I know nothing about this. I think Pilt is good faith and he's reviewed the public filings, I'll go out on a limb and say your second hand source is completely full of shit. If I'm wrong, I'll say it.

I'm also going to watch this and see if you're at all embarrassed by believing and passing this along when it's disproven.

EDIT: Okay, here's the Motion to Compel. I get it now. Head, that's not for the judge. That's for Biff. He's trying to get a pardon.
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