First Gaza. Now The West Bank.

Still waiting for feedback on my post, which basically justifies Israel’s actions.

While I have your attention, Ponca, answer this simple question: Does Israel have the right to exist?
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Still waiting for feedback on my post, which basically justifies Israel’s actions.

While I have your attention, Ponca, answer this simple question: Does Israel have the right to exist?
Yes, but not in the way as it is currently constructed.
That's why you see so many Palestinians dying. They have chosen the sword by casting their lot with terrorists.
Most of the people in the West Bank have not chosen the sword. What Israel is doing to them now will almost certainly drive many of them to take up the sword.
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As a non-apartheid state, non-Jewish-supremacist state in which Palestinians enjoy the same rights and liberties as the Jewish population.
Perhaps if they can go about 10 years without attacking the rightful holders of Jewish land, and drop the Nazified hate from their grade school UNWRA curriculum, they will one day get that privilege.
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I have it on good authority where the next stop on their genocidal rampage will be…

Ponca City.

Now it all makes sense
Perhaps if they can go about 10 years without attacking the rightful holders of Jewish land, and drop the Nazified hate from their grade school UNWRA curriculum, they will one day get that privilege.
Yeah, that would probably do it. All the Palestinians need to do is accept their biblical fate to be second rate "slaves/citizens" in an oppressive Zionist apartheid state and there will be peace.
As a non-apartheid state, non-Jewish-supremacist state in which Palestinians enjoy the same rights and liberties as the Jewish population.
One state where every resident has equal rights, privileges and liberties. You know, like a democracy is supposed to be.
Do you not support a two-state solution Dan? Or do you and just also believe Israel needs the internal improvements you reference as well?
Yeah, that would probably do it. All the Palestinians need to do is accept their biblical fate to be second rate "slaves/citizens" in an oppressive Zionist apartheid state and there will be peace.
Now you're gettin' it!
Are you admitting @Marocain Poke that you believe Palestinians are second-class human beings who deserve to be enslaved?

Are you hostile and prejudiced against Palestinian people?

(btw, before you do it. I'm not asking you about Hamas. I'm asking you about Palestinians.)
Are you admitting @Marocain Poke that you believe Palestinians are second-class human beings who deserve to be enslaved?

Are you hostile and prejudiced against Palestinian people?

(btw, before you do it. I'm not asking you about Hamas. I'm asking you about Palestinians.)
No human is second class, but I will say the Palestinians are reaping what they have sown. Decades of the U.N., PLO, Fatah, and Hamas drilling hatred of Jews and violence into the minds of their children from inside the womb have created a huge problem for hope of them living any kind of normal life for the foreseeable future.
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Then the logical conclusion is to murder them en masse, and drive those that survive into the desert. Makes perfect sense.
No human is second class, but I will say the Palestinians are reaping what they have sown. Decades of the U.N., PLO, Fatah, and Hamas drilling hatred of Jews and violence into the minds of their children from inside the womb have created a huge problem for hope of them living any kind of normal life for the foreseeable future.

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