Fiorina hype

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Nice fail at critical thought.

This made me laugh out loud from the irony.

Congratulations on being able to use the Algore invented interwebs. I know he invented it, because I found some well written articles espousing such facts.
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This made me laugh out loud from the irony.

Congratulations on being able to use the Algore invented interwebs. I know he invented it, because I found some well written articles espousing such facts.

Ok. Can you find someone that says she did a good job? Some legitimate journalism and not a blog? You know, like USAToday. Or CNBC. Or cbs? Anybody?
It's great to read the intelligent responses to the "ignored" tripe shoveled by the missing "numbers"; cheap entertainment at its finest!:D

This probably a fair assessment. Like my example above, it is impossible to judge how good a tenure is off of a few financial metrics while totally ignoring the macroeconomic factors.

I don't think anyone on the right is saying she is Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but she was able to rise up from the bottom to CEO. You cannot get that far without accomplishments along the way.

That cited fortune magazine article says:

"During Fiorina’s full tenure at HP, the NASDAQ fell just 23%, or half as much as HP’s stock."


"Shares of Dell, on the other hand, were up 11% during Fiorina’s reign at Hewlett-Packard. What’s more, HP’s crown jewel was not its computer business, it was the printer business. Shares of Lexmark, a competitor in that business, rose 29% during Fiorina’s tenure."


Then, they disassemble her boasting performance bullshit (her metrics too, not mine) and it's just. not. true. Any response to that? Are their numbers fictitious, too? Did they plagiarize her quote? So what metric do you use then? Maybe @CBradSmith can conjure up some esoteric, business school logarithm to polish the turd a little?
Fiorina is getting the love because she is very intelligent, thinks well on her feet, and I think most of her answers have made sense. I think she is much more of an insider than what is being portrayed and while I love watching her in a debate I'm afraid her positions will end up being very big business "establishment Republican." Her weak spot is clearly her business track record which is being hotly debated.

It will be interesting to see how things go in the coming weeks. Trump is showing weakness and I think Carson made a major blunder with his comments about a Muslim President. Walker appears to be done.

She's popular in part because Trump plays straight to her fast talking, smart and take charge of it right NOW! personae she cultivates. Trump is her perfect Washington Generals, and he makes her look great because she can just blow his ass up, which 2\3 of the GOP wants. Oh, she could win the entire thing, she's that good at job interviews. These debates are job interviews. She'll also fly the plane right into a cliff, like she did at HP. Trump says she did the same thing at Lucent... who knows?

Just watch - one of her opponents will be smart and let her overrun the play with bitchy fast talking and sharply contrast her with a nuanced, presidential, conservative, slow approach. It won't really matter what he says that much, as long as he's not overtly insane or religious. That leaves Kasich, Rubio, Bush (Just objectively judging, I think he's actually the most likeable of the bunch. I can't believe I said that. He's more like his old man than his dumbass brother.) but the most likely is... Carson. (Lindsey Graham was a very, very good debater on the radio. I've lampooned him on these boards, but if audio only is any judge he's the best debater of the bunch, imo. I listened to 30 minutes of the jv debate while driving. He would change the stage if he was up there in the main debates. He wants war so bad he can't hardly bear it.)

I don't think the republican base gives one single, solitary shit about Carson not wanting a muslim president. They agree. Whereas Carly is the perfect Trump foil, Carson is the perfect foil to Carly. Carson wins the rock paper scissors game if it comes down to those three, imo. The bargain buy right now is Jeb. He'll stick around long enough that he'll be a viable alternative to Carly.

The real treat will be watching Trump and her if and when they debate again. His pride is wounded.
There, there little fella. Some people spend years learning quantitative tools, various analysis methodologies, and the underpinnings upon which good decisions are built, and others of us spend years in school learning to make compelling arguments and framing reality. Keep after it, you're getting closer.
Soooooooo, Carly isn't a career first lady turned carpet bagger senator turned failure as a glad handed Secretary of State. Can she lie like a Clinton? No? Then she's a failure according to the liberal retards.

You have to have accomplished nothing on the backs of others and then lied repeatedly to try to keep any shred of no dignity to get liberal respect. Carly clearly hasn't figured out what makes a woman electable.
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Well for one she was CEO of a ****ing fortune 20 a woman...rose from secretary. Pretty much crushes you and 99% of all Americans.
Worked herself up from a secretary to CEO unlike Hillary who got hired at Rose LF after Bill was elected Arky AG and as a result of his election. Hillary has been dragged around on someone's coattails her entire life.

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