liberal sources, huh? Where have I heard you say that before? Can you remember?
Ps. Don't tattle.
Ps. Don't tattle.
Nice fail at critical thought.
This made me laugh out loud from the irony.
Congratulations on being able to use the Algore invented interwebs. I know he invented it, because I found some well written articles espousing such facts.
This probably a fair assessment. Like my example above, it is impossible to judge how good a tenure is off of a few financial metrics while totally ignoring the macroeconomic factors.
I don't think anyone on the right is saying she is Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but she was able to rise up from the bottom to CEO. You cannot get that far without accomplishments along the way.
Thanks to her husband.Well, by that standard HRC was Secretary of State. That pretty much crushes everyone except maybe like.... 10 people?
Fiorina is getting the love because she is very intelligent, thinks well on her feet, and I think most of her answers have made sense. I think she is much more of an insider than what is being portrayed and while I love watching her in a debate I'm afraid her positions will end up being very big business "establishment Republican." Her weak spot is clearly her business track record which is being hotly debated.
It will be interesting to see how things go in the coming weeks. Trump is showing weakness and I think Carson made a major blunder with his comments about a Muslim President. Walker appears to be done.
Thanks to her husband.
You've got nothing, huh?How are you going to handle it if she's elected POTUS?
Worked herself up from a secretary to CEO unlike Hillary who got hired at Rose LF after Bill was elected Arky AG and as a result of his election. Hillary has been dragged around on someone's coattails her entire life.Well for one she was CEO of a ****ing fortune 20 a woman...rose from secretary. Pretty much crushes you and 99% of all Americans.
You've got nothing, huh?