Huber is disproven? Show me.
You buy into every single false hope that comes down the pike and then you accuse others of doing that. It's basic gaslighting - something else you are guilty of trying and accusing others of doing.
Anyone who's casually read this board over the last 3 years knows exactly how full of shit you are on this topic.
I'll give you this. It takes some balls at least to keep claiming victory less than a week after the resistance's star witness took a big old steaming shit on the last smoldering embers of conspiracy theories his involvement was critical to. Didn't go to Prague. Trump never told him to lie to congress. He knows of no collusion. Boy those facts really piled up didn't they?
Know what else piles up like your "facts?"
And again...
1. You didn't disprove shit. And if you had....
2. The stat you disputed
supported your argument, dork.