Faux News

All this stems from Jane Mayer and her standard setting reporting with the New Yorker.

The Making of the Fox News White House
Fox News has always been partisan. But has it become propaganda?

By Jane Mayer


Sean Hannity recently joined Trump at a rally. Greta Van Susteren, a former Fox host, calls the move an “egregious mistake.”

Illustration by Tyler Comrie; photograph from Getty
In January, during the longest government shutdown in America’s history, President Donald Trump rode in a motorcade through Hidalgo County, Texas, eventually stopping on a grassy bluff overlooking the Rio Grande. The White House wanted to dramatize what Trump was portraying as a national emergency: the need to build a wall along the Mexican border. The presence of armored vehicles, bales of confiscated marijuana, and federal agents in flak jackets underscored the message.

But the photo op dramatized something else about the Administration. After members of the press pool got out of vans and headed over to where the President was about to speak, they noticed that Sean Hannity, the Fox News host, was already on location. Unlike them, he hadn’t been confined by the Secret Service, and was mingling with Administration officials, at one point hugging Kirstjen Nielsen, the Secretary of Homeland Security. The pool report noted that Hannity was seen “huddling” with the White House communications director, Bill Shine. After the photo op, Hannity had an exclusive on-air interview with Trump. Politico later reportedthat it was Hannity’s seventh interview with the President, and Fox’s forty-second. Since then, Trump has given Fox two more. He has granted only ten to the three other main television networks combined, and none to CNN, which he denounces as “fake news.”

Hannity was treated in Texas like a member of the Administration because he virtually is one. The same can be said of Fox’s chairman, Rupert Murdoch. Fox has long been a bane of liberals, but in the past two years many people who watch the network closely, including some Fox alumni, say that it has evolved into something that hasn’t existed before in the United States. Nicole Hemmer, an assistant professor of Presidential studies at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center and the author of “Messengers of the Right,” a history of the conservative media’s impact on American politics, says of Fox, “It’s the closest we’ve come to having state TV.”

Hemmer argues that Fox—which, as the most watched cable news network, generates about $2.7 billion a year for its parent company, 21st Century Fox—acts as a force multiplier for Trump, solidifying his hold over the Republican Party and intensifying his support. “Fox is not just taking the temperature of the base—it’s raising the temperature,” she says. “It’s a radicalization model.” For both Trump and Fox, “fear is a business strategy—it keeps people watching.” As the President has been beset by scandals, congressional hearings, and even talk of impeachment, Fox has been both his shield and his sword. The White House and Fox interact so seamlessly that it can be hard to determine, during a particular news cycle, which one is following the other’s lead. All day long, Trump retweets claims made on the network; his press secretary, Sarah Sanders, has largely stopped holding press conferences, but she has made some thirty appearances on such shows as “Fox & Friends” and “Hannity.” Trump, Hemmer says, has “almost become a programmer.”

Rest of story at above link
Trump ordered this to specifically hurt CNN.

Trump directed Gary Cohn to pressure DOJ to block AT&T-Time Warner deal: report
President Trump reportedly directed his former economic adviser, Gary Cohn, to pressure the Justice Department to block the AT&T-Time Warner merger, according to a report in The New Yorker.

In an explosive new investigation into the relationship between the Trump White House and Fox News, the magazine reported new details that contradict the administration’s assurances that Trump had no role in the Justice Department’s lawsuit trying to stop the merger.

Citing an unidentified “well-informed source,” The New Yorker reported that in summer 2017, months before the Justice Department filed its antitrust lawsuit, Trump called Cohn and then-chief of staff John Kelly into the Oval Office and told them that he wanted to “make sure” the Justice Department’s lawsuit seeking to block the merger was filed.

“I’ve been telling Cohn to get this lawsuit filed and nothing’s happened!” Trump told Kelly, according to the report. “I’ve mentioned it 50 times. And nothing’s happened. I want to make sure it’s filed. I want that deal blocked!”

Trump repeatedly criticized the $85 billion deal on the campaign trail and as president, vowing to block the merger and saying that it was “not good for the country.”

But, according to The New Yorker, many saw Trump’s opposition to the deal as motivated by his disdain for CNN, which is owned by Time Warner. But the Justice Department has insisted that the president’s unhappiness with CNN, which he often targets in tweets and at rallies as “fake news,” did not influence the case.

After Trump’s direction in the 2017 meeting, The New Yorker reported, Cohn refused to follow the instruction, knowing that it would be “highly improper” for Trump to involve himself in stopping the merger.

“Don’t you f---ing dare call the Justice Department,” he reportedly told Kelly. “We are not going to do business that way.”

A spokesperson for Cohn declined to comment to The New Yorker, and Kelly did not respond to request for comment.

A former White House official who was not named in the report told The New Yorker that Trump often “vented” in “frustration” about the AT&T-Time Warner deal and his desire to block it.

“The President does not understand the nuances of antitrust law or policy,” the former official said. “But he wanted to bring down the hammer.”

A federal judge ruled against the Justice Department last June, allowing the merger to go forward. The Trump administration appealed the decision, but a federal appeals court last month upheld the lower court’s decision.

The anecdote about Trump's instruction to Cohn appears in The New Yorker’s report as an example of how the Trump administration’s actions have been “pro-Fox.”

The New Yorker reported that Trump’s effort to have Cohn push to block the AT&T-Time Warner merger, in addition to the administration’s approval of the Disney-Fox merger and opposition to the Sinclair-Tribune merger, would all have benefitted the Murdoch family and Fox News.

The Hill has reached out to 21st Century Fox and the Department of Justice for comment.
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Continue to ignore your eyes and ears as the party tells you.

This is rich coming from you, but regardless, I actually do pay attention. I also watch precedent. I also think for myself rather than being some anon cut-n-paster.

So answer this: What were your thoughts on Donna Brazile, who worked for CNN and the DNC at the time, giving campaign questions to Hillary? This is a known fact. Did you downplay it? Did you criticize both parties? What were your thoughts? Because you are regurgitating that same attack vector that libs completely downplayed 2 years ago.

2nd: You assume I like FoxNews? I've stated many times its a partisan news source. Just like CNN and MSNBC. The only difference is that its on the opposite side. But these stories are interesting. Fox today is Trump's biggest ally and the references to Hannity basically being a cabinet member isn't wrong. But that's today (post election). You are referring to early candidate Trump, in which I remember Fox being much more aligned to the 'not Trump' side of the Republican Party than this story implies. Remember, unlike the DNC which had selected Hillary as its candidate in 2013 to be the successor to Obama (hence the SOS posting), Trump was the RNC outsider. Fox strongly supported Kasich, Rubio and Jeb in its articles, and Trump was considered fodder. Your story states that Trump received questions to the first debate. That debate had 11 people on stage (plus 6 in an earlier minor candidate debate) of which Trump was the least liked and considered the least likely to win. I find it strange that Ailes supposedly sided with Trump at that point vs. all the readily available and well-connected true conservative republicans who were still in the running. And that's not Trump protectionism. That's simply applying a little common sense.

Finally, as for your other articles, and unfortunately with too many of these news reports, its all hearsay. "According to reports"; "Citing an unidentified “well-informed source,”". Both of those sentences were uttered in the last report of Trump's supposed resistance to the ATT-TW merger. Not a single 'on record' quote of any type. And zero corroborating evidence. As such, its just another 'cry wolf' story.
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This is rich coming from you, but regardless, I actually do pay attention. I also watch precedent. I also think for myself rather than being some anon cut-n-paster.

So answer this: What were your thoughts on Donna Brazile, who worked for CNN and the DNC at the time, giving campaign questions to Hillary? This is a known fact. Did you downplay it? Did you criticize both parties? What were your thoughts? Because you are regurgitating that same attack vector that libs completely downplayed 2 years ago.

2nd: You assume I like FoxNews? I've stated many times its a partisan news source. Just like CNN and MSNBC. The only difference is that its on the opposite side. But these stories are interesting. Fox today is Trump's biggest ally and the references to Hannity basically being a cabinet member isn't wrong. But that's today (post election). You are referring to early candidate Trump, in which I remember Fox being much more aligned to the 'not Trump' side of the Republican Party than this story implies. Remember, unlike the DNC which had selected Hillary as its candidate in 2013 to be the successor to Obama (hence the SOS posting), Trump was the RNC outsider. Fox strongly supported Kasich, Rubio and Jeb in its articles, and Trump was considered fodder. Your story states that Trump received questions to the first debate. That debate had 11 people on stage (plus 6 in an earlier minor candidate debate) of which Trump was the least liked and considered the least likely to win. I find it strange that Ailes supposedly sided with Trump at that point vs. all the readily available and well-connected true conservative republicans who were still in the running. And that's not Trump protectionism. That's simply applying a little common sense.

Finally, as for your other articles, and unfortunately with too many of these news reports, its all hearsay. "According to reports"; "Citing an unidentified “well-informed source,”". Both of those sentences were uttered in the last report of Trump's supposed resistance to the ATT-TW merger. Not a single 'on record' quote of any type. And zero corroborating evidence. As such, its just another 'cry wolf' story.
So close.
So close.

That's all you got? So you can do emojis, twitter cut-n-pastes, and 2 word sentences? And you claim I need to open my eyes and ears.

What's sad, is if your position was actually your own thoughts, you'd gladly debate my last post. The fact you refuse to (or can't), just shows who here actually thinks for himself and who needs to find his position from someone else's Twitter feed.
That's all you got? So you can do emojis, twitter cut-n-pastes, and 2 word sentences? And you claim I need to open my eyes and ears.

What's sad, is if your position was actually your own thoughts, you'd gladly debate my last post. The fact you refuse to (or can't), just shows who here actually thinks for himself and who needs to find his position from someone else's Twitter feed.
Totally ;) I’m sure its not that I find replying at length to you and most others on this board to be a waste of time. Definetly not :cool:
Totally ;) I’m sure its not that I find replying at length to you and most others on this board to be a waste of time. Definetly not :cool:

And that's the difference. I like doing the repliess because it helps me understand my position and ensure I believe it. When you write it out, you can clearly see the stuff that doesn't make any sense, doesn't pass the sniff test, etc. To me its the difference between thinking for ones-self, and being an anon, Twitter regurgitater. In essence, my posts reflect my position alone, and your's actually reflect someone else's.
And that's the difference. I like doing the repliess because it helps me understand my position and ensure I believe it. When you write it out, you can clearly see the stuff that doesn't make any sense, doesn't pass the sniff test, etc. To me its the difference between thinking for ones-self, and being an anon, Twitter regurgitater. In essence, my posts reflect my position alone, and your's actually reflect someone else's.
As I have said before, I am not the arbiter of truth and fact, I know my limits. I rely on experts and well respected reporting to inform me and allow me to make my decisions when I feel fully learned on a set of given facts or truths. The difference between you and I, is critical thinking. I post information and then watch the reactions and comment on the comments. I rarely give my opinions because I know how my own breath smells.
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And that's the difference. I like doing the repliess because it helps me understand my position and ensure I believe it. When you write it out, you can clearly see the stuff that doesn't make any sense, doesn't pass the sniff test, etc. To me its the difference between thinking for ones-self, and being an anon, Twitter regurgitater. In essence, my posts reflect my position alone, and your's actually reflect someone else's.

I believe the reason you're not getting the interaction you want is because:

1. You, not pokeabear, is lacking in intellectual honesty. Your first response is nothing more than whataboutism. And not very good whataboutism. As if these allegations have something to do with Hillary Clinton. That approach lacks merit and establishes you as a zombie that is pointless to engage.

2. What points is he supposed to make? The Fourth Estate covering up for their pet candidate is bad? Biff shouldn't interfere with antitrust decisions to punish his enemies?
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As I have said before, I am not the arbiter of truth and fact, I know my limits. I rely on experts and well respected reporting to inform me and allow me to make my decisions when I feel fully learned on a set of given facts or truths. The difference between you and I, is critical thinking. I post information and then watch the reactions and comment on the comments. I rarely give my opinions because I know how my own breath smells.

In other words, you regurgitate but don't think (or at least share your thoughts). I'm the opposite. I just think and reach my own conclusions and don't rely on biased media outlets to tell me what my opinions should be.
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In other words, you regurgitate but don't think (or at least share your thoughts). I'm the opposite. I just think and reach my own conclusions and don't rely on biased media outlets to tell me what my opinions should be.
Glad to have your confession son.
I believe the reason you're not getting the interaction you want is because:

1. You, not pokeabear, is lacking in intellectual honesty. Your first response is nothing more than whataboutism. And not very good whataboutism. As if these allegations have something to do with Hillary Clinton. That approach lacks merit and establishes you as a zombie that is pointless to engage.

2. What points is he supposed to make? The Fourth Estate covering up for their pet candidate is bad? Biff shouldn't interfere with antitrust decisions to punish his enemies?
You have the patience of Job my friend, bless you.
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You have the patience of Job my friend, bless you.

I wish. It goes in cycles. I was patient 2 - 3 weeks ago and megaprocessed Mega and in return got the usual squirt of ink in the water. The entertaining part is watching them move on when you actually dig in, get factual, and call out their bullshit lies.
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I believe the reason you're not getting the interaction you want is because:

1. You, not pokeabear, is lacking in intellectual honesty. Your first response is nothing more than whataboutism. And not very good whataboutism. As if these allegations have something to do with Hillary Clinton. That approach lacks merit and establishes you as a zombie that is pointless to engage.

2. What points is he supposed to make? The Fourth Estate covering up for their pet candidate is bad? Biff shouldn't interfere with antitrust decisions to punish his enemies?

1: I am? I only asked a question: What was his position about Clinton receiving debate questions? My post highlights that precedent matters to me. If we didn't care (as society) that Clinton got the debate questions then precedent says I shouldn't care that Trump did. That's as intellectually an honest position possible.

2: There's actually 2 points here: First, I questioned the reporting that Fox favored Trump that early in the campaign. I don't recall it. In fact, a number of Fox personalities, stories, etc.. were part of the 'never Trump' movement. I don't question that Fox is Republican, or that its the president's current pet media. That's a fact, and I don't debate it. I'm questioning the timeline being reported given what I saw with my own eyes. Second, as for the anti-trust claims against Trump, its all hearsay. Unnamed sources and zero collaborating evidence associated to every negative story for 2+ years simply gets old. Its literally the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" fable being rehashed ad nausea. I'd be more inclined to believe it if it wasn't the hundredth such story, a vast number of which get debunked. This is where the constant "Orange Man Bad" media howling actually does a disservice.
1: I am? I only asked a question: What was his position about Clinton receiving debate questions? My post highlights that precedent matters to me. If we didn't care (as society) that Clinton got the debate questions then precedent says I shouldn't care that Trump did. That's as intellectually an honest position possible.

2: There's actually 2 points here: First, I questioned the reporting that Fox favored Trump that early in the campaign. I don't recall it. In fact, a number of Fox personalities, stories, etc.. were part of the 'never Trump' movement. I don't question that Fox is Republican, or that its the president's current pet media. That's a fact, and I don't debate it. I'm questioning the timeline being reported given what I saw with my own eyes. Second, as for the anti-trust claims against Trump, its all hearsay. Unnamed sources and zero collaborating evidence associated to every negative story for 2+ years simply gets old. Its literally the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" fable being rehashed ad nausea. I'd be more inclined to believe it if it wasn't the hundredth such story, a vast number of which get debunked. This is where the constant "Orange Man Bad" media howling actually does a disservice.

You're a caricature. You don't care because Donna Brazille gave Hillary answers. You don't believe the reporting about FOX burying the Cohen/Daniels story because the WaPo that lacks credibility with you, not Trump. On top of that, frustrated with all the negative BIff reporting, so just don't believe it.

LOL thanks for the insight. I can predict and write your apologia with my eyes closed. You're the same as all the other MAGA zombies -- just employ whatever logic is necessary to stay on message.

@Pokeabear did you see the interview with Jim Ohio dipshit congressman on Sunday? The one that went crazy on Cohen in the hearing? He simply could. not. answer. the . question. about why Biff has so many felons about him. Kept defaulting to whataboutism instead of the parade of felons.
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You're a caricature. You don't care because Donna Brazille gave Hillary answers. You don't believe the reporting about FOX burying the Cohen/Daniels story because the WaPo that lacks credibility with you, not Trump. On top of that, frustrated with all the negative BIff reporting, so just don't believe it.

LOL thanks for the insight. I can predict and write your apologia with my eyes closed. You're the same as all the other MAGA zombies -- just employ whatever logic is necessary to stay on message.

@Pokeabear did you see the interview with Jim Ohio dipshit congressman on Sunday? The one that went crazy on Cohen in the hearing? He simply could. not. answer. the . question. about why Biff has so many felons about him. Kept defaulting to whataboutism instead of the parade of felons.
Even in the Cohen hearing they only attacked the messenger, not the message. The reason no one was defending trump was because it was indefensible. Just like the Kushner security clearance and if you dont believe me MAGAt’s ask trump ally Chris Christie .
Even in the Cohen hearing they only attacked the messenger, not the message. The reason no one was defending trump was because it was indefensible. Just like the Kushner security clearance and if you dont believe me MAGAt’s ask trump ally Chris Christie .

It is stunning how they can be led to focus on anything -- everything -- else but the facts in their face.
It is stunning how they can be led to focus on anything -- everything -- else but the facts in their face.

Weekly you two trolls drop the latest from the resistance propogabda and then walk away from it whe it amounts to nothing. And then accuse us of being brainwashed.

No bigger consumers of conspiracy theory than you two nitwits. I beg of you, don’t change.
Weekly you two trolls drop the latest from the resistance propogabda and then walk away from it whe it amounts to nothing. And then accuse us of being brainwashed.

No bigger consumers of conspiracy theory than you two nitwits. I beg of you, don’t change.

Here's one of your former conspiracy theories now reaching full blossom.

Jerome Corsi, InfoWars Retract and Apologize for Spreading Seth Rich DNC Murder Conspiracy Theory

What do you change the topic to now? The deceptive illegal immigrant homicide rate in Texas you circulated and was disproven? Maybe a rumor that somebody poisoned Biff?
Weekly you two trolls drop the latest from the resistance propogabda and then walk away from it whe it amounts to nothing. And then accuse us of being brainwashed.

No bigger consumers of conspiracy theory than you two nitwits. I beg of you, don’t change.
I habe always thought this. There is a purpose behind most of them. Some are purposely throwaway.

Question - I’m agnostic about Q, but why is this twitter ghost writing considered likely but the idea of the same people playing to the 4chan crowd with this Q character considered to be an insane conspiracy theory?
You're a caricature. You don't care because Donna Brazille gave Hillary answers. You don't believe the reporting about FOX burying the Cohen/Daniels story because the WaPo that lacks credibility with you, not Trump. On top of that, frustrated with all the negative BIff reporting, so just don't believe it.

Actually I don't care about Fox burying the Daniels story because I don't care about the Daniels story. I didn't care about the Edwards affair story. I didn't care about the Clinton affair story. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I do care about the anti-trust story. I just ask that there be one shred of evidence beyond an unnamed source (who is probably the perjured Cohen). Wapo has shown it has an agenda (just like Fox) and as such their reporting is not above reproach.
Here's one of your former conspiracy theories now reaching full blossom.

Jerome Corsi, InfoWars Retract and Apologize for Spreading Seth Rich DNC Murder Conspiracy Theory

What do you change the topic to now? The deceptive illegal immigrant homicide rate in Texas you circulated and was disproven? Maybe a rumor that somebody poisoned Biff?

You can name one, which still is far from disproven.

You bring some bullshit here every single week and it never pans out. You really don’t want to keep score here bud.
Actually I don't care about Fox burying the Daniels story because I don't care about the Daniels story. I didn't care about the Edwards affair story. I didn't care about the Clinton affair story. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I do care about the anti-trust story. I just ask that there be one shred of evidence beyond an unnamed source (who is probably the perjured Cohen). Wapo has shown it has an agenda (just like Fox) and as such their reporting is not above reproach.

Right? I can see it coming. Next, nobody really cares if he DID do any of that stuff because (fill in the blank why you never really cared.)

You bring some bullshit here every single week and it never pans out. You really don’t want to keep score here bud.

Say it louder, maybe it'll make it true. Yeah.... the scoreboard had to be reset because so many of your silly conspiracies have been disproven.

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