Fauci is a fraud

The problem with Fauci is that he has 1 job. He has to be a trusted medical advisor for the country. Unfortunately, rightly or wrongly, he lacks the trust of about half the country, and for that reason alone he should be replaced. He's not supposed to be a political individual, yet, he's become one. And as such, is no longer fit for the job he currently has.

your assessment is far to generous

fauci thru the nih was funding gain of function research that created this mess
your assessment is far to generous

fauci thru the nih was funding gain of function research that created this mess
I've referenced that in the past. Its also ironic that the only solution to the problem in front of us (Covid) is the MRNA research that Fauci led years ago in his AIDS fighting days. Its decisions like this that run the risk of creating an image that Fauci NEEDS to be the hero, rather than pushing what may be the best solution. At a minimum, it hurts his credibility when arguing against alternative treatments. He lacks impartiality towards the solution needed and that's NOT a good thing.

Edit: I'll phrase this in a way even libs can understand. If the CEO of Devon said the answer to global warming is more natural gas, libs would be outraged and state, "of course a Natural gas executive would say that". Yet, we happily lap up the MRNA solution as the Covid answer when sold to us by the MRNA guy.
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I've referenced that in the past. Its also ironic that the only solution to the problem in front of us (Covid) is the MRNA research that Fauci led years ago in his AIDS fighting days. Its decisions like this that run the risk of creating an image that Fauci NEEDS to be the hero, rather than pushing what may be the best solution. At a minimum, it hurts his credibility when arguing against alternative treatments. He lacks impartiality towards the solution needed and that's NOT a good thing.

not trying to pick a fight here

but again far too generous with mrna

the “alternative” treatments are only such because fauci pushes politicaly acceptable treatments

the result of which has cost millions of lives

that’s mass murder my friend
India has a traditional vax waiting approval here and it already has done the trials on adolescents. It was submitted on nov 5th 2021. It is the only vax allowable in India for youth.

Its funny how Pfizer gets approval quickly on everything it does.

Fauci when asked about more vaxxes said we have all we need.

We have one that serves multiple age groups and it is the mRNA/Pfizer which is distrusted by many due to its novelty and no long term data on safety.
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India has a traditional vax waiting approval here and it already has done the trials on adolescents. It was submitted on nov 5th 2021. It is the only vax allowable in India for youth.

Its funny how Pfizer gets approval quickly on everything it does.

Fauci when asked about more vaxxes said we have all we need.

We have one that serves multiple age groups and it is the mRNA/Pfizer which is distrusted by many due to its novelty and no long term data on safety.
India is the example of why I support Ivermectin. India was in the nightly news for their cases and the thousands who were dying. They suddenly start using Ivermectin as a majority treatment and suddenly India looks just like everyone else. And they don't have the hospital capacity, technology disbursement, or financial backing of the US. I've been to Chennai (multiple times) and I've seen the difference in living conditions between their poor and middle class vs. ours. You don't have hand-sanitizer at ever doorway. Heck, you're lucky if you have clean water in some buildings. Yet, their Covid death rate is a fraction of ours (300/m in India vs. 2600/m in the US - data per wikipedia).

The fact is the US is the wealthiest and most technologically advanced country on earth, was the first to have a vaccine, and has over 75% of its populace with at least one vaccine shot, yet still has one of the highest death rates for Covid internationally. As such, one or more of the following statements MUST be true:

1) The US has SIGNFICANTLY over reported (or over attributed) their COVID deaths.

2) The rest of the world has significantly under-reported or under attributed their deaths to Covid.

3) The response towards treating Covid by the American medical community and our federal government has been completely wrong and led to greater losses of American lives vs. how other countries responded.

I personally think its a mixture of all 3, but number 3 is a complete indictment of Fauci and the NIH, and he should be fired, not celebrated, for it.
India is the example of why I support Ivermectin. India was in the nightly news for their cases and the thousands who were dying. They suddenly start using Ivermectin as a majority treatment and suddenly India looks just like everyone else. And they don't have the hospital capacity, technology disbursement, or financial backing of the US. I've been to Chennai (multiple times) and I've seen the difference in living conditions between their poor and middle class vs. ours. You don't have hand-sanitizer at ever doorway. Heck, you're lucky if you have clean water in some buildings. Yet, their Covid death rate is a fraction of ours (300/m in India vs. 2600/m in the US - data per wikipedia).

The fact is the US is the wealthiest and most technologically advanced country on earth, was the first to have a vaccine, and has over 75% of its populace with at least one vaccine shot, yet still has one of the highest death rates for Covid internationally. As such, one or more of the following statements MUST be true:

1) The US has SIGNFICANTLY over reported (or over attributed) their COVID deaths.

2) The rest of the world has significantly under-reported or under attributed their deaths to Covid.

3) The response towards treating Covid by the American medical community and our federal government has been completely wrong and led to greater losses of American lives vs. how other countries responded.

I personally think its a mixture of all 3, but number 3 is a complete indictment of Fauci and the NIH, and he should be fired, not celebrated, for it.
Can Fauci profit personally from Ivermectin?
Can Fauci profit personally from Ivermectin?
I would love for someone in the media to ask Fauci if he owns or has owned shares of Moderna or Pfizer over the past 24 months. I suspect he has (only because of the way he bristled at the question from Rand about whether his holding should be public). Again, given his role in influencing policy and access to insider information in regards to the medical industry, I'd question why his potential influences aren't public record. Jim Cramer can't mention a stock without stating that he does or does not own a position in it, yet the guy who drives our entire national medical messaging doesn't have to make the same disclosure?
The problem with Fauci is that he has 1 job. He has to be a trusted medical advisor for the country. Unfortunately, rightly or wrongly, he lacks the trust of about half the country, and for that reason alone he should be replaced. He's not supposed to be a political individual, yet, he's become one. And as such, is no longer fit for the job he currently has.
The problem with this is that in our current political climate, any medical advisor is going to be attacked by the side who doesn't like what he is saying. Right now, Republicans don't like Dr. Fauci, so thay attack and belittle him. Tomorrow, it could be a doctor who Democrats don't like, and they will attack him. Therefore, any medical advisor will eventually have half the country like him and half the country not like him.

This is what the two political parties do. They divide us on everything!

Apparently, Biden trusts Fauci, so to Biden, he is a trusted medical advisor. If a Republican is elected President in 2024, he will get a new trusted medical advisor. And the game will continue.
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The problem with this is that in our current political climate, any medical advisor is going to be attacked by the side who doesn't like what he is saying. Right now, Republicans don't like Dr. Fauci, so thay attack and belittle him. Tomorrow, it could be a doctor who Democrats don't like, and they will attack him. Therefore, any medical advisor will eventually have half the country like him and half the country not like him.

This is what the two political parties do. They divide us on everything!

Apparently, Biden trusts Fauci, so to Biden, he is a trusted medical advisor. If a Republican is elected President in 2024, he will get a new trusted medical advisor. And the game will continue.
This has been discussed previously but I know you’re new.

There are plenty of liberals who don’t like Fauci as more and more of the documentation of his dishonesty has come to light.
This has been discussed previously but I know you’re new.

There are plenty of liberals who don’t like Fauci as more and more of the documentation of his dishonesty has come to light.
I'm sure there are liberals who don't like Dr. Fauci but the vast majority of attacks against him come from Republicans. They really don't like him and therefore they play their partisan game.

I personally have nothing against Dr. Fauci. He seems like an intelligent man to me who is trying to do his best in a bad situation. He has been around for a while. I'm old enough to remember the first Bush praising him. A top Republican praising Dr. Fauci. My how times have changed.
I'm sure there are liberals who don't like Dr. Fauci but the vast majority of attacks against him come from Republicans. They really don't like him and therefore they play their partisan game.

I personally have nothing against Dr. Fauci. He seems like an intelligent man to me who is trying to do his best in a bad situation. He has been around for a while. I'm old enough to remember the first Bush praising him. A top Republican praising Dr. Fauci. My how times have changed.
Are you really that far behind on the facts?

The problem with this is that in our current political climate, any medical advisor is going to be attacked by the side who doesn't like what he is saying. Right now, Republicans don't like Dr. Fauci, so thay attack and belittle him. Tomorrow, it could be a doctor who Democrats don't like, and they will attack him. Therefore, any medical advisor will eventually have half the country like him and half the country not like him.

This is what the two political parties do. They divide us on everything!

Apparently, Biden trusts Fauci, so to Biden, he is a trusted medical advisor. If a Republican is elected President in 2024, he will get a new trusted medical advisor. And the game will continue.
No the dividing on this issue is mass murderer Fauci and the left covering for him- ain't no touchy feely kumb ba ya where everyone plays nice- this dude withheld early treatments and mandated protocol of
Kidney failure drug Remdesivir- not the first time he mass murdered see AZT testing on orphans- dude a total scum sociopath
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Are you really that far behind on the facts?

A lot of "mights" "maybes" "theories" in what you cited. Sounds like a bunch of scientists doing what they do, arguing over theories and possibilities while trying to arrive at the truth. And a bunch of commentators angling on how to use those mights to push a narrative.

I see nothing there that makes me change my view on Dr. Fauci. He is doing his job and he seems to be a whole lot smarter than I am on this issue, as are all the other scientists studying this.
A lot of "mights" "maybes" "theories" in what you cited. Sounds like a bunch of scientists doing what they do, arguing over theories and possibilities while trying to arrive at the truth. And a bunch of commentators angling on how to use those mights to push a narrative.

I see nothing there that makes me change my view on Dr. Fauci. He is doing his job and he seems to be a whole lot smarter than I am on this issue, as are all the other scientists studying this.
Lol that’s two quick ones. There’s plenty more documentation on him. And if you weren’t aware of that then the answer is yes you’re pretty behind. I’d suggest catching up.

Lol that’s two quick ones. There’s plenty more documentation on him. And if you weren’t aware of that then the answer is yes you’re pretty behind. I’d suggest catching up.

Sounds like more of the same to me.

I am aware of the political attacks leveled at Dr. Fauci. I just see them for what they are, political attacks. Following a narrative. I think Dr. Fauci is competent in his field and very confident in himself. This rubs people the wrong way, especially if they are locked into a narrative. Sorry I don't share your disdain for Dr. Fauci.
Sounds like more of the same to me.

I am aware of the political attacks leveled at Dr. Fauci. I just see them for what they are, political attacks. Following a narrative. I think Dr. Fauci is competent in his field and very confident in himself. This rubs people the wrong way, especially if they are locked into a narrative. Sorry I don't share your disdain for Dr. Fauci.
Wow a mass murderer and you take up for him- all the families that had loved ones die due to this scumbag would not view you very favorable
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Sounds like more of the same to me.

I am aware of the political attacks leveled at Dr. Fauci. I just see them for what they are, political attacks. Following a narrative. I think Dr. Fauci is competent in his field and very confident in himself. This rubs people the wrong way, especially if they are locked into a narrative. Sorry I don't share your disdain for Dr. Fauci.
Lolol whatever man. You’ve been provided concrete non-political sourcing for documentation of his actions. Sourcing from center, left center and left.

Either continue with your own research to correct your ignorance or continue to be obtuse. Choice is yours.
Lolol whatever man. You’ve been provided concrete non-political sourcing for documentation of his actions. Sourcing from center, left center and left.

Either continue with your own research to correct your ignorance or continue to be obtuse. Choice is yours.

He won't embrace your craziness, so you get mad and attack him, huh? Just you doing you, as usual.

Share another video from Rising and Rising Deuce. Maybe you can convince him with the next one. You believe everything they tell you on those shows, he obviously should be able to as well!🤣

He won't embrace your craziness, so you get mad and attack him, huh? Just you doing you, as usual.

Share another video from Rising and Rising Deuce. Maybe you can convince him with the next one. You believe everything they tell you on those shows, he obviously should be able to as well!🤣
There he is again 🤣
Wow a mass murderer and you take up for him- all the families that had loved ones die due to this scumbag would not view you very favorable
Has he shown up yet? You still camped out waiting?

How long you willing to wait??

I can't understand how anyone can support of defend Fauci, he has been caught bald facing lying to the American people and to Congress numerous times. Of course, you will have some that will redefine definitions in an attempt to defend Fauci but nothing overcomes the fact Fauci purposely mislead the public and Congress.

Oh, and Trump could have fired Fauci. It would have been a long process but one I think misconduct could have been easily proven and justified his firing.
India is the example of why I support Ivermectin. India was in the nightly news for their cases and the thousands who were dying. They suddenly start using Ivermectin as a majority treatment and suddenly India looks just like everyone else. And they don't have the hospital capacity, technology disbursement, or financial backing of the US. I've been to Chennai (multiple times) and I've seen the difference in living conditions between their poor and middle class vs. ours. You don't have hand-sanitizer at ever doorway. Heck, you're lucky if you have clean water in some buildings. Yet, their Covid death rate is a fraction of ours (300/m in India vs. 2600/m in the US - data per wikipedia).

The fact is the US is the wealthiest and most technologically advanced country on earth, was the first to have a vaccine, and has over 75% of its populace with at least one vaccine shot, yet still has one of the highest death rates for Covid internationally. As such, one or more of the following statements MUST be true:

1) The US has SIGNFICANTLY over reported (or over attributed) their COVID deaths.

2) The rest of the world has significantly under-reported or under attributed their deaths to Covid.

3) The response towards treating Covid by the American medical community and our federal government has been completely wrong and led to greater losses of American lives vs. how other countries responded.

I personally think its a mixture of all 3, but number 3 is a complete indictment of Fauci and the NIH, and he should be fired, not celebrated, for it.
Great summary.
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