The Harding and Hayes match was interesting to say the least. The beginning of the match was one sided but Harding made it an entertaining match. Their first match was totally one sided by Hayes. At the beginning of their 2nd match, I thought it was going to be the same but that wasn't the case.
I think asking about Kaid isn't unfair. We all know that some HS wrestlers can compete against college rosters. It may not be a fair question to ask if only inquiring about Kaid against the 125# AA but against the rest of the roster seems fair to me. Wrestling is a tough sport physically and mentally. Your comment about if wrestlers read this forum, it might be detrimental to their progress seems like a reach. The reason I say that is lets say that any HS wrestler is competing well against the other 125# in the room, wouldn't that be a mental hurdle for them then reading a comment? I will give you that reading it would probably sting too but getting beat by a HS wrestler is probably worse mentally. Not mentioning Miller was a slip on my part.
That's the good thing about this forum, most of the comments aren't out to discredit anyone, just conversations, speculation and opinions about a sport that we all enjoy.