Explain this Assholes

And it's working. Media has told us for 8 years that Trump is a liar, asshole and horrible person that deserves all of this. And sadly, many believe. Even on 'our' side.

That's why when they steal another one in 6 weeks, certain pubs here will lament that Trump lost not cause it was stolen from him. Instead, they will lament that Trump could have easily won IF HE WASNT SUCH AN ASSHOLE!

So because some people don't believe their lyin' eyes and need the media and Google tell them how to think, we will have another 4 years of hell to deal with from the Dems.

But at least that asshole Trump won't win. Big picture, guys.
And it's working. Media has told us for 8 years that Trump is a liar, asshole and horrible person that deserves all of this. And sadly, many believe. Even on 'our' side.

That's why when they steal another one in 6 weeks, certain pubs here will lament that Trump lost not cause it was stolen from him. Instead, they will lament that Trump could have easily won IF HE WASNT SUCH AN ASSHOLE!

So because some people don't believe their lyin' eyes and need the media and Google tell them how to think, we will have another 4 years of hell to deal with from the Dems.

But at least that asshole Trump won't win. Big picture, guys.
If I understand you correctly you think if Trump loses the election it will be because the Democrats stole the election from you ... again. Others will say it was because he was so caustic, but you will know better, it will be stolen pure and simple. Personally I don't think it will be for either of those reasons. The Republicans knew Trump is very unpopular with people that don't deify him the way you do; they knew if they nominated him it would be a dogfight to the very end, that other candidates would win in a sweep, but they stubbornly picked him anyway. And now people like you will insist he lost, if he loses (I still think he'll win; I sure hope he beats that idiot he's running against) because RINO's think he's an a-hole (which he is, but that is of no consequence).
Reading this thread… I’m not certain if some things should be blue-fonts. Very confusing. Or I am becoming senile.
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Welcome to the club @DCandtheUTBand I don't think I've ever seen you in a thread before.
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